Monday, March 10, 2025

A Day In The Life

 Share Our Lives 2025 is a monthly link-up to share aspects of our daily lives with each other. This month we've been asked to share what our usual day looks like. 

Wow, an average day. Part of me wants to start out by saying that you all are about to find out how boring and unproductive a life I lead. Then again, if I lay out exactly how lazy and unmotivated I am most days, it might motivate me to do better? After all, I chose my WOTY to remind me that I need to actually practice all the good habits I want to develop, and practice the way I want to perform in life, so this may serve as a little checkup for me. (Also, I just did my February Goals summary a few days ago, so I had a recent look back at how my WOTY efforts were working out. See that here: WOTY and Goals - February Follow-up)

So . . . weekdays generally look like this:

6:30am - Rise and shine! At least rise. It takes me a little while before I shine. Hubby and I get up around the same time and get ready for work. After I get dressed and wash my face, I put together our lunches, pour coffees and all of that in time for him to leave at 7.  Then I finish getting ready, while listening to my morning devotional podcast, then usually have time to sip a small cup of coffee and spend a few minutes at the computer, perhaps hitting publish on a prepared blog post and linking up (like this one), or reading a few emails. (This is also why it usually takes me at least a full day before I visit others in a link party)

7:45am - This is roughly when I'm out the door for my commute to work. No later than this if roads are bad or if I have to get gas, but I can leave as late as 8 and still make it on time. (That's what I tell myself but it's overly optimistic) My morning commute soundtrack is the RadioU morning show.

8:30-5pm - These are my regular workday hours, with a half hour lunch break. I won't bore you with my entire workday routine, but generally I start the day going through emails and doing follow-up tasks. Mid-morning I go for my little walk through the building - up to the front sales desk to pick up the previous day's invoices and any payments, and next door to the dispatch office to pick up all the previous day's manifests. Then I spend the next few hours reconciling all the invoices and closing the manifests, and preparing all the deposits. After that's done, I spend the remainder of the day doing any other receivables, the payables, and any other tasks. The whole day is punctuated by answering phone calls, which are almost all payments being called in or customer requests for invoice copies and that sort of thing. I listen to a bit more RadioU on my phone the first part of the day, and podcasts on Rumble and Spotify the rest of the day, hitting pause or mute whenever the phone rings.

Those uneven boxes on the wall drive me crazy,
I just haven't made the effort to take them down.

5-6pm - The drive home almost always takes longer than the drive to work, and although quitting time is 5, it's usually fifteen minutes later by the time I'm pulling out of the parking lot. While driving home I often play the recording from the most recent chorus rehearsal and do a little rehearsing as I drive. Or I listen to a podcast, or occasionally I talk with a friend. I do have a standing phone call date with one of my best friends every week, though we've had to be very flexible about that the last few months. If I have to stop at the grocery store or gas station on the way home, that will obviously add time to the commute.

6-7pm - Depending on the day and what time I get home, we usually eat dinner between 6:30 and 7pm. I try to have the menu planned and have meals that are quick to prepare, and sometimes hubby will get dinner started if he's home before me and we know what we're having. Mondays are leftover nights, as I need to get out the door quickly for chorus rehearsal. Wednesdays we eat dinner at church.

Monday evenings - It's chorus rehearsal night, which means grabbing a quick snack and getting right back out the door shortly after getting home from work. I get home around 10:30 or 11 so I might have a light snack and maybe spend a little time on the computer before my bedtime routine.

Wednesday evenings - I get home from work and do a really quick refresh and we get out the door to church as quickly as possible. It's Dinner+Discipleship night which means dinner at church followed by our Bible study. We're usually home by 8:30 and have our evening coffee and relax before bedtime routine.

Other evenings - As I said, dinner is sometime between 6:30 and 7. A lot of evenings I either put my feet up and maybe close my eyes for a little bit while dinner is in the oven or simmering; and if not then, there's a good chance I'll have a nap after we clear away dinner. I intend for it to be a short nap, but it's usually a bit longer than I intend! We try to get a little housework done each evening at home, and when we have our evening coffee we either watch a show together or spend time on the computer or whatever. Obviously there are some evenings we go out, but not often on weeknights.

Bedtime routine - Pretty much consists of prepping coffee and lunches for the next day, and then getting ready for bed. I read or scroll on my phone before going to sleep, even though I know I shouldn't be on my phone! No wonder I'm tired all the time! LOL

And that's about it. When I look at that summary, I'm honestly surprised I get any housework or anything like that done during the week at all! Still, I'm working on improving my time management skills so I'm not procrastinating everything to the weekends.

What does a day in the life look like for you? Leave a comment and let me know!

This post will be linked up with the Share Our Lives 2025 Link-up hosted by AdrienneDaraJenJoanne, and Sarah.

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 ©2006-2025 HS Coffee Break/Just A Second/A Fresh Cup of Coffee. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author. This post was written by a human. 

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Simple Meal Planning - Plan to Eat


  1. I want to do one of these but our days are such a jumble. What's an ordinary day? I'm going to have to think about it. When you work your day is mostly defined by that. It wasn't boring though! Have a nice week!

  2. I think your days sound quite busy and you do well with your time.
    It takes me a little while to shine on a morning too. hehehe


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