Wednesday, June 5, 2024

A Cheesy Wednesday Hodgepodge

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A hodgepodge is a jumble or assortment of things that might not appear to belong together. Joyce at From This Side of the Pond hosts a weekly link-up called Wednesday Hodgepodge that is a little collection of questions for bloggers to answer just for fun and to get to know each other. I always look forward to chatting with friends over coffee, so pour a cup of your favorite and let's visit for a few minutes!

Here are this week's questions - and my answers - for this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge.

1.  It's National Cheese Day (June 4) . . . does anyone not like cheese? What's your favorite? Last thing you ate or made with cheese?
I love cheese! My preferences are for the milder and nuttier cheeses, not blue cheeses or those that are aged and very strong. I can't limit to just one favorite though - asiago, muenster, colby jack, farmer's cheese, goat cheese, queso frier . . . Honestly, if the cheese is melted or fried that only makes it better. We always look for saganaki on the menu at Greek restaurants, and it might just be my all-time favorite appetizer. The last thing I ate with cheese was a cheeseburger last night for dinner - with mozzarella and asiago cheddar cheeses.


This isn't my video, by the way - just a short video showing a flambe saganaki - Opa!!

2. Last time you were instructed to 'say cheese!'? How do you feel about having your picture taken?
On the long weekend, the kids took a photo of me and hubby with our granddaughter. I took a selfie a couple days ago because my own photo challenge prompted me to. I take lousy selfies, so I make myself do it to try and get more comfortable with being in photos. Like many moms, I've let myself get used to being the one taking the pictures as a way to avoid being in the pictures. I do think it's important for moms (and grandmoms!) to be IN the pictures with kids and grandkids so that the family has pictures of us. Pictures of us having fun. I wish I'd figured that out earlier in life, and that I hadn't made so many unfortunate comments about "I look fat/ugly/stupid/whatever" or "I hate how I look" because I realize that can set a bad example for kids, especially girls. All that to say, I don't like having my picture taken, but I try to be a good sport. 

Everyday Images is the photo challenge I do for myself, but it's also a link-up just in case anyone else wants to share photos. Use my prompts if you want, or your own, or just share a photo post.

3. What's your travel packing strategy? Are you typically a light packer or do you throw in everything but the kitchen sink? When flying do you check a bag or aim for carry on only?

 I try to pack light but I don't usually succeed as well as I'd like. My goal is the minimum number of "outfits" plus an extra top. It's shoes that usually get me in trouble because I want to have options! I don't think I've ever managed to fly with a carry-on bag only, for various reasons, but I do make sure to have at least a partial change of clothes in my carry-on just in case my checked bag doesn't make it to my destination at the same time I do. Yes, I have learned that the hard way!

4. What is it about people's cell phone habits that you find most annoying?

 In general, I don't like that we all seem to look at our phones more than we look at the people we are with. That's something I probably do as well. I'm really annoyed when people are on their phones when they are in a checkout lane or at a restaurant and don't give their attention to the person trying to do their job serving them. Especially if they are using their bluetooth so it's hard to tell if they are talking to someone on the phone, someone they are with, or the poor employee trying to take their order or ring up their sale. 

5.  What will be your summer mantra/slogan?
Working for the weekend? That's how I think this summer will probably turn out for me!

6. Insert your own random thought here.

On the weekend, we visited the Dawes Arboretum and I really loved this big floor-to-ceiling bay window observation area. Beautiful view of the water garden where there were a lot of bird feeders. I've decided I want a window set-up like this in my next house. 

It gave me a chance to see a Rose-breasted Grosbeak.

Later we also saw a juvenile flicker making its way back into the safety of the tree after what might have been its first flight. It was an awkward flight attempt anyway!

And then the next day I was slightly surprised to see a couple of Canada Geese waddling past my window. It's a little far from the pond and I don't know where they were heading!

Leave a cheesy comment if you'd like!

From this Side of the Pond

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  1. I love the windows. We have big windows here and the view never gets old. We don't have any regular bird feeders out due to the bears but we have a bluebird house and hummingbird feeder and the bears don't bother with those. There are not a lot of bears, but you only need one lol. Have a great day!

    1. Yes I think I'd adjust how I handled the bird feeders if we had bears coming around! I would love to have big windows giving onto a real yard/view. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  2. Totally agree that moms get used to being the picture-taker but I am very aware of needing to be in more pics. Working for the weekend is me now; I have used a lot of my leave and need to conserve it so I have to be here, in the office, a lot. I appreciate weekends even more.

    1. That's true - I'm looking forward more to weekends now that I'm working full time. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  3. I have never heard of saganki but now I am intrigued! So true about photos- I, too, TRY to not complain about my appearance in front of my girls but I have failed at that. Your hair color and style are both pretty!! Those windows are swoon worthy!

    1. I've complained about how I look in pictures for years, and wish I'd set a better example. Thank you for the compliment and for stopping by to comment!

  4. I love your photo. :-)
    We enjoy feeding the birds. We have a chickadee nesting in one of our birdhouses. They are so friendly, the one sat right on my garden bucket that I was using for weeding, while I was weeding.

    1. Chickadees are so bold and cheerful! I enjoy their visits as well. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  5. Always enjoy all the pictures you share with us! Agree with 1, 4, 5. Shoes, I try to wear whatever goes with every outfit. I tend to hide from the camera so I have to be coaxed... "say Cheese".

    1. I have to be coaxed or at least reminded too. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  6. What a nice place to visit and to be able to see the different birds. Love that window. Wow!
    Well, you shouldn't be self-conscious about your photo - you're beautiful.

    1. Aaaw, thank you! And thanks so much for stopping by to read and comment!

  7. I decided many years ago to allow myself to be in photos because I didn't want my kids to not have any when I was gone. Now that I'm blogging and used to being the focus of the photos, it doesn't bother me as much.

    Cheese...hmmm...I'm with you on it being melted or fried! I particularly like goat cheese, but I haven't ever had it melted or fried. I do love Greek food, but the husband doesn't. Unfortunately, I don't know enough women to just call them up and suggest a Greek restaurant.

    I'm not a light packer. And, I'm going to Scotland/Ireland with a friend who is a carry on only kinda person! I am hoping to talk her into sharing a checked bag for souvenirs!

    1. That was the decision I made about being in photos too, although I'm not to the point of being comfortable yet. Thankfully my husband enjoys Greek food so we treat ourselves sometimes. If you visit Columbus, call me up and I'll meet you at a Greek restaurant! Opa!! Good luck with the packing for the Scotland/Ireland trip - I think it would be a challenge to pack for an overseas trip. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  8. I cannot take selfies at all! The photos are awesome. That's a good idea with an outfit in your carry on. That is an awesome window and that bird on the feeder is amazing. I don't believe I've ever seen one.

    1. I usually get my husband or my daughter to work the camera for selfies. (Is it still a selfie if it has more than one person in it?) Somehow I usually feel like the photo turns out better if someone else takes it. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  9. I have no problem with photos taken of me, but each time I try to make a selfie, I look like a monkey !

    1. I have never liked how I look in selfies either - in general I think I look more normal when someone else takes the picture! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  10. I enjoyed seeing the photos of you. I have not mastered selfies yet but they do give me something to laugh about. Those windows are something! I wonder how often they get cleaned? Have a great weekend.

    1. The windows were very clean when we were there, and they must clean them often since they're right by the children's area and I'm sure there areoften little handprints all over them! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  11. I love cheese, especially feta and goat cheese. I also love Rose-breasted Grosbeaks. They are so pretty.

    1. I don't often spot the grosbeaks, so that was a special sighting! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  12. Boy, I'm really late commenting on this one. I'm on vacation so didn't post to this weeks, so I figured I'd go back and comment on this HP. I enjoyed your answers. I LOVE all kinds of cheese. I don't mind strong, but I have tried a few that were "no's" for me, and that is rare. That Rose breasted Grosbeak is pretty.


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