Thursday, April 4, 2024

March Rhythm - A Little Behind the Beat

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I decided that Rhythm would be my WOTY and one way I'm trying to establish a rhythm is by keeping a very brief daily diary, to watch for daily and weekly patterns to develop and to be intentional about keeping the good ones going. I do like the rhythm of writing a phrase or sentence about each day and making it into a summary post. But I fell behind the pace in the final days of March, since it was also the Resurrection Day weekend, and we had family visiting us! The regular rhythms needed to be interrupted a little bit for those occasions!

March 1 - Looks like March came in like a lamb. It was chilly but otherwise a nice day. It was an employee appreciation day so work provided my lunch. Our granddaughter came for a sleepover so we took her to McDonald's for dinner and spent the evening doing puzzles, playing games, and coloring!

March 2 - It was the usual relaxed Saturday morning, but with my little guest here to have breakfast with me. When her mom and dad came to pick her up we went on a short walk together and visited for a bit before they left. I needed a bit of a nap in the afternoon before going out for groceries and helping hubby make dinner.

March 3 - Just a quiet Sunday for the most part, though we finally got out for a good walk around our community. Going for walks together is supposed to be a regular rhythm, but we got out of sync over the winter and once I started full time. Trying to get that pattern established again.

March 4 - Made really good time getting home from work, and had a good phone chat with a friend while driving. Grabbed a quick dinner and then had a really fun night at chorus.

March 5 - Took the slightly longer route to work this morning because I left home a little earlier. Definitely less tense on the drive! Missing an ingredient for the meal I had planned so I had to improvise. A nice uneventful day for a change.

March 6 - I planned one change to my usual Wednesday in the morning, and changed that plan by afternoon, so the rhythm was off today! I'd intended to skip evening activites at church because I needed some time to finish grading and have some downtime at home. But it turned out I needed to lead a small group after all, so I skipped the dinner part of the evening. I had less time at home than I'd wanted, but still had enough to do what needed to be done and still get to bed on time.

March 7 - Class in the morning, work in the afternoon, and then a quick dinner before I went to a craft night at church. Nice to spend a couple hours doing something a little different.

March 8 - Nothing particularly special about this Friday. Just work and then an evening spent at home.

March 9 - I had wanted to go to a birdwatching hike in the morning, but since the forecast was for rain I skipped it. In the afternoon I had the marvellous experience of an hour's personal voice instruction from a great barbershop coach.

March 10 - No fair! Rhythm was thrown off by Daylight Saving Time - UGH - and then by the snow that was falling in the morning! The usual Sunday afternoon nap was considerably longer than usual.

March 11 - So tired today! Hurried home from work and grabbed a quick bite so I could get to chorus a bit earlier than usual, since the vocal coach was working with us.

March 12 - Went straight home after work because I wasn't sure if this was the night I had a Zoom meeting . . . but that's next week. 

March 13 - went to Tim Hortons for my morning commute coffee, since I didn't have cream at home! And still made it to work pretty much on time. Traffic has been AWFUL the last couple days. Was stuck at work late too, making me late to dinner at church but I was so glad I went - it was pizza night!

March 14 - Happy Pi Day! Pizza last night will have to count as my pie for today. It was a nice day, but on the way home from work I got the weather alert - tornado watch for our county! We had hockey tickets, courtesy of the Blue Jackets, as we are considering getting a season ticket package for next year. Spectacular thunder and lightning on our way home, and I found out later about the tornados northwest of us. :-(

March 15 - Got to talk to my daughter and to my mom after work today! Not at the same time though. Quiet evening at home.

March 16 - Went on a birding hike in the morning - it was colder than I expected but a good morning. Grabbed groceries before coming home to have some lunch and do a bit of housework. Kids came over in the afternoon and we went for a walk, then back home to grill steaks and hot dogs for dinner.

March 17 - I forgot to buy Lucky Charms so I missed out on my annual cereal treat! Church, lunch, nap, and a quiet evening.

March 18 - work, dinner, choir - the Monday rhythm! Chorus was a little bit different because we got to hear from two quartets before they headed to Regional on the weekend. They were so good!

March 19 - after work I made a very quick dinner so I could be available for a zoom meeting, since I'd volunteered to help out with preparations for the chorus membership nights.

March 20 - work, Dinner + Discipleship, and a bit of prep for tomorrow's co-op class.

March 21 - class, work, dinner. This week is very routine!

March 22 - I had a great lunch with me at work, and turned out I didn't need it because there was a cookout. So that was a little different. I tried something new for dinner too - baked grouper. It was very good.

March 23 - tried to get some cleaning and laundry done in the morning, but didn't get as far as I wanted because my daughter called. So it was a good interruption to my plans in order to have a long talk. Then I drove out to Mt Vernon to get my hair cut - long overdue! The evening was spent getting a few things done at home. The countdown is on to the kids' visit and the guest room needs to be ready!

March 24 - after morning service we went out to lunch with our 55+ Dinner Club. Then met Harrison and family at hubby's hockey game. After hockey we went downtown to get a bit of dinner and walk in the park. No nap this Sunday!

March 25 - the weekly rhythm already feels a little off since there was not chorus rehearsal tonight. I even made a decent dinner! Hubby and I did some clean-up in the evening in preparation for the weekend.

March 26 - didn't quite feel like a Tuesday because there wasn't chorus the night before, but the day went well. Should have finished getting the spare room ready for the kids, but I was tired and a wee bit lazy.

March 27 - Since there are services for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, there was no Wednesday night D+D this week.

March 28 - different schedule for a Thursday as I worked a full day. Hubby had an outpatient surgery and was home all day. Spent the evening quickly getting the last minute preparations done for the kids' visit and they arrived shortly before midnight. Hard to get to sleep after that excitement!

March 29 - I wished the workday would go by quickly even more than usual because I had family to get home to! We all went out to dinner to celebrate our daughter-in-law's birthday, then had coffee and birthday cheesecake at home, and all went to bed early.

March 30 - Hubby worked in the morning while the rest of us had a relaxed morning at home. We went to The Melt for a late lunch, then went to a hockey game in the evening.

when you try to take a group selfie, but you waited
until the house lights are all on and there's a glare

March 31 - Church in the morning to celebrate Resurrection Day! We ate up some of the leftovers for our lunch and then grilled lamb kebabs for dinner, after having an egg hunt for the granddaughters and letting them run around and blow bubbles. March apparently also left like a lamb . . . but the "lion" weather is in the forecast for the next couple days!


 Rhythm is my Word of The Year for 2024 because I realized I'd need to adjust my routines and work on my time management as I started a full time work schedule, and I couldn't be striving or fighting all the time - I need to establish a healthy, balanced rhythm to my days and weeks. And additionally, in the last part of 2023, I felt like God had really been speaking to me about the subject of Sabbath, and that he was inviting me to be more intentional about practicing and celebrating a Sabbath rhythm in my life. Here's my WOTY post to explain: WQ - Rhythm Inspires


What's Been On My Calendar? #WBOYC

Normally I'd link up at What's Been On Your Calendar #WBOYC hosted by Deb's World, but not this month because I'm behind the beat!

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  1. It sounds like you do mostly have a good rhythm to your days but it is so easy to get thrown off isn't it? My son's school has lots of random days off and then the next day I feel like I can't remember what day it is.

    1. Yes when we don't have a chorus rehearsal or don't have D+D at church, I feel like I have no idea what day of the week it is for a few days following. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!


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