Thursday, September 7, 2023

Currently . . . September 7, 2023

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At the beginning of each month I've been participating in the "Currently" link-up hosted at Overflowing With Thankfulness. Our hostess Jennifer posts a set of action verb prompts for the month and writers respond. So, without further ado, here are this month's prompts and what's happening currently . . .


Loving - Things I'm loving right now include:

Walking! Although we don't go for long walks as often as we'd like, or as often as we should, I really enjoy the times we can walk around the neighborhood, or walk a trail at one of the metro parks. On the long weekend we went to a big swap meet nearby and I admit I did not enjoy that bit of walking nearly as much because it was SO hot! But I often think about how great it is that I can walk and hike and even do stairs relatively easily and without pain thanks to that new knee, and remind myself to be grateful.

Family, of course! I love them all the time, obviously, and love it when we can be together. We had all three boys and their families here on the long weekend and it was wonderful to have my house full of loved ones and figure out how to feed them all! I especially love just being in the same room as my granddaughters, and seeing how they interact with their aunts and uncles. 💗

traditional "everyone at the table" photo - and 
unfortunately I didn't as much of my face in the 
photo as I'd hoped. But that is me on the left! 

Poppy, Daddy, and one-year-old Cousin 
helping the six-year-old get her shoes on

Games. Well, not right now, because my husband doesn't like board games, but I did love playing some Scrabble and other games with the kids when they were here. 

Seeing - if I can figure out a new webcam I just bought. For some reason my chromebook camera just does not work, and since I'm supposed to be teaching a writing class via video, it's important that I have a working camera. The students and co-teacher need to be able to see me and I need to see them! I have a week to figure that part out and get comfortable with it.

Dreaming - about getting a guitar like one of these:

We met a gentleman at the swap meet that makes these beautiful small guitars out of cigar boxes. He played it for us and we visited with him for quite awhile. My initial thought was wanting to tell our daughter about these guitars and wondering if she would want one, but I shifted gears and started wanting one for myself. The smaller neck would theoretically make it much easier for me to play with my stubby little fingers! When I messaged Kennady about the guitars and sent her a photo, her immediate response was, "and you didn't get me one??" I really think I will get myself one, and talk Kennady into giving me lessons!

Eating - fewer carbs! My husband and I decided to try eating more of a Keto style diet in hopes of shedding some pounds before our vacation (countdown to departure is at 22 days!). Of course we had quite a few carb-y leftovers and perishables that it would be foolish to waste, so we didn't jump in hardcore, but I think today is the last day with any of those potatoes or pasta on the menu. It will be a challenge for me since I love my bread and cereal food group and I'm quite picky about vegetables, but it's only three weeks until vacation and I used to always say I could do anything for two or three weeks.

Only one sort of Keto-friendly food from the weekend that I photographed . . . we smoked a bacon-wrapped meatloaf on Saturday.

I saw a 'face' in it and could not unsee
We went to The Melt with the kids and this was my very non-keto friendly food choice - a Chicken & Waffles Grilled Cheese sandwich. It was delicious!

And I treated my granddaughter by buying a box of Count Chocula cereal to share with her. That was my empty calorie splurge! I love all cereals and usually choose more grown-up and healthy ones, but a bowl of sugary chocolatey cereal is one of my occasional guilty pleasures. Oh, who am I kidding, I don't feel guilty about it at all! haha

Using to Decorate - Right now, nothing much. I left my patriotic stuff up all summer long and just took it all down a couple weeks ago. I'm torn about whether I want to go ahead and embrace fall decor already or put it off just a bit longer. So there's nothing seasonal at the moment. I make a point of trying to always have fresh flowers on the dining table and am satisfied with that for now, but fall decor will be added soon! (I just don't feel like spending money on it, honestly!)

Reading - currently reading these:

Composition As Conversation by Heather M. Hoover
The Starlet Spy by Rachel Scott McDaniel


More reading news and recent reviews are at Just A Second, and I've opened the Book Review Bulletin monthly link-up where I'd invite you to share your reviews as well.

What's currently happening in your life? Leave a comment and let me know!

This post will be linked at this month's "Currently" link-up hosted by Overflowing With Thankfulness

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Simple Meal Planning - Plan to Eat


  1. Those guitars look interesting...I've been wanting to get a ukulele to learn to play. Like you I think the guitar necks are to much for my hands too. Hope you will get one and learn to play and maybe I'll get a ukulele and learn to play too. I think those are pretty good goals, don't you?

    1. I think they are great goals! I should have learned ukulele from my daughter over the last couple of years and I'd have been able to buy the cigar box guitar on the spot, confident I could play it. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  2. Family time is so fun and I love being an aunt and great aunt! That grilled cheese sounds fancy and delicious! There are some great Keto recipes out there and even keto bread. Flowers are always such a great way to decorate. Have a great day!

    1. Family time is the best! I love bread so much I suppose I will have to check into the keto bread options. Thanks for stopping by and reminding me that those recipes exist!

  3. I've been putting off decorating for fall too; I will eventually just not quite yet. I too see a face in that bacon wrapped meatloaf! Good luck on the keto-- I have been trying to go low card for years and while I am mostly successful, I do so love my potatoes and carbs.

    1. I don't mind giving up potatoes, but I love pasta and bread and cereal. And it turns out the vegetables I prefer are the starchy/carby ones. :sigh: Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  4. Walking and less carbs - way to go! I need some of your inspiration!

  5. Those guitars are really cool! My son would probably love one...not that he needs another one! He has also lost almost 70 pounds since March doing intermittent fasting and Keto. I just can't do the keto thing because I like my breakfast, but I don't like eggs every day!

    I haven't decorated for fall yet, either. Part of that is I have to go up in the attic for my stuff, and it has been too hot. This next week is supposed to be cooler so maybe I'll try!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Yeah I'm really not interested in eggs for breakfast - I'd much rather have cereal or some kind of bread! But I'll give it a shot. I made a keto chili for dinner tonight that was really good. Good thing because there's a lot of leftover to eat! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!


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