Monday, February 10, 2025

Getting Some Sleep

 Share Our Lives 2025 is a monthly link-up to share aspects of our daily lives with each other. February's theme looks like one where I'll be looking for help from everyone else because I don't know if I have any good tips to share! We're talking about Tips for Falling Asleep.

I have been a night owl for as long as I can remember, and am not a natural morning person. However, decades of getting up somewhere around 6:30AM have made me a reluctant morning person. That said, I still stay up too late! The last three or four years I've also had trouble sleeping well, and there are a lot of nights that it's just hard to fall asleep. If I didn't have to get to work in the morning, it might not be a big concern, but I DO have to get to work so here we are.

I love naps, and rarely have trouble falling asleep when I lie down for forty winks after work or on a Sunday afternoon. But somehow it doesn't quite work the same later in the evening. Once I fall asleep, I usually am able to stay asleep all night, and even if I get up to go to the washroom I can doze off again with no problem. Being too hot is definitely a problem sometimes, but thankfully nightsweats aren't an every night thing, and kicking off the covers for a little bit will usually reset my personal thermostat.

Things that are helpful to me:

I stop eating and drinking after dinner. We usually eat dinner pretty late these days, like about 7PM. We usually have a cup of coffee around 8, and that's where I stop. For me, it's not really the caffeine, but the potential for heartburn or reflux. Obviously, if I have even a little bit of reflux discomfort, it's really hard to fall asleep.

I take melatonin supplement about an hour before I go to bed. Does it really help? I don't know for sure, but I've noticed that I've had a harder time sleeping when we've been on vacation and I didn't take it along, so maybe. It doesn't hurt anyway, so even if it's just a placebo effect, I'm okay with that.

I need the right pillows and sheets. That isn't to say I'm fussy and can't sleep at all when I'm vacationing. I generally do fine when I'm not in my own bed, but since I am sleeping in my bed at least 48 weeks out of the year, I might as well have the bedding I like. I have fairly thick and firm pillows so my head is slightly elevated (because the reflux thing), and I like flannel sheets in winter and cool cotton sheets in summer. I don't have a weighted blanket, but I like the feel of a thicker snuggly comforter.

this isn't even my current bed - haha

We use a humidifier in our bedroom during the colder part of the year. When I don't have it going, my throat and nose get dry and I'm more prone to nosebleeds. 

I've been trying - with limited success so far - to adjust my habits so that I'm getting to bed earlier on a regular basis. This is one of the self-care things I've been focusing on in 2025. As I said, I tend towards night owliness, so it doesn't come naturally to head for bed early. 

I do use my phone right before bed and I know I shouldn't. That's a habit I still have to work on changing!

One of my biggest challenges to settling down to sleep is that I'm itchy. I guess it's just dry skin and the dry air, but it can be so annoying! It makes me fidgety and I'll find myself hyper-focused on that one spot on my back I can't quite reach, or one the couple of places that seem to itch all the time no matter what. The humidifier helps some, and moisturizer helps some, but it's a very annoying problem. 

In some ways, yeah, I wish I could sleep like a baby again!

Any solutions you can suggest to my challenges? What are your best tips for falling and staying asleep? Leave a comment and let me know!

This post will be linked up with the Share Our Lives 2025 Link-up hosted by AdrienneDaraJenJoanne, and Sarah.

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  1. Yes, I find that winter dry skin is so itchy and that can make it hard to sleep for sure.

    1. I itch when I'm stressed too, so that just makes it worse. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  2. I enjoyed reading this post and I try not to drink coffee past 3pm. I use Eucerin itch relief cream on body after I take a shower for my dry skin in the winter.

    1. I'll keep that brand in mind next time I need to get lotion. The dry air in winter really does a number on me! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  3. I am a night owl, too. But, I also have the luxury of not having to get up to go to work these days. When I was still teaching, I made myself turn everything f around 10:30 so I could be drowsy by 11:00. Then, I just started thinking of the most mundane things. That helped my brain to shut off and eventually to fall asleep. I know it’s hard to fall asleep when you’re not really tired. Good luck!

    1. That's something I look forward to when we retire - not HAVING to get up early for work! I am getting better at winding down to get myself in a more restful state of mind. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  4. I am the same, I am a night own and not a morning person at all. The only reason I get up early is because I have to and I find going to bed early a struggle. Great tips!

    1. I get it! I would go back to bed, or at least just be lazy with my morning coffee if I didn't have to get ready for work. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  5. Dry skin in the winter is such an issue for me, so I know what you mean. Thanks for joining our link up.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to pay me a visit - I have to go to bed now, so I'll catch up on visiting everyone else tomorrow!

  6. if I have caffeine at 3 I don't sleep well. Even sometimes decaf bothers me.

    1. I can have caffeine pretty late in the evening and it doesn't make much difference that I can tell, but the heartburn will make me miserable. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  7. I also consider myself a reluctant morning person. I used to have very itchy legs in the winter too. I'm not sure how that ended up stopping!

    1. I've never quite figured out why I'm so terribly itchy some nights but others it doesn't bother me at all. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  8. I try to read before falling asleep. It always makes me tired! I hate itchy dry skin and try and lotion up as much as possible. Once I'm asleep it doesn't bother me. Thanks for stopping over. I couldn't reply directly to your comment via email because you are a no-reply blogger.

    1. Yes, I love reading but it also makes me tired so I have mixed feelings about reading before bed. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!


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