Monday, February 10, 2025

10 on the 10th - Valentine's Day

On the 10th of each month, Marsha In the Middle asks ten questions for us to answer in as much or little detail as we wish. Here are some lighthearted "Would You Rather" questions related to Valentine's Day for our consideration today:

1. Would you rather celebrate Valentine's Day at a cozy restaurant or at home cozied up in your favorite jammies?
Tough call because I sure like to eat out, but the edge goes to being at home in comfy jammies. 

2. Would you rather eat red velvet cake or wear red velvet?
Definitely eat red velvet cake. It's not my favorite cake but it IS cake which I'm very fond of. And I don't think I'd enjoy wearing velvet, to be honest.

3. Would you rather receive a heart shaped box of candy or a heart shaped piece of jewelry?
Pretty sure I'd prefer heart shaped jewelry. I don't wear much jewelry any more so something new would be lovely.

I do have this locket type of necklace - the top slides open and you can put charms inside but somehow I lost the charms I had. It's still a pretty necklace but I think it needs something to go inside to make it interesting.

4. Would you rather eat Reeses Pieces or a Reeses Peanut Butter Heart?
Peanut Butter Heart please!

5. Would you rather watch a Valentine's Day themed movie or an action movie?
Being not much of a movie-watcher, I'd prefer an action movie.

6. Would you rather give a box of chocolates to your person or a less than wonderful homemade card?
I think the way to answer this question is to think about what my person would rather receive, right? I have a pretty good idea what kind of chocolates he'd like and I think that would work out better. Also, I bet he'd share a few chocolates with me! I hope so!

7. Would you rather go to Tahiti or Iceland for Valentine's Day?
I've got nothing against Tahiti, but I've never given much thought to going there. I think it would be a fascinating place to visit. However, I'd choose Iceland, because it's been near the top of my Places to Visit list for many years. And would be a shorter and cheaper flight as well.

8. Would you rather sing "At Last" by Etta James or "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" by Aerosmith to your person?
I adore the song "At Last" and I think I could do a great job of singing it too. 

9. Would you rather celebrate Valentine's Day for a week or not at all?
I'm not even sure how one would celebrate Valentine's Day for an entire week. I think I'd rather just not celebrate at all. Does that make me a curmudgeon?

10. Would you rather eat a really sour piece of candy or a single Brussels Sprout dipped in chocolate?
Ugh, sour candy please. When I was a kid I loathed Brussels sprouts and vowed I'd never willingly eat them when I was an adult. 


Sweets and Hearts for Valentine's Day on Homeschool Coffee Break @  #Valentines

Do you have any plans for Valentine's Day? Leave a comment and let me know!

This post will be linked at Marsha In the Middle for the February Edition of 10 on the 10th.

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  1. I still can't stand Brussels sprouts. I've tried them cooked/prepared so many ways but they are a hard no for me. My husband usually wants BOTH chocolates and a handmade card so that's usually what he gets.

    1. Yeah, I can't bring myself to even try Brussels sprouts again. Yuck. Your handmade cards are so beautiful and special - no wonder he'd want one of those! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  2. Our answers are quite similar. It was a true toss up for me on Iceland or Tahiti. But, I’ve been to lots of cold places and never to a tropical one. Thanks for linking up.

    1. Yes, I'd really love to visit both places, but Iceland has been so high on my wishlist for so long, that was the tie-breaker. Also, I'm not sure I realized Tahiti was a real place until I was an adult! LOL Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  3. Boy, I feel like I have really missed out by not having tried a Reese's heart. Got to remedy that right away. I bet I can still find some at Dollar Tree!!


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