Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge - A Brown Study


A hodgepodge is a jumble or assortment of things that might not appear to belong together. Joyce at From This Side of the Pond hosts a weekly link-up called Wednesday Hodgepodge that is a little collection of questions for bloggers to answer just for fun and to get to know each other. I always look forward to chatting with friends over coffee, so pour a cup of your favorite and let's visit for a few minutes!

Here are this week's questions - and my answers - for this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge.

1.  What was your favorite part about growing up in your hometown?
I wonder if my favorite thing when I was a kid was different from what I can think of now with a sense of nostalgia. I'm glad I grew up in a neighborhood where we knew most of our neighbors at least a little bit so we kids were pretty free to roam around. I know that's more a feature of my generation rather than something specific to my hometown too. Hmm, I was always a fan of the Calgary Stampede (my hometown is Calgary, Alberta) and all the festivities that went along with that. Oh! I know! My favorite thing was a southern Alberta thing - the chinooks! It was great when the chinook would give us a break from frigid winter temperatures and we might even get to go outside in winter with just a light jacket on. Even if it did melt the ice rink my dad made in our backyard!

not a photo of a chinook arch, but a favorite
photo of the Calgary skyline

Chinook Arch-Calgary
Here's a chinook arch over Calgary - thanks to wikimedia commons

2. Do you prefer 'material' gifts or 'experience' gifts? If you answered experience, tell us about one you've received and truly enjoyed.
Although I like both, I guess maybe I tend a little more towards 'experience' gifts. Especially for my birthday, since it's right after Christmas. I like going out for dinner or doing something fun with family to celebrate my birthday. One 'experience' gift that really stands out was a few years ago when my husband surprised me with an overnight trip to Lancaster and a day at Longwood Gardens for my birthday.


 3. Is brown a color featured prominently in your home decor? Your wardrobe? What's a favorite brown thing you own? Of the brown foods listed here which one is your favorite and/or most often consumed . . . brown sugar, brown rice, pretzels, coffee, dates, cloves, German chocolate cake, whole wheat bread?

 Brown isn't really a feature color in my home. I had more brown in my living room at our previous house, but not so much here. I have very little brown in my wardrobe these days - I can only think of a couple of dresses that I've had for a long time and still like. I used to wear lots of warm browns and earth tones back when I had reddish hair, but with my silver hair? Nope, it didn't suit me any more and made me feel drab and washed out so the brown tones disappeared in favor of blues! Coffee is obviously the favorite and most consumed from that list, though I like all the other foods too.

4. Which 'Charlie Brown' character do you relate to most? If you're not sure, you can take a fun quick quiz by clicking here - Which Charlie Brown Character Are You? or the one found here - Charlie Brown Quiz.

 I took the quizzes and both of them told me I was Charlie Brown, and I guess I can see that. I was always entertained by Peppermint Patty and my husband used to say I looked like her way back when we were first dating. I did have a similar haircut, and I used to have reddish brown hair. But I wouldn't necessarily say I'm similar to her. I'm probably more like Lucy, if I'm honest! 


5.  What's a favorite item you've purchased this year?

I had such a hard time with this question! A couple of favorite acquisitions weren't purchased, but acquired for free. I bought some clothing and a pair of shoes and I like them all but are they favorite things? I recently bought a little end table for the spare room, but I haven't had it long enough to know whether it's just functional or a favorite thing. Related to the question about 'material' vs 'experience' gifts, I think my favorite item purchased is our share of season tickets to the Columbus Blue Jackets. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Had to share a few more Longwood Gardens photos. The Christmas-y ones are from that first visit that was my birthday gift, and the more summery ones are from a visit with our daughter that was part of her graduation gift from us.

How would you answer these hodgepodge questions? Leave a comment and let me know!

From this Side of the Pond

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  1. Growing up we went to Longwood Gardens every year, usually several times a year, but always at Christmas. I love it but haven't been in quite a while now. I've never been to 'your' part of Canada but would love to see it someday. I have friends in Edmonton I'd like to visit. It's a haul from the east coast though, as you know. Have a great day!

    1. I would love to see Longwood Gardens in other seasons, but it was gorgeous at Christmas. Edmonton isnt half as nice as Calgary! LOL Even after all these years I still feel that rivalry! ;-) Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  2. Longwood Gardens is beautiful! I will have to look it up to see if it's in Ohio :). The skyline of Calgary is pretty! I have never been to that part of Canada- just Ontario and Saskatchewan when I was in high school.

    1. Longwood Gardens is in Pennsylvania - I would say about halfway between Lancaster county and Philly.
      I agree the Calgary skyline is pretty - I miss it!
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  3. Wow -- your photos of Longwood Gardens are beautiful. I actually had to google chinook. I knew I had heard of it, but wasn't totally sure. I've never been to Canada but would like to visit some day.

    1. oops, I probably should have included a link that explained a chinook or described it a bit instead of assuming people would know! Sorry! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  4. Longwood Garden look like a lovely place! There is a place in Orange Country Called Roger's Gardens that goes all out to decorate for Christmas. I want to go. I agree, about it not being so much about the hometown, but that era of time. Thanks for sharing!

    1. So many places have beautiful gardens and conservatories - wish I could visit them all! There's part of me that also wishes we could turn back the clock and get some of the hometown neighborhood feeling back. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  5. What a special place Longwood Gardens is. That was a thoughtful gift. I didn't know what a Chinook was so thank you for illustrating that! Happy Hodgepodge to you!

    1. I definitely should have explained a chinook a little bit - it's a warm dry wind that comes down from the mountains during the winter and it creates that cloud arch on the horizon. Sometimes the rise in temperature can be really dramatic! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  6. I had a hard time answering a favorite purchase too. I used to have more brown in my home as well, and I definitely chose coffee!

  7. Those gardens are spectacular. I can never keep a poinsettia alive for long but the ones in your photos are gorgeous and clearly thriving!!
    I took the Charlie Brown quizzes - with the first one, I was "Sally' and with the second one, I was Charlie, himself.

  8. I grew up in a large neighborhood and had a wonderful childhood. I’m so sad my grands don’t have that luxury these days. That could be, though, where they live…in suburbs right outside of Indianapolis. You are the first person to say brown is not your favorite. I agree that it’s probably because of our silver hair. Your birthday gift sounds like a wonderful experience.

  9. I would love to go to those gardens! They look amazing!


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