Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge - A Poetic Hodgepodge


A hodgepodge is a jumble or assortment of things that might not appear to belong together. Joyce at From This Side of the Pond hosts a weekly link-up called Wednesday Hodgepodge that is a little collection of questions for bloggers to answer just for fun and to get to know each other. I always look forward to chatting with friends over coffee, so pour a cup of your favorite and let's visit for a few minutes!

Here are this week's questions - and my answers - for this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge.

1.  Hey, it's October . . . what's one fun thing on your October calendar?
I have a few fun things coming up in October. The first one is the Twenty One Pilots concert on Friday night! Then there's Thanksgiving, a visit to Ontario, my parents coming to visit us, celebrating birthdays, and a visit to the kids in Maryland. Those are the highlights!
2. Thursday is National Poetry Day . . . do you like to read poetry? If so, what's a favorite poem, or whose poetry do you especially enjoy?
I like to read poetry, but I don't go out of my way to read it. I can only think of a couple of times that I've spent time reading a book of poetry. So what would be a favorite poem or poet? Hmmm. A number of years ago, my daughter and I reviewed a poetry memorization curriculum and challenged each other in memorizing the poems. I remember we both liked the short humorous works by Hillaire Belloc and Ogden Nash, and the book also included a couple of poems that I had memorized when I was a student and was fond of, such as Grandfather's Clock and In Flander's Fields. I think a favorite poem of mine would be The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe.


3. Tell us about something you've seen recently that could be described as 'poetry in motion'.

 I definitely think of 'poetry in motion' as an apt descriptor for gymnastics and figure skating, and ever since the Olympics, my suggested reels are about half gymnastics and I can't help but watch most of them! 

I don't know if 'poetry in motion' is the right term, but often on my commute to work, I marvel at the way traffic works on the freeways with all the merging and lane changes and cloverleafs and roundabouts . . . Yes, there are horrific drivers that do reckless things and scare me half to death, and I occasionally pass the unfortunate fender benders and worse, but for the most part it all works pretty well, I think most of us would have to admit. Thousands of people in thousands of vehicles moving at high speeds but the vast majority of the time we all navigate all of it smoothly and reach our destinations without mishap. Sometimes a bit frazzled or frustrated, to be sure, but we've performed quite a feat and made it look relatively easy. Let me be clear - I hate city driving and the busy highways stress me out, especially when the roads are wet or snowy, so this is totally my coping mechanism! In fact, I try to imagne what it looks like from above in order to calm myself down!

4. What's one song on your autumn playlist? Do you have an autumn playlist? If not, pretend you do. If yes, then feel free to share more than one.

 I don't have an autumn playlist, but I guarantee I'll choose a clip of Autumn Leaves by the Vince Guaraldi Quartet as the accompanying music for at least one autumn themed Instagram post every year.


5.  Share a quote that inspires you this time of year especially.
I always have quotes to share! Here are a few about fall I really like.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Speaking of quotes . . . Wednesday Quotes is back and I'm co-hosting! Our first theme is Kindness. Please join in - even today's Hodgepodge is one to share in the link-up if you included a quote or two in Question Five, since our rule is simply that posts should contain at least one good quote. Find my anchor post here: WQ - Showing Love and Kindness


Do you have favorite poems or poets? Leave a comment and let me know!

From this Side of the Pond

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  1. Love your fall quotes. I can't imagine driving on a huge freeway to work and back. But how amazing it all seems to work together, except like you mentioned some drivers are crazy. Have a great day.

  2. I always think of that Anne of Green Gables quote!

  3. I enjoyed the song you picked. I'm not a big fan of poetry. But I am familiar with some of the ones you mentioned. Enjoyed your quotes too. Have a great day and enjoy your upcoming concert and visit from your parents.

  4. You have some fun get togethers in October. Sometimes I wish our Thanksgiving was in October instead of November. Cuts so close to Christmas! Happy October to you!

  5. Your post about driving reminded me of our visit to Tokyo and an interstection of crosswalks there that is absolutely amazing to see. It's called Shibuya Crossing and is five different crosswalks where people cross in different directions without bumping into each other. It's something to see and it works! Sounds like you have lots to look forward to this month!

  6. I love gymnastic too. I think the rhythmic gymnastics is poetry in motion. Not sure about the freeways here in So CA. Have a great rest of the week!

  7. Those are some lovely fall quotes! I don't like city driving at all either and I do marvel that so many people can navigate through it all with hardly any mishaps most days.

  8. Creative answer to the poetry of motion and the interstates/ roadways! You are absolutely correct- it is sort of a marvel that transportation works so well and I often think how glad I am that men thought of the roadways, designed them, and then constructed them.


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