Saturday, October 5, 2024

Currently . . . October 5, 2024

At the beginning of each month I've been participating in the "Currently" link-up hosted at Overflowing With Thankfulness. Our hostess Jennifer posts a set of action verb prompts for the month and writers respond. So, without further ado, here are this month's prompts and what's happening currently . . .


Loving - Things I'm loving right now include:

Fall weather! We've had warm days, comfortable evenings, and fairly clear skies the last few days so it's very pleasant. I love when it's cooler at night because it's just easier to sleep, and I appreciate that hot cup of coffee in the evening even more.

Twenty One Pilots! They are one of my favorite bands and we went to the concert last night which was fantastic! Our seats were way up high so our view of the stage was rather long-distance but still good. Just so different from the previous two TOP concerts I've been to, when we were in the pit and right up close.

Hockey! We've been to one pre-season game and are gearing up for the season. There's extra motivation to pay attention this year because we're sharing a season ticket package with friends and will be attending maybe ten or twelve home games throughout the season.

Pumpkin spice pretzels! My new favorite sweet and salty snack. At least while they're in season.

Looking forward to - the second half of the month, when we'll visit my husband's sister and some friends in Ontario, have my parents here for a two-week visit, and visit our kids in Maryland!

Wearing - The weather is still pretty warm and we haven't got a whole lot of rain during the day, so we don't usually need jackets or sweaters, but I do wear my flannel first thing in the morning on my ride to work. And seldom wear it for the ride home!

Reading - For a long time I've sort of been bemoaning the fact that I just don't read at the pace I used to. Like about half as many books in a year, or maybe even less. I suppose that's just the way it is for now. I almost always read during my lunch break at work, so although I don't get through as many pages, at least it's a steady pace. I recently finished Blood of Adam by Rachel S. Neal. Here's what I'm currently reading:

Sisters of Fortune by Anna Lee Huber
Harvest of Gold by Tessa Afshar
The Word is Murder by Anthony Horowitz


More reading news and recent reviews are at Just A Second.

Cooking - Lately it's been quick and simple meals, and nothing too noteworthy. I've gotten good enough at making Chicken Florentine that we have it pretty regularly. We're trying to make use of the grill as much as possible while it's still warm enough that we don't have to bundle up to step out on the patio. Tonight we're having grilled jerk chicken, and we're thinking of doing smoked meat loaf next weekend. Not exactly a traditional Thanksgiving food (next weekend will be our Canadian Thanksgiving celebration) but we've been meaning to do a smoked meat loaf and invite friends so Thanksgiving seems like a good opportunity to do that.

I already covered the books I'm reading, so the Coffee Break Reading list will be even shorter than usual . . . 

Quotable (I've enjoyed hunting up little quotes to add to my Five Minute Friday posts, and I do a regular Wednesday Quotes post based on interesting quotes, but I've still got such a collection that I have to keep sharing them!):

Honor the hands that harvest your crops. ~Delores Huerta

Every day is a day to be thankful. Life's abundance has no limit, and gratitude is what keeps that abundance flowing. In every circumstance there is something for which to be thankful. Even when there seems to be nothing else, there is hope. ~Ralph Marston

Speaking of quotes . . . Wednesday Quotes is back and I'm co-hosting! Our first theme is Kindness. Find my anchor post here: WQ - Showing Love and Kindness and join in if you'd like! The link is open for two weeks, and the upcoming themes are listed if you'd like to plan for the next one.


Some fun things I've found during coffee breaks:


What's currently happening in your life? Leave a comment and let me know! 

This post will be linked at this month's edition of "Currently" hosted by Overflowing With Thankfulness

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Simple Meal Planning - Plan to Eat


  1. I see a lot of people mentioning 21 Pilots lately!

    1. Their tour is a big big deal! A favorite band of mine for a number of years, but they have a very devoted fan base. The number of people that show up in "costume" is remarkable. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  2. I was enchanted by the cover of Sisters of Fortune. Isn't it lovely? I believe I put it on a consideration list for our book club about a year ago. The club chose to read something else so I will be anxious to read your review when you finish.

    1. Huber is one of my favorite authors, and yes, I was really drawn to the beautiful cover. It's a very good book, but as I get closer to the inevitable tragedy I'm finding it hard to keep reading because so many real people lost their lives. Does that make sense? Anyway, I am nearing the end (finally!) so hopefully I'll be reviewing it soon! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!


I love comments! Keep the conversation going over a virtual cup of coffee. (Comments are moderated so may not appear right away)