Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Twenty-Six Lists - An Autumn To-Do List

Welcome to Twenty-Six Lists! I hope you'll join me in this simple link-up, where I share a writing prompt for some kind of list, and invite you to share what's on your list. Your list can be very simple or include lots of explanation; short or long; a bullet point list or essay style. Interpret the list prompts however you like, depending on how much time you have to spend, and how much background you'd like to share. 

The official first day of fall was over a week ago now, but sometimes it takes me until I change the calendar page to October before I'm really committed to the autumn season. Now that we're here, what's on your autumn to-do list? Do you have household tasks you need to look after to be ready for the colder weather to come? Or is your list full of the fun or cozy things you want to do to really enjoy autumn? Maybe both! Or maybe you just have a list of things you are really focused on accomplishing before the end of this month. I think my list - though I'll try to keep it short - may be sort of a combination! 

My Autumn To-Do List

  • Celebrate birthdays and anniversaries! Our family has quite a few in October. Two of our sons have October birthdays, one day apart. One sister-in-law has a birthday the day before theirs, and another sister-in-law has a birthday right at the beginning of the month. One of my nieces has a late October birthday. My parents have a wedding anniversary near the beginning of the month, and our oldest son and his wife celebrate their anniversary right at the end of the month. And then their daughter's birthday is right at the beginning of November! Obviously we don't have parties and gifts and won't even be together for all of these, but we do want to recognize each one and make a point of celebrating the boys' birthdays at some point.  
  •  Celebrate Thanksgiving! The Canadian version in October as well as the American version later on. To me, the end of November is winter though. I'm not quite sure how we'll do Canadian Thanksgiving this year, so if I wanted to be technical, I'd put "make plans for Thanksgiving" as another item on my list. (You can find out more about our celebration over at my Homeschool Coffee Break blog: Happy Thanksgiving! Canadian Style)


  •  Some travel and vacation. We're going to Ontario for a weekend for a high school reunion type of event, and have arranged to meet my parents there so they can come back to Ohio with us and spend a couple weeks with us. We'll also take them to Maryland to see the family there before taking them back to Ontario for their return flight to Alberta. So we only have a few days off at the beginning and end of Mom and Dad's visit, but it's a vacation all the same. (And I'm just guessing, but there's a strong likelihood that we'll celebrate some birthdays and anniversaries while we're together) 
  •  I guess if I want to be ready for Mom and Dad's visit, there are some autumn household chores I need to prioritize. Mostly a general tidy, but the patio and the desk in the spare room are the two specific spots that are a bit out of hand. It's also time to switch out some seasonal decor for some fall and Thanksgiving themed things.
  •  A fall activity to-do list for me is a pretty short and simple one. Enjoying fall colors once the leaves are turning, which I think is best done on drives in the country and walks in the woods. I bet we can do that. I'd like to sit with friends or family at a bonfire. I've never been one to care about Halloween but the whole costume and decorating thing is something our daughter loves and since we'll be in Maryland for Halloween, we may participate somehow. It looks like we'll miss the Trunk or Treat though, and that's always fun. There's a costume day (with prizes!) at my work but I'm not sure I'll do much for that. 

  •  This isn't specific to fall but we're seeing Twenty One Pilots in concert this weekend! This will be my third time seeing them, and every time it's been an October concert date. One year it was actually on October 31st and that was an especially awesome costume party! 

What do you want to check off your fall to-do list? Please share.

The link-up is open for two weeks, with a new prompt every other Tuesday. 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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If you'd like to think further ahead, you can find the list of all prompts for the 2024 Edition of Twenty-Six Lists on A Fresh Cup of Coffee here: Twenty-Six Lists - Accomplishments and Goals

Bonus List: The next few list prompts so you can think ahead!

October 15 - I'm Thankful For . . . 
October 29 - Autumn Menu
November 12 - Blog Reading List
November 26 - Holiday Menu
December 10 - Holiday Ornaments and Memories
December 24 - Holiday Movies and Music

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