Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Twenty-Six Lists - Accomplishments and Goals

This post may contain affiliate links - using affiliate links from A Fresh Cup of Coffee helps continue the coffee breaks and conversation. 

Welcome to our first of Twenty-Six Lists! I hope you'll join me in this simple link-up, where I share a writing prompt for some kind of list, and invite you to share what's on your list. Your list can be very simple or include lots of explanation; short or long; a bullet point list or essay style. Interpret the list prompts however you like, depending on how much time you have to spend, and how much background you'd like to share. 

So, here's my confession: I thought I had my first list all ready to go but it was actually pretty rough when I sat down to finish it up after a very long day. My first full day of work was yesterday (Monday), and I had chorus in the evening, so I really had no time to spend on the blog. Not if I wanted to get some sleep anyway! Given that information, I wonder if you can guess what some of my goals for this year might be . . .

But first, as awkward as it is sometimes to brag on ourselves, we all have accomplishments that we're proud of, or that we should be proud of, so here's your chance! And my chance too. The first part of this list is Accomplishments in 2023. Here are some of mine:

  • I made it through the year! No, really, that feels like a real accomplishment! A year ago, I was lonely and discouraged and depressed. I tried to suck it up and not be a whiny brat all the time, but I was struggling to keep it together. By the grace of God, and thanks to a supportive husband and a few close friends, I survived the bad days and got back to a more positive place. 
  • I joined the Scioto Valley Chorus in the spring, and in November we went to the Sweet Adelines International Convention & Competition, and placed seventh in the world! Now that's the accomplishment of the entire chorus and the others have been working toward that goal for much longer than I have, but putting myself out there to join in the first place and doing the work to "catch up" are accomplishments I'm proud of!
  • My husband and I are both getting involved in our church, and I'm so glad that we even found that we can contribute on the worship team. Taking some initiative to start building friendships at church is an accomplishment.
  • I worked with a great co-teacher to figure out a way to continue teaching the high school writing class at the co-op back in Maryland. 
  • It's been decades since I did any active job-hunting, but I realized that a part-time job would be very helpful in giving me some structure and purpose here, and it would get me out of the house! And oh yeah, a little extra income would be a good thing as well. So to me, it was a huge accomplishment to dust off my resume and stick my neck out by applying for jobs and interviewing. And yes, a big accomplishment was finding a job that 's a good fit for me! And as I mentioned, this week I'm transitioning to full-time hours and I hope that it will be  counted as a great accomplishment a year from now!

Part Two is a list of Goals for 2024. Things I want to accomplish, and a few wishes and dreams:

  • Now that I'm working full-time days, one of my biggest goals is to figure out a system for meal planning and scheduling my time efficiently. Gone are the days of me putzing around in the late afternoon to come up with something for dinner. It will be necessary to know what's for dinner each night and have it ready to go so that whoever gets home from work first knows what to get started.
  • Get better sleep. My sleep schedule has been totally off for almost a year and a half now. But I have to do better. 
  • Plan ahead for my blogging hobby better so I can get things written that I want to share, and be able to continue to enjoy the hobby rather than feel like I need to meet a deadline. Which is sort of what I'm doing with this one, sadly. I like writing and this whole creative process, and I like reading and commenting and trying to connect a little bit with others, and I want to make a plan to continue that.
  • Improve my musical skills - singing with SVC and being part of the worship team at church. And with SVC I also want to 'give back' to the chorus in some way. 
  • I have a wishlist of some things I'd like to do and buy with my income, obviously. And I won't make yet another list, but things like a little traveling and some little things to treat myself.
What's on your lists of accomplishments and goals? Please share!

The link-up is open for two weeks, with a new prompt every other Tuesday. I'd appreciate a link back to A Fresh Cup of Coffee if you join in.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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Want to start thinking ahead? Here's the list of prompts for the 2024 Edition of Twenty-Six Lists on A Fresh Cup of Coffee:

Bonus List: All Twenty-Six Lists for 2024 so you can think ahead! (From now on, I'll remind you of the next three or four lists)

January 9 - Accomplishments (in 2023) and Goals (for 2024)
January 23 - A Things To Do List for Winter
February 6 - My Talents and Creative Skills
February 20 - Historical Figures
March 5 - A Feel Better List
March 19 - My Lucky Days
April 2 - Favorite Candies and Sweet Treats
April 16 - Favorite Childhood TV/Games
April 30 - Flowers
May 14 - Books
May 28 - Family Traditions
June 11 - Summery Menu
June 25 - To See or Do in Your Hometown
July 9 - Vacation Destinations
July 23 - Sports
August 6 - Music on Your Playlist
August 20 - I'd Like To Learn . . . 
September 3 - My Resume
September 17 - Daily Routine
October 1 - A To-Do List for Fall
October 15 - I'm Thankful For . . . 
October 29 - Autumn Menu
November 12 - Blog Reading List
November 26 - Holiday Menu
December 10 - Holiday Ornaments and Memories
December 24 - Holiday Movies and Music

This post is also linked at Marsha In the Middle for the January Edition of 10 on the 10th.

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 ©2006-2024 HS Coffee Break/Just A Second/A Fresh Cup of Coffee. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author. https://morecoffeebreaks.blogspot.com/ 

 We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.

Simple Meal Planning - Plan to Eat


  1. I love this idea and will have my first list ready tomorrow!

    1. I'm looking forward to it! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I love this idea and thanks for sharing all 26 prompts so I can be organised to link up. I found you through Marsha in the Middle's blog. Happy 2024

    1. Welcome! I'd love to have you join in! Thanks for stopping by and letting me know of your interest!

  3. I'm so glad you made it through 2023 to emerge in a better place. It truly is difficult to make new friends when you reach a certain age. I think you will fall into a rhythm with working, taking care of home life, and blogging (says the woman who is retired). You impress me as the kind of person who decides to do something and then does it.

    Sleep is one of those things I do quite well. I stay up late and get up late. I do most of my blogging late at night so I can be with my husband during the day. It's not like I need to do that, but I feel more present if I'm not stuck to my laptop. Have you tried a Himalayan salt lamp? I used one for a bit and found it calming and felt like I slept better.

    I hope you don't mind, but I did share your link up on my blog. I guess I should have asked first. I apologize if you'd rather I hadn't done that.

    Thanks for the link up!


    1. Falling into a rhythm is what I expect will happen, and "rhythm" is my WOTY so I'm kind of banking on that! That's an interesting suggestion about the salt lamp - I think I will try that. It couldn't hurt, and they're quite pretty!

      Thank you so much for sharing the link-up for me! That's one of the struggles I'm having this first week - I haven't yet found my rhythm of fitting in blogging and visiting other bloggers while also showing up to work on time each day! I will stop by myself soon!

  4. Fun list! I love that how you weathered the storms of last year and are coming into the new year feeling much better. Wishing you much success transitioning to your new full time schedule!


    1. Thanks - it's been a bit of a roller coaster, but I'm glad things are on the upswing! Appreciate you stopping by and commenting!

  5. I hope to jump into the link up in February. These all sound like great goals, including getting involved more with your church. That's always a good thing to do.

    1. It's been so good for me - for us - to get involved and get to know people at our church, and it goes a long way towards helping us feel more at home! I look forward to having you join with your lists whenever you're able! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!


I love comments! Keep the conversation going over a virtual cup of coffee.