Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Working on the Wednesday Hodgepodge

A hodgepodge is a jumble or assortment of things that might not appear to belong together. Joyce at From This Side of the Pond hosts a weekly link-up called Wednesday Hodgepodge that is a little collection of questions for bloggers to answer just for fun and to get to know each other. I always look forward to chatting with friends over coffee, so pour a cup of your favorite and let's visit for a few minutes!

Here are this week's questions - and my answers - for this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge.

1.  Something you're working on currently?
My parents are planning on coming for a vist this fall, so I've been working with my mom on dates and details and all of that. I suppose I should be working a little more diligently on some of the organizing and homemaking projects around the house, especially if I'm expecting company! I'm also working out details for co-hosting the Wednesday Quotes link-up starting in October.
2. Tell us something about your first job. Was it a positive or negative experience for you? Did your parents insist you work while in school (either high school or college) or did you work because you wanted to?
My first part time job was at a Wendy's restaurant. I can't remember how long I worked there but at least a year while I was in high school. It was an overall positive experience, not because I enjoyed the work but because I learned how to be a good employee, and I do think it's a valuable life experience to work in retail or service at some point.   

I don't recall my parents pushing me to work while in school, but I guess they encouraged it and thought it was a good idea as long as I kept my commitments to school and to church. So I would say I worked because I wanted to during my high school years. I took a gap year after high school and worked full time in the office of a commercial bakery. I didn't have a job during the year I was at college, but hustled up a job shortly into that first summer break. 

3. Have you ever had a job that required overnight travel? How did you feel about that? Have you ever had a job that required you to wear a uniform? Do you work better in the morning or at night?

 No, I've never had to travel overnight for any of my jobs. I've attended conferences and workshops and such but never had to be away from home. I did have to wear a uniform at Wendy's when I worked there, and there was sort of a low-key uniform at the coffee roastery. I don't know if I work BETTER, but I'd much rather work in the morning than in the evening!

4. What's something you bake or cook that is labor intensive? Is it worth it?

 Butter tarts. I make my own pastry so it's something I have to plan ahead for and it takes some time to get the pastry just right and then roll it out and cut out the rounds for the tart shells. But since I can't get tart sized pastry shells ready made here, if we want butter tarts, I've got to do all the work. Is it worth it? Oh yes. They are delicious and now I'm a pastry snob!

5.  One thing you're looking forward to in the month of September?
I am looking forward to my daughter and her boyfriend visiting for a weekend coming up! They are coming to attend my chorus's big show which I'm obviously looking forward to as well! 


6. Insert your own random thought here.

My Twenty-Six Lists post this week was about all the jobs that could appear on my resume. See it here: Twenty-Six Lists - My Resume and join in if you'd like!


What have you been working on lately? Leave a comment and let me know!

From this Side of the Pond

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  1. I agree that working early on pushes people to be "better"; at least, more responsible. My son may drag his feet in the morning getting ready for school but he's never missed or been late to work!

    1. Yes, somehow our kids all learned a good work ethic too and I'm very glad. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  2. The list link up sounds like fun. Going to try to remember that, and by remember I mean write it on my calendar. How have I never heard of butter tarts? They sound delicious and like something I would love. Have a great day!

    1. Butter tarts are a Canadian thing, although we've found them in places like North Dakota. But we've said for years that it's unfortunate we live south of the butter tart border. LOL Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  3. Those butter tarts look really good. Looks like you will be busy entertaining. The good thing about entertaining is that it pushes us to get things done. Enjoy the rest of your week!

    1. I agree - nothing like company on the way to motivate me to clean things up a bit better! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  4. Unapologetic pastry snob, here, too! I wrote something similar about the impact of young people having jobs. Good luck getting ready for company! It will be so nice to see your parents!

    1. I don't want to get ahead of myself because I've got stuff in Septebmer to enjoy, but I am really excited to see my folks again! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  5. I bet you are so excited to have your parents coming to visit! We have become real pastry/dessert snobs too now that Alec has taken over and makes everything from scratch. I find the store bought stuff just doesn't taste the same.

    1. Oh yes, I can imagine that having your very own pastry chef would make you a bit of a pastry snob! That's fair! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  6. How wonderful your parents are coming to see you! It's been 20 years since I lost my mom and 50 since my dad passed. I'd love to sit down with them, if only for a moment, to let them know how much I love and miss them, show them photos of their great-grandchildren and just enjoy the time with them. I'll see them again someday, but I still would love a visit.

    I worked in high school, too, at a little discount department store. I didn't have to wear a uniform ever. When I was teaching, I attended a summer workshop, but they made us travel back and forth to Indianapolis rather than pay for a room. I think, by the time, they paid mileage, they would have been better off paying for a room! So, nope, I never stayed overnight for my job!

    I think rolled sugar cookies are labor intensive...probably because they are my husband's favorite, and he looks forward to them all year for Christmas. He says they aren't the same any other time of the year! I have never mastered the art of pastry, but he doesn't really like pie (and I can take it or leave it) so I don't worry about it.

    Have a wonderful weekend, Kym!

    1. Yes I'm so glad my parents are still healthy and able to visit us, and we don't take that blessing for granted!

      I think that so many of the cookies and holiday treats are more special because we usually have them only once a year. Then I'm willing to take some extra time to do them too.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  7. Enjoyed your answers. Yay on the this with Marsha? Also, one of these days I'll join in the 26 lists because it sounds fun, but its always so hard for me to get the posts in I want and then get around to commenting. Maybe I'll make it a goal for next year. Having your parents visit sounds wonderful.


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