Saturday, September 7, 2024

Currently . . . September 7, 2024

At the beginning of each month I've been participating in the "Currently" link-up hosted at Overflowing With Thankfulness. Our hostess Jennifer posts a set of action verb prompts for the month and writers respond. So, without further ado, here are this month's prompts and what's happening currently . . .


Loving - Things I'm loving right now include:

The weather! The days are warm but not uncomfortably hot or humid, and it cools off at night. We have gone a long time without rain though, so that's the one downside. 

Some really good food! We went to a Greek festival last weekend and savored some of our favorites: pastitsio, spanakopita, tyropita, and souvlaki. And of course, baklava! I love baklava. We brought home a sampler box of baklava and other cookies and pastries. What a treat! I think I need to work on my Greek-inspired culinary skills so I can make more of these things myself. (Although I didn't take any photos of the food, I did take a couple photos in the cathedral on our tour.)

Looking forward to - a haircut! I really need one and I've got to get it done on the weekend. 

Also looking forward to the SVC show coming up. My daughter and her boyfriend are visiting for that, so that just adds to the excitement! If you're in central Ohio and are interested in barbershop singing, please check out our website for more info and the link to buy tickets to our show on September 14th: 

Smelling - We haven't been regularly burning candles or even remembering to turn on the wax warmers yet, but that will happen more often as fall progresses. We found a Roasted Coffee scented jar candle at Bob Evans last year which is a favorite. I hope they still sell those ones because I need another.

Weirdly, I've been noticing the paint smells at work a lot lately, like every time I step out of my office. I'm not sure whether I'm just noticing it more or if something is different where they mix the paint and stuff. 

Watching - baseball more often than TV. We have tickets to a couple of Clippers game this week, and as it gets closer to playoff season, we're starting to pay slightly more attention to the standings and scores. Slightly. Of course, our MLB team, the Blue Jays, is out of contention, but the Orioles and Guardians are at the top of their divisions so that might keep us interested. Hockey season will be underway soon and we have a share in Blue Jackets season tickets so we will definitely be watching hockey soon!

(And missing the amazing Johnny Gaudreau. 💔)

RIP Johnny and Matthew

Admiring - some beautiful sunsets, bluer than blue skies, and the little hints of color on leaves here and there that lets me know fall is coming! 

Here's a very abbreviated version of the Coffee Break Reading list . . . 

Reading - currently reading these:

Sisters of Fortune by Anna Lee Huber
Blood of Adam by Rachel S. Neal


More reading news and recent reviews are at Just A Second.


Quotable (I've enjoyed hunting up little quotes to add to my Five Minute Friday posts, and I do a regular Wednesday Quotes post based on interesting quotes, but I've still got such a collection that I have to keep sharing them!):

The fog makes some people lose their perspective, and for others it only wraps with a great kindness the whole world and blots out all ugliness. ~Almira Bailey

Strange to see how a good dinner and feasting reconciles everybody. ~Samuel Pepys

Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese. ~G.K. Chesterton


Some fun things I've found during coffee breaks:


What's currently happening in your life? Leave a comment and let me know! 

This post will be linked at this month's edition of "Currently" hosted by Overflowing With Thankfulness

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Simple Meal Planning - Plan to Eat


  1. Currently, it feels like life is on hold as we go through hip replacement surgery for my husband. He has to have both replaced and has already had one replaced. He has had some complications so we're hoping for a good report at his next appointment. I know having the other one done is weighing heavily on his mind. Prayers are deeply appreciated.

    1. Ouch, that makes me hurt just to think about! And a joint replacement plan and recovery does put other things on hold for sure. Sorry to hear that there have been complications - praying for that good report, full recovery, and that the other surgery goes smoothly. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!


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