Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Peaches & Ice Cream

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A hodgepodge is a jumble or assortment of things that might not appear to belong together. Joyce at From This Side of the Pond hosts a weekly link-up called Wednesday Hodgepodge that is a little collection of questions for bloggers to answer just for fun and to get to know each other. I always look forward to chatting with friends over coffee, so pour a cup of your favorite and let's visit for a few minutes!

Here are this week's questions - and my answers - for this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge.

1.  What is an adult problem nobody prepared you for?
How hard it is to make new friends once you're an empty nester. 

And this one goes back a few years for me, and is a little more specific . . . As a homeschooling mom, I was not at all prepared for how gigantic the adjustment for ME would be after my youngest graduated. It's like retiring from a long career, but there's no benefit package or recognition gifts. No party. Well, there is a party, but it's for your student, and rightfully so. But as a homeschool mom, you're out of a job, and if your social circle is largely the homeschool community, that all changes too.  
2. Without mentioning any tech, what's your most prized possession?
My house? Maybe my bed. Or my books. That's harder to answer than I expected!

3. It's National Peach Ice Cream Day (July 17th). Will you be celebrating? Do you like peaches? Given a choice would you prefer peach ice cream, peach pie, peach cobbler, or just hand me a peach? Do you own anything that is peach in color?

 That's a very specific celebration! I will likely eat some ice cream, but it won't be peach ice cream, so I suppose I won't be celebrating. I like peaches, but they are not my favorite. I like a lot of foods made WITH peaches more than just a plain peach. So of those choices, I'd take the peach cobbler. I can't think of anything I own that is peach colored unless it's underwear or soap or something. Haha.

4. What makes a friendship successful?

 Trust and loyalty. In a good friendship, you can be honest with each other and you can be sure that confidences are kept and that you'd have each other's backs if necessary. 

5.  Let's give our brains a rest and do a little summertime this or that . . . beach or pool? Ice cream or snowcone? Amusement park or camping? Burger or hot dog? Watermelon or strawberries? Get up early or sleep in late? Sunrise or sunset?
Pool. I like the beach until I have to deal with the sand in everything.

Ice cream. I do NOT like snowcones or even slushee type drinks.

Amusement park or camping . . . tough choice. I guess amusement park. I like camping but my husband doesn't, and it can be a lot of work.

Burger or hot dog . . . both?! If I have to choose just one, I'll have a burger.


Sleep late. I don't get to do it often, so it's a treat and feels so luxurious!

Sunset, because I prefer to sleep late! 

6. Insert your own random thought here.

I feel like no one has been talking about the Olympics at all, or at least I am sadly out of the loop when it comes to the Summer Olympics this time around. I'm not even sure when and where the games are. I guess I just haven't been paying attention!

What adult problem were you unprepared for? Leave a comment and let me know!

I'm sharing in this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge at From This Side of the Pond.

From this Side of the Pond

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  1. I'm looking forward to the Olympics. I do pray there's no disruption and Paris is safe for everyone. The world is such a mess currently. The posession question was a toughie for everyone I think.

    1. Yes, I certainly hope and pray that everyone at the Olympics stays safe! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  2. I also hate the sand at the beach. Otherwise I'd like it!

    1. I'm glad I'm not alone in that! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  3. I agree that it seems no one is talking about the Olympics and honestly? I don't even know when they start!

    1. I'm not even sure how to watch this time - I might have to just catch the highlights on the web. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  4. Hi, I like how you answered #4.
    And I love that song.
    xx oo

    1. Thank you - I always loved the music from Toy Story!

  5. Your meme made me laugh out loud! It is hard enough when we hit the empty next stage, but since I didn't home school, I have never thought about how hard that time would be!! Our answers about friendship are similar -- confidentiality and honesty!!

    1. I've seen the same meme except it says "Me, if drinking coffee was a sport" and that's also accurate! LOL Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  6. I like your custom headings. We were not true empty nesters. Our kids stayed home until they got married except for our daughter. But she did have 2 kids while living with us and moved out right before we sold our big home. Grandkids have been here a lot and the older two live with us 4 days a week when they are in school. I am involved with different groups at church. I am a night owl and am rarely up to see the sunrise. I plan on watching the Olympics when it starts. Enjoy the rest of your week!

    1. Only one of our kids moved out before getting married, and two of our young adult kids still lived with us until WE moved out! We moved out of our own nest! LOL Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  7. My husband and I watch no network TV so we are really out of the Olympic loop. I can see how it would be hard when you are done homeschooling your youngest.

    1. We don't have network TV either, so not only am I out of the loop, but I'm not quite sure how I can watch the Olympic events that I'm interested in. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  8. I have found it so hard to watch the Olympics ever since we went to streaming services a few years ago. I used to spend hours watching the events and now I hardly seem aware of them... I mean I knew they were happening later this month I've seen a few bloggers talking about them but not like it used to be. I'm hopeful to get to enjoy some viewing!

    I definitely feel like it's harder to meet and make (and KEEP!) friends as an adult. We had our public school friends that we lost touch with just a few short years after being at home and I can already feel all our homeschooling friends pulling away as all the kiddos head off to college...

    1. that's right - the Olympics is really a network TV thing and we don't have that. I always loved watching the opening and closing ceremonies and some of the events with the family. In the summer games, it was gymnastics, swimming, and diving. Hopefully I'll get to watch some of it!

      It was so surprising to me how hard it was to stay close to my homeschool mom friends once our kids graduated. I'm still good friends with those wonderful women, but our paths just don't cross as often, and that was starting to happen even before I moved away.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  9. Olympics haven't started yet so you aren't out of the loop...yet!. smile. Not only as an empty nester but it's hard making friends when you move to a new area and church. I enjoyed reading your answers. Take care...

    1. Good to know I still have some time to figure out some kind of an Olympic viewing plan! Yes, I was really unprepared for how hard it would be to make friends as someone new to a neighborhood and church. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  10. I totally agree with your answer to #1. I've been doing a little research on the Olympics as my daughter wants to watch all of the equestrian events. Since we don't have cable, looks like signing up to stream Peacock will be the way to go.


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