Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Motivational Thoughts

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A hodgepodge is a jumble or assortment of things that might not appear to belong together. Joyce at From This Side of the Pond hosts a weekly link-up called Wednesday Hodgepodge that is a little collection of questions for bloggers to answer just for fun and to get to know each other. I always look forward to chatting with friends over coffee, so pour a cup of your favorite and let's visit for a few minutes!

Here are this week's questions - and my answers - for this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge.

1.  What impresses you?
Integrity. Intelligence and thoughtfulness. People that develop and use their talents and gifts to honor God and to bless others.
2. Where are you in your family birth order? Do you fit the stereotype of that particular slot? In what way?
I am the oldest of my siblings. I have two younger brothers and one younger sister. I guess I fit some of the stereotypes, but not all. Isn't that always the way? Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason, I suppose. I did a little research on birth order theory and found these firstborn traits that could describe me: reads a lot; interested in politics; quick to understand things; trust their own capabilities; taking on leadership and teaching roles; uphold family traditions and morals. However, I have never wanted to be an astronaut; I don't usually have a serious attitude (I have plenty of attitude, but it's not serious!); I'm not really a rule-follower; and I'm not an overachiever. 

3. What motivates you more - a reward or a consequence? Elaborate.

 I'd say a reward is more of a motivator. I'd rather win something or feel that I'd achieved something satisfying. Maybe because that is something to be proud of and that I can take satisfaction in for longer, and it also builds confidence. The satisfaction or relief of avoiding a negative consequence only lasts a short time. I guess it depends a little bit on how awful the consequence is. I can be quite motivated by the threat of a very painful or serious punishment, because I don't want that! Thinking back to when I had my knee replacement, for example . . . once I had made the decision to have the surgery, I was somewhat motivated to do the "pre-hab" exercises but the consequences of not doing them were a bit vague. After the surgery, I was very motivated to power through the physical therapy exercises and work hard at them, because the reward was being able to walk and hike again. It felt great to do things I hadn't been able to do before, and it encouraged me to keep going!

4. May 14th in National Buttermilk Biscuit Day. Who thinks biscuits deserve their own day? Do you like biscuits? Make your own? Grab one for breakfast at a drive-through now and then? Which drive-through makes the one you like best? What do you like to put on a biscuit? What's your favorite food or dish that calls for buttermilk?

 There's a day for everything, isn't there? I like biscuits and make my own, but not all that often. And I'm just as likely to shortcut and get the Pillsbury ones. I rarely get them at a drive-through - on the very rare occasion when I get a drive-through breakfast sandwich, I'll get it on a croissant instead. I prefer biscuits with just butter and honey, or biscuits with sausage gravy. That's a favorite brunch! I suppose biscuits probably are my favorite food that's made with buttermilk.


5.  Are there any weddings on your summer calendar? What's your favorite part of a wedding/wedding reception?
No wddings on my calendar this year. I think my favorite part of a wedding is the processional, especially if the bride is coming in on her father's arm, and is being "given away". There's something very poignant about those moments when a beautiful bride is coming to meet her adoring bridegroom and that proud daddy gives his blessing.  

6. Insert your own random thought here.

I have had such a tough time making it around the blog link-ups to visit all my neighbors lately, especially my fellow Hodgepodgers, and I'm sorry to be such a slacker. It seems that my Wednesday evenings are crammed too full of things I need to do. However, tomorrow is my last Thursday morning co-op class, which means the last Wednesday evening I'll need to set aside some time to do grading a class prep, so I'm hoping that will help. Of course, I'll also be going to work first thing in the morning on Thursdays so I don't know. We'll see. I have some mixed feelings about my last day of teaching anyway. I'm relieved to be finished and have one less (huge) task each week, but on the other hand, I've really enjoyed teaching so I'll miss it, I'm sure.

What motivates you and keeps you going? Leave a comment and let me know!

I'm sharing in this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge at From This Side of the Pond.

From this Side of the Pond

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  1. It's a busy time of year for most people and I think we all understand. It usually takes me all weekend to visit. I try my best to get to all the HP posts each week. Endings are always bittersweet. Enjoy your last day of teaching!

  2. There is a biscuit place here. I am a purist and only want some blackberry or blueberry jam on it. I am the same way with pancakes and cheesecake...just the basics! I am having the same problem hitting all the blogs. I don't know what's going on!

  3. I enjoyed your answers. I'm usually very late getting around to commenting. I love the link parties I'm involved in, but sometimes it's hard to get to everyone. Sometimes I just have to pick and choose, and I usually always make sure I visit those who visit me.


I love comments! Keep the conversation going over a virtual cup of coffee.