Saturday, February 10, 2024

Five Minute Friday - Consume

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One word. Five minutes to write about it. This is the idea behind Five Minute Friday and this is today's free-writing post.


What am I consuming, and what is consuming me? I'm trying to eat healthier and lose weight, which means I'm a little more focused than usual on what I'm eating. Consuming also refers to what I'm using, thinking in economic terms. We want to be wise consumers, thinking about where our money is going and whether we are using our resources well. 

But I'm a consumer in my thought life too, and often without being very aware of it. Are my thoughts focused on myself and what I want or feel right now, on temporary things? Or am I keeping my mind centered on who God is and what He wants for my life?

Being consumed by what people think of you is the fastest way to forget what God thinks of you. ~Craig Groeschel

There is no more fatal blunderer than he who consumes the greater part of his life getting his living. ~Henry David Thoreau

It's my choice to allow myself to be consumed by bitterness, selfishness, greed, revenge, anger . . . if that's what I'm feeding on. Or, alternatively, I can feed my thoughts by meditating on God's Word and on God's goodness, and allow myself to be consumed with love and passion for God. Even when we are weighed down by sadness and suffering in this world, and it may seem that grief and misfortune are consuming us, we have God's promise that he is with us and will carry us through.

Be merciful to me, LORD, for I am in distress;
my eyes grow weak with sorrow, my sould and body with grief.
My life is consumed by anguish and my years by groaning;
my strength fails because of my affliction and my bones grow weak.
~Psalm 31:9-10~

My soul is consumed with longing for your laws at all times.
~Psalm 119:20~

The goal of the gospel is to produce a type of people consumed with passion for God and love for others. ~J.D. Greear


Too many people just eat to consume calories. Try dining for a change. ~John Walters


This post is linked at Five Minute Friday for the word prompt "Consume".

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Simple Meal Planning - Plan to Eat


  1. This is so good, and that quote by Thoreau hits close to home. I wish I didn't have to spend the greater part of my life trying to earn a living, but in this season, that's what it feels like.
    Your neighbor this week, #19

    1. I think most of us have to spend our lives earning our way, but what I took from the Thoreau quote was the idea that pouring all the energy of our lives into acquiring temporal things is very sad. Like the illustrations of people who spend all their time at work and make it their priority only to lose touch with their family and their faith. :-( Thanks for stopping by today!

  2. Kym.
    Thank you for sharing your post on this one word. The scriptures are a welcome morsel on which to chew today. Thank you again 🌸

    1. thank you for taking the time to stop by and comment!

  3. Many wise words here, Kym! And I am impressed that you wrote this in five minutes!!

    1. I'm sure it took me more than five minutes, because I don't set a timer! And I don't count the time it takes to gather up a couple of quotes and the Bible verses and then proofread. I'd guess between five and ten minutes to actually write PLUS adding those other things. Others stick to a timer and that really is amazing! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  4. Ah ... I didn't think about that ... "What is consuming me?" ... and all I need to do is look around my house and there's the answer. Thank you! Blessings!


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