Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Thoughts Off the Top of My Head

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A hodgepodge is a jumble or assortment of things that might not appear to belong together. Joyce at From This Side of the Pond hosts a weekly link-up called Wednesday Hodgepodge that is a little collection of questions for bloggers to answer just for fun and to get to know each other. I always look forward to chatting with friends over coffee, so pour a cup of your favorite and let's visit for a few minutes!

Here are this week's questions - and my answers - for this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge.

1. What's something small you tend to sweat even though you know you shouldn't?

There are probably a lot of things. I spend more time worrying about little details of my appearance than I should. I'm overly concerned with making sure that I don't wear the same thing twice in a row to someplace I go weekly, like to church or chorus rehearsal. In my head, I know that no one is likely to notice unless that was the only thing I ever wore, because I can't remember from one time to the next what others wear.

2. October 17th is National Pasta Day . . . do you like pasta? What's your favorite? Cooked at home or eaten in your favorite Italian restaurant? How often do you make/eat pasta?

I love pasta, almost every pasta dish! My favorite is fettucine alfredo, and I like my own homemade alfredo sauce best, but it's something that I'll often order in a restaurant and have never been disappointed. My favorite Italian restaurant is Buca di Beppo. I would probably eat pasta every day if there were no calorie consequences. Haha. But in general, we have pasta once or twice a week, and recently we've been trying to limit carbs so we're avoiding pasta. I guess that makes it even more of a treat for me when I do have it! 

3. Do you consider yourself a spontaneous person? Explain.

 I do think I'm fairly spontaneous, but I'm becoming less likely to be spontaneous as I get older. Depending on how disruptive the spontaneous thing would be. I can usually shift gears really quickly with a last minute change to dinner plans or anything like that. When we go on vacation, I want to buy plane tickets ahead of time to get a good price, and since we're working, we do need to book time off in advance. I prefer to have a hotel reservation or to know where we're staying, but if it's a road trip, I'm fine with having a very loose plan and deciding what to do and where to stop for the night as we go. I guess my style is to have a general plan and expectations and figure out all the details as we go.

4. Who are some of your heroes? Tell us why.

 Wow, how to choose . . . Bible characters like Joshua and Caleb, Hannah, and Peter, because they were ordinary people who overcame everyday challenges and lived boldly for God. Historical figures that come to mind at the moment are Abigail Adams, Susan B. Anthony, and Sojourner Truth, who were outspoken advocates for justice and liberty in various ways, and weren't content to stay in the little boxes that society put them in. I know there are so many others in history that I admire but I only have so much time right now! 

5. Let's wrap it up with something light . . . Taylor Swift . . . are you a fan? On a scale of 1-10 how much so? (1=who's Taylor?, 10=a true Swiftie, seen her in concert more than once) If you're a fan what's your favorite T. Swift song?
I'm not a fan. I know who she is, and can think of one or two of her songs that I like a little bit, but honestly I can't figure out what the big deal is with her. She's just not all that and a bag of chips, and I don't have the impression that she's a very nice person either. So I'd put myself at a 1 on the scale, defined as "I know who she is but couldn't possibly care less about her". 

6. Insert your own random thought here.

I'm worried and upset about so many things in the world, and right now I'm frustrated and discouraged with things closer to home too. Things that are just . . . ugh. No solutions that will make everybody happy, but that's the way it goes. I say I am pretty comfortable with being spontaneous, but right now I've got a couple things in my own little world that have thrown me a curveball that I'm not even a little bit comfortable with, so that's spontaneity that I'm very unhappy about. I will be working on trying to improve my attitude today, I suppose, and getting back to being optimistic and just rolling with it. Being spontaneous, after all! Even though this is NOT what I had in mind when I answered the question about spontaneity!

So, a timely reminder:

And on a lighter note, this is so true and I'm thinking about making it my cover photo:


Do you prefer careful and detailed planning or are you okay with spontaneity and figuring it out as you go? Leave a comment and let me know!

From this Side of the Pond

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Simple Meal Planning - Plan to Eat


  1. I don't think Swift is a very good person, either. All her songs are about her breakups and her bad boyfriends. But what if it's her fault? Of course, now she made a song where she said she's the problem so, there's that. She's bothers me to no end, honestly.

    1. She IS the common denominator in all those bad relationships, after all! I don't like her at all. Thanks for stopping by and validating my opinion! LOL

  2. I struggle hugely with spontaneity though I did plan to not plan a weekend getaway a few years ago and we just drove and made up a plan as we went. I was okay with that since it was just the two of us and our plan was not to have one but unexpected changes to plans that come up in real life often throw me for a loop. I try to be more flexible but I definitely balk at change when it's staring me in the face..

    1. I think it's funny that we have to plan ahead in order to be spontaneous, but I know exactly what you mean! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  3. "all that and a bag of chips" - I LOVE that expression, never heard it before. Great post! I'm a big planner but I can be spontaneous if it's called for - the chance to leap at something so to speak.

    1. I think planning and spontaneity are both good and maybe the balance between them is different for everyone though. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  4. I think I'm more aware of what I'm wearing because we take so many pictures now and I don't want to see myself in the same thing all the time. I'm sorry for your turmoil. I hope things settle down with all that is causing you stress. Take care.

    1. Thank you - I know it will all work out in the end but it's so annoying in the meantime! I appreciate you stopping by and commenting!

  5. I have never heard of that type of pasta you mentioned. It sounds good though. I'm so sorry you're worrying about so many things right now. Hope things will improve soon.

    1. Thank you - I'm sure everything will work out fine in the end, and I just need to get past the irritation right now. Glad you stopped by and took the time to comment!

  6. Hello Kym! I am definitely a planner, but have been working on being more spontaneous since I retired. It doesn't come natural to me, but I don't want to miss out on fun opportunities just because they weren't "in the plan." I hope things are looking up for you and that you are feeling more optimistic soon. By the way, I feel exactly like you do about Taylor Swift. All the fuss makes no sense to me.

    1. Yes, that's a good point about leaving room in the "plan" for the opportunities that come along! Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting!

  7. I love the pool of heroes you've chosen today. Right there with you on Ms. Swift. I suspect there's a huge publicity/marketing machine that created her. With so much talent elsewhere, how else can her metaphorical rise be explained?

    1. Yes, she's not nearly as "self-made" or as talented as her marketers and handlers want everyone to think! Sorry, not sorry. ;-) Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  8. Hello Kym, sorry the curveballs in your world right now. I hope things will smooth over. I need those general plans in place so I can then be spontaneous about other things that come along. We have some fond memories of Buca di Beppa. Hope the rest of your week is good.

    1. I'm sure everything will work out in the end, but I'm pretty frustrated with it all right now. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  9. It's interesting how we worry about the small stuff. Hope those curveballs get sorted out, and you can find some spontaneity on your terms.

    1. I guess that's what we really want - spontaneity on our own terms instead of imposed on us! Good insight. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  10. these past few weeks have seemed like one incredible hodgepodge. your questions and answers bring some order to it all. love it.

    1. Yeah, the whole world is a hodgepodge lately! Thanks for your very kind comments!

  11. I've never heard people say they didn't think Taylor Swift was a good person before! My daughter thinks she is, I don't follow closely enough to know.

    1. well, that's me - no guarantee I'll have the popular opinion! LOL Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  12. I'm trying to decide if I'm spontaneous or not. I think I am to a degree. I can easily switch plans for eating out or not. I'm open to changing directions when we go somewhere as long as we can. I'm honestly just trying to live my life the best I can and have some fun while doing so. It seems the world is a dark, dark place right now. I do hope your curveballs become strikes (is that the right analogy) soon.

    1. A good mix of spontaneous and planning works best for most of us! I like your curveball and strike analogy, and I'm sure everything will work out just fine! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!


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