Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Tell Us About . . . Travel: Alberta Bound

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A couple days ago I purchased a pair of airline tickets, so this fall my husband and I will be traveling to Calgary to visit my family. A full ten years since the last time we were out there! So today for 'Tell Us About . . . Travel' I'm going to reminisce a little about that last trip. (I had this all ready to go earlier today but didn't publish! Whoops!)

We had decided to make it a tradition that when our kids graduated high school, they could choose the destination for our family vacation for that summer. Within certain logistical and budgetary guidelines, of course! Our oldest had graduated a few years previous and we'd gone on a road trip to the Football Hall of Fame, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and Cedar Point. In 2013, our second son graduated and was supposed to tell us where he wanted to go. After much thought, he said he wanted to visit his grandparents in Alberta. As it turned out, my parents were celebrating their 50th anniversary in the fall, so instead of a summer trip, we decided to make it an autumn trip. My husband and I researched our options and decided that to make the most of the trip, we would fly to Spokane, rent a vehicle, and spend a couple days seeing Glacier National Park on our way to Alberta, and then route through Kimberley, BC on our way back to Spokane.

Bonners Ferry and Glacier

It was cold and drizzly on our first day at Glacier National Park, but we saw as much as we could, because on our second day―the first of October―a government shutdown started, meaning the parks were closed. It was snowing as well, which isn't unusual for these elevations at that time of year!

Our kids liked to do these "album art" poses, like they were some indie band. We have collections of photos in these kinds of poses from a lot of family vacations and outings.

The graduate in a Forrest Gump pose


We spent a day in Banff with my sister and her kids.

We had some family photos done at my parents' 50th anniversary party. 

My crew

Family tradition pose with my siblings

Siblings and spouses

Mom and Dad and us kids

All the cousins (except my oldest son)

British Columbia

Oh, and right before the big trip, the kids started drawing faces on their fingers and doing these "photobomb" shots. It became a theme throughout the trip!

I'm so excited about this upcoming visit to my hometown! It's too bad that our kids won't be joining us this time, but of course they're all grown up now and have to work and all the things. On this visit we'll celebrate my parents' 60th anniversary, and we should be able to fit in a trip to Banff again, and I do plan on seeing my best friend from high school at some point. That's all the planning we've done so far!

Tell Us About . . . is a monthly opportunity for bloggers to showcase their creativity. Each month one of the co-hosts will choose the word to focus on. On the third Thursday of every month we'll respond to the prompt "Tell Us About ---" which could be absolutely anything. And how we respond is also wide open. It could be a blog post with our opinions or reminscences; a poem, photos, a short story or whatever takes your fancy―it could even be a mix of all these! This month's theme is "Travel" and our hostess is Deb at Deb's World.

This post is linked at Tell Us About Travel.

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  1. OH that is so exciting! I hope you have the best trip. These old photos are so fun to look at. You visited some really beautiful places.

    1. I sure hope we can visit Banff on the upcoming trip! No time for Glacier this time around. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  2. Really enjoyed this post. Your kids have such fun personalities. The finger face photobomber is adorable. And I like their Indie band poses. Jealous of your family photos. It has been years since we had a family photo...so long that both of my parents are now gone, and 2 of the 3 of us kids have divorced and remarried. So the old photo doesn't come out much. I had both daughters here last week and pledged to get a family photo but alas, it didn't happen.

    Your photos of the trip to Alberta, Glacier, Banff are travelogue quality. I have only traveled to east Canada. Have heard Banff is especially lovely. Thank you for sharing.

    1. It seems like we don't realize the importance of having family photos until we're older and it gets harder to get everyone together. I hope you can get a family pic next time your daughters are both with you!

      Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I appreciate it!


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