Saturday, June 24, 2023

Share Four Somethings - June 2023

This post may contain affiliate links - using affiliate links from A Fresh Cup of Coffee helps continue the coffee breaks and conversation. 

How is it possible that it's near the end of June already? It feels like the month slipped by while I was distracted, but I'm not sure with what! In any case, it's time to share Something I Loved, Something I Read, Something I Learned and Something I Ate and I hope I can remember and come up with some decent answers. Maybe that means it will be a short post?

Something Loved

We enjoyed two very special weekends recently. Our daughter and her boyfriend came for a visit on the second weekend in June and it was such a treat to have them here! We did a little bit of exploring, a lot of eating out, and even played some Scrabble. Then on the Father's Day weekend, hubby and I went on an exploring trip on the Saturday, and on the Sunday our son and his family treated us to a delicious dinner and we did a little exploring with them as well. 

I'd hoped that we might be able to go away next weekend, but that isn't working out. We do have a long weekend trip to Maryland to look forward to in August though.

Something Read

Here are the books I'm currently reading:

Man of Shadow and Mist by Michelle Griep
A Perilous Perspective by Anna Lee Huber
Composition As Conversation by Heather M. Hoover


My two most recent reviews are Beneath A Peaceful Moon by Debby Lee and an audiobook, A Man With One of Those Faces by Caimh McDonnell. I'm trying something new on my book blog―I'm calling it Book Review Bulletin, and it's a monthly link-up for review posts. I'm just starting out with this project, and will see how it goes! The Book Review Bulletin for July will open on June 28th (yes, a couple days before the beginning of July!), and I hope you'll drop by and share a review or two. 

As always, all the rest of my reading news is at Just A Second if you want to see what I've recently reviewed and what I have coming up.

Something Learned

I often learn new things or start pondering things as I write articles from prompts or visit other bloggers in link parties. That's often the purpose of the link-ups, right? Here's an example: I often am critical of myself for being lazy, so when I happened upon an article at Soul Survival called Laziness, Self-Esteem & New Habits, it gave me some new perspective on what laziness really is and what causes it.

While writing my Wednesday Quotes article this week, I learned about the history of the selfie, and found myself rethinking my views on selfies a little bit as well. You can take a look at the quotes I collected and my thinking out loud about them here: WQ - The Modern Self-Portrait

With the selfie, a photographer has finally found his place in a photograph. ~Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

When I did my self-portrait, I left all the pimples out because you always should. Pimples are a temporary condition and they don't have anything to do with what you really look like. Always omit the blemishes - they're not part of the good picture you want. ~Andy Warhol

Something On My Plate

Oh dear, I failed completely in this department in June! I didn't do a whole lot of cooking myself, it seems, and didn't really try anything very new. We ate very well indeed, as we visited some great restaurants, but not once did I take a picture. Well, I took this one just to prove to our son that we ate at a restaurant that shared his name:

Share something in the comments, or share four somethings with the rest of us in the link party!

This post will also be linked at What's Been On Your Calendar #WBOYC hosted by Deb's World.

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Simple Meal Planning - Plan to Eat


  1. Thanks for linking up with us today! I feel like I ate very well this month as well, and I'm looking forward to eating next week while I'm at the beach. I love enjoying all the seafood I can while I'm at a place where it's so fresh. I don't get it that often, since I live in Tennessee. I hope you enjoy your weekend!

    1. While visiting the beach is the perfect opportunity to enjoy fresh seafood! Hope you have a great time! Thanks for stopping by and commenting

  2. Kym loved your post! How much fun you must have had exploring, and SCRABBLE!!! My all-time favorite game ever. My girls and I never grew tired of playing of it.
    Loved the books mentioned and the article over at Soul Survival, I missed that one-looks good.

    1. Scrabble is one of my favorite games too and I don't get to play often enough. Maybe that makes it more of a treat when we do play! Thanks for stopping and commenting!

  3. I enjoyed your post on selfies and don't worry. I didn't take pictures of anything we ate either. I'm not doing well on taking photos of anything much right now. Great Share 4, glad you had so much fun with family. Have a great weekend.

    1. My photography is very hit and miss. Glad you stopped by and commented - hope you're having a great weekend!

  4. Replies
    1. I thought it was spectacular, and it sounded pretty good too! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. I've been working my way through the Lady Darby series as well. I'm not as far as where you are, but I'm hoping to be done before the end of the summer. We ate really well on our cruise to Alaska and readjusting to normal eating has been challenging. But I was ready after all that luxurious food. Thanks for sharing your monthly highlights and linking up this month.

    1. I just got the newest Lady Darby book, so now I'm even more motivated to finish the one I'm still working on! I've heard about how great cruise dining is, and hope to check it out myself sometime. Thanks for stopping by to comment!

  6. I love how much I learn through blogging and reading other people's blogs. It looks like you had some really fun weekends with family!

    1. It's surprising how much we can learn through blogs. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  7. Precious time with family is the best, Kym! Interesting perspectives on selfies. In the beginning, I use to think selfies were self-centered, but in time, I recognized they are capturing moment of life and are therefore a gift. Is your daughter in cosmetology? I noticed her hair changed colors, so I wondered. :) A book review link-up sounds fun! I use to write reviews for every book I read, but I haven't really written any reviews for quite some time, so your invitation to link-up sounds inviting.

    1. My daughter is not in cosmetology, although I've often told her she needs to find a friend who is! My daughter just graduated with a music degree. I hope you'll join the book review link-up - and I hope the link-up works out well! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  8. Enjoyed reading the quotes on the selfies. Sounds like you enjoyed lots of family time in June. Hope you have a wonderful July!

    1. Family time is always my favorite thing! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  9. Kym, what a great month. You know you are so right; I can't tell you how much I learn from other bloggers.
    Visiting today from Share Four Somethings #1

    1. Yes, so much to learn! It's fascinating. Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Thanks for linking up with us this month. I love how much I learn from the blogs I read - and how many google rabbitholes they often send me down.

    1. Yes, fun and educational and you often don't know where you'll end up! Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Hi, Kym - Thank you for joining us at #What's Been On Your Calendar. I'm new to your blog and am off to take a look around -- and to check out more of your reviews. See you there!

    1. I look forward to being a part of that link-up regularly - if I remember! Glad you stopped by and commented - hope you'll find something of interest here!

  12. Hi Kym, great to have you join us for WBOYC this month. Your post is really interesting and a great way to get to know more about you!

    1. Thank you - I'm enjoying getting to know you through these link-ups as well. Glad you stopped by!

  13. Family time is always special isn't it? Thanks for sharing about the history of the selfie - I've learned something new too! I enjoyed reading about your June and look forward to you joining us for next month's WBOYC? I wonder what July will bring? x

    1. I hope July brings good times for all of us! Mine is off to a good start and I hope yours is too. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  14. I am playing catch up! June sounds busy but full of great memories!! I also failed to take pictures of the things I was eating. Oh well, we ate well, LOL! I like your review bulletin, and hope it goes well!

    1. I ams STILL catching up on commenting! Thanks for stopping by and for your kind comments!


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