Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Today's Hodgepodge of Thoughts

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A hodgepodge is a jumble or assortment of things that might not appear to belong together. Joyce at From This Side of the Pond hosts a weekly link-up called Wednesday Hodgepodge that is a little collection of questions for bloggers to answer just for fun and to get to know each other. I always look forward to chatting with friends over coffee, so pour a cup of your favorite and let's visit for a few minutes!

Here are this week's questions - and my answers - for this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge.

1. May 24th is National Brothers Day. Do you have a brother? Older or younger? Did you raise brothers? Tell us something about your brother or tell us something about your own children who are brothers.

I have two brothers, both younger than me. I'm the oldest, I have a brother three years younger, a sister nine years younger, and another brother twelve years younger. I have a closer relationship with the older of my two brothers, because we're so much closer in age. 

Me and siblings in 2013, the last time we were all together!

I raised three boys. There's two years and one day age difference between the oldest two, and then about four years between brothers two and three. All three shared a bedroom for a few years. They all get along very well and these days brothers two and three are probably the closest since they are living in the same house. 

My kids - brothers and sister -
they did not plan ahead to wear flannels!

2. A great book you've read or movie you enjoy that features brothers?
I had a tough time coming up with anything here. I know a lot of the books I've read have brothers but none of them jumped to my mind with brothers as feature characters. Except the one I'm almost finished reading right now. In The Keys to Gramercy Park, the historical timeline features identical twin brothers with a very troubled relationship. They look alike but have completely different personalities.


Thinking of a movie was even harder. I thought of O Brother, Where Art Thou? which is not even about brothers! But a good one that our family enjoyed years ago is Brother Bear.


3. Something you think is overrated? Something you think is underrated?

 Potentially unpopular opinion: Pumpkin Spice Lattes from Starbucks (or anywhere, really) are overhyped. Every fall is a huge build-up and really they are not that special in my opinion. And I love me some Starbucks, but not Pumpkin Spice. I'm not a huge fan of flavored coffees in general. I think they are more about scent than flavor.

Something underrated . . . Hmmm . . . maybe breakfast for dinner. I just think we should do it more often.

4. How much does your past shape you? What parts have shaped you the most?

 I think we are all shaped by our past to a great extent. What we've lived through deeply affects our habits and attitudes, and it can be for good or for ill. I'm grateful that when I look back I can remember many positive life experiences that outweighed negatives and that I haven't been deeply scarred by trauma. I had a happy childhood (not all sunshine and lollipops, but overall happy) with many good family relationships and good friendships, so that has shaped how I raised my children and the value I place on home and family. As an adult, the one event that shaped me most dramatically was the circumstances that led to my husband and me moving to the United States. It's too long a story to tell here, but it was a series of "coincidences" that was very clearly God moving pieces into place, and it thoroughly convinced me that God cares about each one of us, has a purpose for us, and can be trusted to lead us and work on our behalf. 

5. What's your favorite simple pleasure?
Probably a bubble bath. As long as I can remember, I've loved to relax in a deep warm bubble bath with a good book. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.

As I was putting together this hodgepodge, I was reminded of a link-up I hosted a few years ago called Twenty-Six Lists. It was just that - a link-up with a prompt of a list theme every other week and participants could just share a list or elaborate on their answers; and the lists could be three items or thirty, or just whatever. It was kind of fun and maybe I'll do something similar here on A Fresh Cup of Coffee sometime. A plan to start thinking about for next year perhaps.


Any thoughts about brothers or a reaction to my answers you'd like to share? Leave a comment and let me know!

From this Side of the Pond

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  1. I love breakfast dinners! And I can only hope that someday, my boys get along better than they do now.

    1. There's always ups and downs with how siblings get along, especially boys. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  2. Thank you for sharing how God worked in your life and I would love to hear the rest of that story. How do we see God moving? Most often in hindsight.

    1. I'll have to tell the story sometime! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I'm like Libby above. I would enjoy hearing the rest of the story too. And I love breakfast for dinner too. Unfortunately, hubby does not. Have a great day!

    1. My husband doesn't respect breakfast for dinner nearly as much as I do! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  4. I totally agree with the others...would love to hear the rest of the story. When hub was living, we had breakfast for dinner quite often especially in the fall and winter season.

    1. Sounds like I will need to tell our moving story sometime! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  5. I love breakfast for dinner better than for breakfast for breakfast. I'd rather have dessert for breakfast but that's not healthy on a regular basis.
    I enjoyed your answers - especially #3.

    1. Glad my unpopular opinion wasn't TOO unpopular! I'd prefer dessert for breakfast and breakfast for dinner too, if only it was healthier for me! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. I thought of O Brother, Where Art Though, too, but also realized it wasn't about brothers. My husband LOVES that movie.
    I really like the font you use on the blog - what font is it?
    I also really like the idea of the lists and would love to participate!!
    Last but certainly not least, I would love to read your story about the move to the U.S. I hope you will share it some day.

    1. I had to go look up the font because I couldn't remember! I had to download it - it's called Coming Soon. The list link-up was fun so I may plan it for next year. And I think I'll be telling our whole story sometime soon! thanks for stopping by!

  7. I'd love to hear the story too. I am a fan of lists so keep us posted if you decide to create some sort of link up. Sounds fun! I say the tub is my time out spot. When I'm tired, cranky, or just want some time to unwind a hot bath is the cure.

    1. The tub is my unwind and relax spot too! Sounds like I'll need to do an upcoming post telling the story, and plan the link-up too. Maybe starting in the fall? Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  8. I'm a big fan of "brinner" (breakfast for dinner) and I enjoyed seeing your family photos. I popped over after seeing your comment on my blog and it's lovely to be here. I'll be back to read more. I'm not sure about a 26 list link party - I kind of like the '4 Things' type idea - less to read and less to think up for the party!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting - hope to see you again! I also like the shorter lists of prompts and the option to make the answers as short or detailed as you want. 26 is the number of lists throughout the year (I did it every other week), not the number of items on each list, just to clarify!

  9. Kym, love the photos of you and your siblings and the one of your kids. I enjoyed reading a little about you. Interested in the story about what led you to move to the U.S.A. Hope you have a great end to this week and a meaningful Memorial Day weekend!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! Looks like I've got an idea for an upcoming post, since several commenters have asked for more of the story!

  10. I really had a hard time thinking of a book or movie that showcased brothers too even though I know I must have watched and read many of them!

    1. Right?! There's so many, but for some reason I had a hard time thinking of any of them! LOL Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  11. I have a younger brother (who towers over me so he calls me Little Sister) and two sons who were not friends until the last few years. I agree 100% on the whole pumpkin spice thing. I don't even like pumpkin pie though I love pumpkin cake! I am trying to think of a simple would probably be just being by myself with no demands of any kind.

    1. My siblings and my sons are all noticeably taller than me too. Glad your sons are friends now! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  12. The 26 list idea sounds fun. I enjoyed your answers. I love a nice bath too and reading while I'm relaxing in it

    1. I think I'm going to go have a bubble bath and read for awhile right now! LOL Thanks for stopping by and commenting!


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