Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Thoughts About Crowning Achievements

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A hodgepodge is a jumble or assortment of things that might not appear to belong together. Joyce at From This Side of the Pond hosts a weekly link-up called Wednesday Hodgepodge that is a little collection of questions for bloggers to answer just for fun and to get to know each other. I always look forward to chatting with friends over coffee, so pour a cup of your favorite and let's visit for a few minutes!

Here are this week's questions - and my answers - for this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge.

1. Did you watch the coronation of King Charles III? Share some of your thoughts about that, or about the royal family in general.

I did watch it, almost the whole thing! I turned it on about the time the procession was entering Westminster Abbey. Being Canadian I still feel a little connection to the British Commonwealth and it was a bit nostalgic to me as I remember getting up at three in the morning or something like that to watch the wedding of Charles and Diana. I'm not a King Charles fan, really, but I do respect the monarchy in general and I think Charles has corrected course in a lot of things over the past several years. I suspect a lot is mere image improvement, but I wouldn't be surprised if he has genuinely mellowed and adjusted as he got older as well. Aging, becoming a grandfather, all the family drama―royalty or not, those things would tend to change a person, and I hope for the better in his case. 

I found the screen hiding the anointing to be very creepy, to be honest. Why so secretive? That was a red flag moment in my mind. But that aside, I was pleased with the faithful reading and preaching of Scripture during the ceremony, the inclusion of the Biblical allusions in the various traditional oaths and charges, and the decidedly Christian music. All the music―old and new―was gorgeous! 

2. What are you the uncrowned queen of?
Queen of the Coffee Cup. Queen of Procrastination. Queen of Sarcasm. Queen of Grammar Nerds. Queen of Nerdy Word Games. I am the undoubted queen of these realms.

3. In a box of chocolates which one do you usually go for?

 I always choose dark chocolate if it's there. My favorites are the ones filled with orange or raspberry or coffee creme. But the only ones I actually avoid are the caramels because I don't like the really sticky chewy texture.

4. Something learned at your mother's knee?

 Figuratively, pretty much everything I know about being a mom and keeping house, although I was an extremely reluctant learner in the housekeeping department! But when I think about the phrase "at mother's knee" I remember the Scripture memory program that I was in as a young child. I think my brother did it too. I can't remember if it was through our church or not, but we got little books of verses to memorize and recite and there were prizes for doing it. I worked pretty hard at memorizing and I remember sitting on the floor while Mom sat in the armchair and listened to me recite. Don't remember how old I was, how long we participated in that, who the sponsor of the program was, or a single prize that I earned. But I strongly suspect that a fair amount of the Scripture I have filed in my brain and heart dates back to those days and that habit of memorizing.

5. 'Like mother, like daughter' . . . in what way is this saying true for you?
As I get older, I see more of a resemblance between me and my mom, and I catch myself saying things that sound like my mom! Fortunately, Mom and I have a good relationship so I'm okay with that! 

6. Insert your own random thought here.

I've procrastinated starting my day for long enough so I'm going to get this linked up and start on my to-do list! No, really! I'm getting started now.

In what realms are you the queen? Leave a comment and let me know!

From this Side of the Pond

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  1. Ha... I have been crowned by my dentist.. twice. ;-)
    I enjoyed reading your answers.

  2. I do think Charles has likely been changed by all that has gone in the family/world in recent years. And I think people can change and be given second chances. I know there are so many completely loyal to Diana who can't forgive, but as we've learned she was also an imperfect person. How difficult it must be to live your life so publicly. I embrace the term queen in my house too...just ask my family : )

  3. I didn't write this in my blog but after reading yours, I could be Queen of the Diet Pepsis!

  4. You have many crowns! :) That's a sweet memory of reciting those Bible Verses to your mom. I wonder if it was Awana that you went to. We just went to our grands' awards ceremony last week. Hope you have a great week!

  5. I didn't find the screen creepy as much as just unnecessary. I read it was a time of reflection for him, but I would have to think he's been doing a lot of that lately. I did love seeing all of the regalia and kept trying to figure out exactly where they were in the Abbey.

    Will you share your crown with me as Queen of Procrastination? I declared myself that years ago! But, I have yet to receive my crown!

    My mother and I were carbon copies of each other and had a few problems getting along in the early years. One thing we didn't share was a love of clothing. My mom just couldn't be bothered with it!

  6. Memorizing scripture is something I wish I had done more of in my life. I suppose it's not to late though. I think some of your queen titles fit me pretty well too. lol Have a great day.

  7. My mom and I are a lot alike too and have often the same phrases at the same times.

  8. Thanks for stopping by, always nice to meet a new blogger. Enjoyed your answers and wisht that I had memorized more scripture in my younger days, well, I wish I could remember where the scripture is found. I know the scripture, just sometimes can't recall their address. :o))

  9. Great answers. I already said I'd pass the dark chocolates on to someone else, but if there are any still left, you can have them. Glad to see another person here who's not a Charles fan.

  10. Grammar nerds ... nerdy word games -- I'm Right there with you, Kym! Up until a couple of years ago I had a ridiculous amount of coffee mugs. Each had a special significance, but there comes a time you have to say, "Thanks for the memories" and release.

  11. I enjoyed your answers. I always joke that I have so many crowns in my mouth I could rule a few countries.


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