Wednesday, May 10, 2023

10 on the 10th - Do You Remember?

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Two posts in one day? When the 10th of the month falls on a busy Wednesday, I guess that's what I need to do! You see, on the 10th of each month, Marsha In the Middle asks ten questions for us to answer. We get to choose how much detail to give. I don't have a lot of time so I guess I'll try to keep mine short today.

Can you whistle?
Technically, I can, but actual results may vary. I'm not a good whistler. Also, I can only do the lips pursed type whistle, not through my fingers or that real shrill get-everyone's-attention whistle.

Can you touch your toes flat to the ground?
I guess not? My toes are rather arched.

Can you remember all of your teachers from kindergarten to graduation?
I remember most of them. I remember all my elementary school teachers (just one who I can picture but I'm not certain of her name), and can name most of the teachers I had in junior and senior high.

Can you ride a motorcycle?
Again, technically I can, but I'm not licensed to do so, nor should I be. It's been a lot of years.

Can you groom a dog?
Nope, no clue even where to start.

Can you remember the first vacation you ever went on?
As a child or as an adult? I do remember childhood vacations, which were either camping trips or visits to my grandparents. Sometimes both! 

Can you create things from scratch?
I can bake bread from scratch, and often do. I am able to sew and knit and do cross-stitch, but I do need a pattern. I am able to play music, but I'm don't write my own.

Can you wire an outlet?
I've never tried, and so I will say no, I can't.

Can you remember your first job?
Yes, my first job was at a Wendy's restaurant. That was back when Wendy's had salad bars, and that's most often what I did―kept the salad bar stocked and clean, and kept the dining room clean. I did work the drive thru window or cash sometimes as well. I think I worked there for almost two years. 

Can you upholster a chair?
Yes, I can and have done it a few times. Dining room chairs, not armchairs. This is my handiwork from five or six years ago―the one with the dots. The chair with the checked seat pad is the old cover, which I also did quite a number of years earlier. And I'm pretty sure I had done the covers before those as well.

Hmmm. I don't think I can build much of a resume from the skills I've listed here. Can you do or remember any of these things? Leave a comment and let me know!

This post will be linked at Marsha In the Middle for May 10 on the 10th.

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  1. Fun post and I enjoyed your answers. I can crochet and loom-knit and embroider. I also play piano. My first job was at Kings Island Amusement Park when I was 16. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  2. I thought this was such a fun group of questions! Loved reading everyone's answers.

  3. I had totally forgotten Wendy's had salad bars! I have only tried baking bread once when we were first married...decades ago now! Thanks for playing along!

  4. I think we all interpreted the second question differently. haha.


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