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A hodgepodge is a jumble or assortment of things that might not appear to belong together. Joyce at
From This Side of the Pond hosts a weekly link-up called
Wednesday Hodgepodge that is a little collection of questions for bloggers to answer just for fun and to get to know each other. I always look forward to chatting with friends over coffee, so pour a cup of your favorite and let's visit for a few minutes!
Here are this week's questions - and my answers - for this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge.
1. What do you find is the most boring part of your life at the moment?
The weekday routines are boring right now, because they are so much the same from Monday to Friday. I have a standing "virtual coffee break" phone call with a friend each week, but other than that there's little to distinguish one day from another and I often have to look at the calendar to remind myself whether it's Monday or Tuesday.
2. February 22nd is George Washington's birthday. You'll find his face on the US $1 bill. What's the last thing you bought for roughly $1.00?
Yesterday I picked up a few groceries and these cans of soup were $1.25 each, I believe. But a couple days before that, I bought a box of wooden toothpicks for 75 cents.

3. Is it ever okay to tell a 'little white lie'? Explain.
I feel like any lie is still a lie, so in that sense, it's never okay. However, I don't consider it a 'little white lie' to tell a casual acquaintance that I'm doing fine when they ask how I am, even if I'm having a crappy day; or to say that something was no trouble and I was happy to do it even if it was actually inconvenient. I used to claim I had 'other plans' in order to decline an invitation to something I had zero interest in, even though there was nothing on my calendar. But it wasn't a lie, because maybe my 'other plans' were to stay home and read a good book. Being truthful doesn't mean I have to tell everybody every detail of what I'm thinking, so I strive to be truthful but discerning and kind in what I choose to say.
4. What's the last thing you 'chopped'? Cherry pie, chocolate-covered cherries, a bowl of cherries, cherry vanilla ice cream, maraschino cherries, a cherry-flavored lifesaver . . . your favorite cherry-flavored something?
I chopped my hair off this week! Or paid a hairdresser to chop it off, I guess. Is that what we're talking about? I love cherry flavor, especially cherry pie and chocolate cherries, but I haven't had either of those in awhile. I had black cherry yogurt for breakfast a couple days ago.
5. Describe yourself with three words using your first, middle, and last initials.
This is harder than I first thought! Kind? I don't know if I am! I try. Knowledgeable? That sounds like I'm a Know-it-all, which also starts with K. Hmm. Klutzy? Possibly true, but I don't want to acknowledge it! Lonely? Lazy? I guess the three words don't necessarily need to be adjectives, so that might help. Let's go with . . .
Keyboards - Learning - Talkative
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Once again, I will add a random thought related to the Write 28 Days blogging challenge word prompt for today - danger. It struck me that lying can be very dangerous. Well, obviously lying in a court of law or lying on our taxes is dangerous and I don't think anyone would argue that. But perhaps our little fibs that we think unimportant can lead to danger as well. Lying can become a habit that gets us into all kinds of trouble. Getting caught in lies ruins our reputation and good name. Refusing to acknowledge the truth about ourselves is a form of lying too, and carries its own threat of danger to our very souls. I have to conclude that it's better to always stick to the truth!
I don't know who Wellins Calcott was, but this quote with his views on lying was quite sobering and blunt, but I find that I cannot disagree with his argument!
All men must acknowledge Lying to be one of the most scandalous sins, that can be committed between man and man; a crime of a deep dye, and of an extensive nature, leading into innumerable sin; for Lying is practiced to deceive, to injure, betray, rob, destroy, and the like; Lying in this sense is the concealing of all other crimes, the sheep's clothing upon the wolf's back, the Pharisee's prayer, the harlot's blush, the hypocrite's pain, and Judas's kiss: in a word, it is mankind's darling sin, and the Devil's distinguished characteristic. ~Wellins Calcott
He who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and third time, till at length it becomes habitual; he tells lies without attending to it, and truths without the world's believing him. This falsehood of the tongue leads to that of the heart, and in time depraves all its good dispositions. ~Thomas Jefferson
The most common lie is that which one lies to himself; lying to others is relatively an exception. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
The prudent see danger and take refuge,
but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.
~Proverbs 22:3~
And how do we see the danger? By walking in the light of truth;
This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.
~I John 1:5-7~
That feels like a rather heavy way to conclude a light-hearted hodgepodge of questions and answers! So tell me the truth - could you describe yourself accurately using just three words that start with your initials? Leave a comment and let me know!
This post is part of the Write 28 Days Blogging Challenge hosted by Anita Ojeda. Find all my posts for the 2023 challenge here:
Write Something Somewhere
©2006-2023 HS Coffee Break/Just A Second/A Fresh Cup of Coffee. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author.
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You described your views on "little white lies" and not sharing every detail (which some people might consider a lie by omission) so eloquently and I agree 100%. What do keyboards have to do with you, by the way? Do you play them (as in, the musical instrument)?
ReplyDeleteThank you! Yes, I picked the word keyboards because I play piano/keyboard and because I spend so much time typing on my computer's keyboard and that covered both!
DeleteI might look into the Hodgepodge Wednesday linkup. It seems like a fun thing to break up the routine of the week. And I love Calcott's description of a lie being "mankind's darling sin and the devil's distinguishing characteristic." Quite true. Blessings to you on this 22nd day of the #write28days challenge. Blessings to you!
ReplyDeleteHow fun this Hodgepodge Wednesday is! I enjoyed reading it and seeing your fun personality through your words! And my initial description of myself would be: Creative Sympathetic Wacky🙃
ReplyDeleteI always love the questions Joyce comes up with! The last thing I chopped was some green beans and a whole giant bowl of salad this morning. I don't like cherry anything- except for fresh cherries.
ReplyDeleteI find you answers to be very informative and deep in thought. How long was your hair? Yes, life can be boring for sure. Take care.
ReplyDeleteI think I got about 3 to 3 1/2 inches of length cut off. And it was mostly one length, so going to short layers was a big change!
DeleteHi, Oh I do like that quote by Thomas Jefferson. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteAnd I love your hair. Way to go! You got this Silver Sister!
xx oo
We've been studying Proverbs in our Women's Bible Study presently and I'm happy to be in the light. Interesting quotes on lying. Your hair looks so full and lovely. Happy Hodgepodge to you!
ReplyDeleteLate to getting around to commenting from last week. I had grandkids all week. I agree, the day to day routine when it's usually the same does get rather boring. I enjoyed your answers.
ReplyDeleteOne of the things you discover during retirement is you never know what day it is lol. I often wake up and first thing say to hubs today is Tuesday February 28th. It helps!