Wednesday, February 22, 2023

What's Up Wednesday - February 2023

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I didn't forget about What's Up Wednesday with Shaeffer & Shay this month, but I am going to try and keep it a little shorter today. I felt like I rambled a lot last month, but I suppose that's what I do most of the time . . . ramble. Unless someone interrupts me, so feel free to jump in and do that! 

On the last Wednesday of each month, these two lovely bloggers host a link-up to talk a bit about what's going on in our worlds - food, entertainment, plans, fashion, work, whatever - in the What's Up Wednesday linky party.

What We're Eating This Week . . . pretty simple foods. Nothing too fancy or adventurous this week, as my husband has been fasting for some bloodwork and other medical tests. And I'm being especially picky about what I eat right now until I can get to the dentist, because I suspect I have a filling that's broken or something along that line. We did go out to dinner on Saturday and I had a really good brisket grilled cheese sandwich. I'm planning chicken parm for dinner on Friday.

Going back a little further, I tried a couple of new things - a chorizo and sweet potato skillet (very good but not as flavorful as we expected) and chicken costoletta (delicious and easy, but I got the coating a little darker than I wanted).

What I'm Reminiscing About . . . posts about the Winter Olympics have come up in my Fakebook memories quite often lately. There were several reminiscing about the games in Calgary in 1988. Not only am I old enough to remember it, we were there and attended a few events, and I'm also old enough to have been a choir member in the opening ceremonies. Very cool memories!

What I'm Loving . . . I'm still getting used to it, but I am loving having shorter hair again. I got tired of it being heavy and falling into my face, and was starting to get a lot of breakage around my temples, so I opted for a short layered cut. It does need actual styling, but it's not hanging in my eyes even when I don't style it so that's a win right now!

What We've Been Up To . . . mostly the same as last month! We've got things pretty settled in the townhouse so we can call it home for the rest of the year. We've pretty much settled on a church too, and it's nearby, so that's been nice. We've gone to their Wednesday evening dinner and small group activities a few times, and hopefully as we get to know people there we might find some friends to socialize with a little too. 

Speaking of friends, we had friends from Ontario stop in on the weekend as they were on their way south on vacation. It was wonderful to have company and someone to visit with!

What I'm Dreading . . . doing our taxes. I've done it myself all but the first year or two we lived in the USA, and I'm hopeful that I can do it this year too, even though there are a lot of new and weird things to figure out. I haven't started yet because of a couple of those weird things - it's been a headache to get all the documents we need!

I'm also dreading going to a new dentist and doctor but that's coming up soon on my to-do list!

What I'm Working On . . .  I'm attempting to be more consistent with getting out to walk and getting exercise. I've never been a fan of exercising, and my arthritis made it really hard to do much anyway during the past couple years. I had my knee replaced in the summer and have been able to walk again, but it's just not that much fun to go walking by myself on the same path so I've had a tough time establishing that habit. I've noticed that my knee is not always as flexible as I'd like so I need to work on that. I'm back to tracking my miles walked to earn medals in The Conqueror Challenges, but it's still slow going. This is my most recent medal, and here are the ones I'd earned previously:

What I'm Excited About . . . it seems bleak, but to be honest I don't have a lot to be excited about right now. I'm looking forward to a trip home to Maryland, but I don't know whether I can do that before May so I'm really not excited about it yet, and not excited about anything else that I can think of either. Sigh. My boring life!

What I'm Watching/Reading . . .  (see my book blog at Just A Second).

I'm currently working on:
In Spotlight and Shadow by Rachel Scott McDaniel
The Cairo Curse by Pepper Basham

Recently completed:
What I Would Tell You by Liz Tolsma
The Friendly Persuasion by Jessamyn West

Up next:
A Perilous Perspective by Anna Lee Huber

What I'm Listening To . . . It's pretty quiet right now. I still like to listen to podcasts and RadioU and my Spotify playlists, but I'm content to just have the quiet as well.

What I'm Wearing . . . long sleeve t-shirts and yoga pants or jeans, most of the time. I bought a new long cardigan sweater but it's much warmer than I expected so I think it will be a spring 'jacket' more than anything.

What I'm Doing This Weekend . . . no specific plans, but hoping to get together with our son and his family again. They were sick last weekend and we missed hanging out.

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month . . . We'll be going to a hockey game or two next month so that will be fun. Other than that, I don't know yet! 

What Else Is New . . . not much here. Back in Maryland, Aubrey just had her six-month checkup and she's doing great! She's got a few new tricks she's learning, including this variation on crawling. Isn't she the cutest?

In less happy news, this week my daughter called with a concern about our one cat who has a messed-up tooth now. They don't know what happened, but we're sure it's not a result of an injury or anything. It looks like my Merida kitty has a tooth that's about to fall out. We authorized a trip to the vet and decided to do it soon rather than wait and see whether the tooth comes out on its own and risk an 'emergency' vet visit. So I'm a little worried about how that will go and what the bill will come to. (Maybe I should have put that as something I'm dreading!)

But overall, things are a lot of same old same old, which isn't necessarily a bad thing! 

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Simple Meal Planning - Plan to Eat


  1. Your hair looks great! I think that just might be the funniest crawl I've ever seen. Hope everything works out with the cat's tooth and the vet bills.

  2. I really like your new haircut! And I think that is SO COOL that you sang at the Calgary opening ceremonies and got to go to some events. It's always super exciting when Canada gets to host the Olympics!

  3. Those dinners look amazing. I love your hair!


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