Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Thoughts on Love and Time

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A hodgepodge is a jumble or assortment of things that might not appear to belong together. Joyce at From This Side of the Pond hosts a weekly link-up called Wednesday Hodgepodge that is a little collection of questions for bloggers to answer just for fun and to get to know each other. I always look forward to chatting with friends over coffee, so pour a cup of your favorite and let's visit for a few minutes!

Here are this week's questions - and my answers - for this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge.

1. Something you've done recently that might be considered a labor of love?

Hmmm. How recently? Either I'm admitting that I'm selfish, or perhaps the things I do out of love don't feel very laborious! I suppose the work of packing up and moving and trying to make this place feel like home would be considered a labor of love. I wouldn't have moved at all if I could have had my selfish way! But a move was the best choice to make, and out of love for my husband I've been doing my part to make all the adjustments and look after all the "at home things" rather than pout and moan. Which isn't to say I don't have the occasional pity party or lonesome blues. I do, and then I carry on. 

2. What's one thing you love about being the age you are now?
I think I have the confidence to just do what I want! Not being reckless or defiant, just not worrying much about what people think or needing approval when I make decisions. I recently decided to take a training course for something I want to learn and plan to turn into an earning opportunity. It was my time and money and potential so I went ahead and did it. I was confident my husband would be supportive - and he was! I was excited to tell a couple of close friends about my new venture and it felt great to have their encouragement, but I didn't need to wait for others to pat my head and reassure me before I did what I wanted.

I know the question is about ONE thing I love, but here's another. I actually love my hair! I purposely let my hair go gray a few years ago and it's one the best moves I've made. Of course, right now I've decided I need a different haircut, and even though I don't feel like I need anyone's approval to make the change, I am having trouble deciding just what to do! 

3. What do you value more: careful planning or the freedom to be spontaneous? Elaborate. 

 I do prefer being spontaneous, although I do appreciate at least a loose plan. After all, one needs some structure to work from! With most of my home and work life, I will usually have a list of things that need done, maybe with the most important and time sensitive tasks highlighted, and I work through the list in whatever order makes sense to me at the time. When I was teaching (homeschooling my kids and teaching high school English and Literature at a co-op), I did make a lesson plan, but it was not a script. It was notes about which topics and assignments to cover on which date. To plan socializing or dates, I'm fine with that text or call at 4:30pm suggesting we meet for dinner and drinks in an hour, or a Saturday morning decision that the weather looks nice so let's go walk that nature trail after lunch. Vacations need a little more planning, of course, but I certainly don't need to have a daily itinerary all laid out. 

4. A home cooked meal or a fancy restaurant? Pink or red? Watch the sunrise or watch the sunset? Wine and cheese or champagne and chocolate? 

 Well . . . who's making that home cooked meal? I love going out to eat, but prefer homey to fancy, so I'll go with the home cooked meal. I will almost always pick red. I more often watch the sunset, although from my townhouse I don't have a good view of either. Definite drawback of townhouse living. Wine and cheese is slightly more appealing to me than champagne and chocolate.

5. What's your definition of romance? Are you a 'romantic'?

I think romance comes from the extra effort to do the specific things that are special to the person you love. For instance, most ladies like to get flowers, but if there's a certain flower that is her clear favorite and has a sweet association for her, I would consider it a romantic gesture for her guy to give her those. That very individual focus is what ups the romance factor. Dinner and dancing at a fancy restaurant might be the stereotypical romantic date night, but it's not for everyone. For some couples, the most romantic date might be hiking a scenic trail, or pizza and a movie, or attending a sporting event. It's the emotional or sentimental connection with love and happiness that makes it romantic.

Am I a 'romantic'? I guess using my definition, I am! Plus I get teary-eyed at weddings, and do the "oh, that's so sweet!" reaction a lot.


6. Insert your own random thought here.

I thought I was getting so much better at time management, but now I'm not so sure. I seem to underestimate how much time I'll spend on a task, or I keep going 'five minutes more' so I can finish something before moving on to the next thing. And before I know it, five minutes has turned into thirty minutes! It's not like this is new for me though; I've always had trouble with a strict timetable (see my answer to the planning vs. spontaneity question!) but right now I don't have much structure being imposed on me. Like it doesn't really matter to anyone but me what time I eat lunch, if I go for a walk in the morning or afternoon, or if I work on a task a little at a time here and there or in one dedicated block of time.

So here's my question, and I'd especially love to hear from those who work at home or on their own schedule: How do you structure and manage your own work time if you're not 'punching the clock' or going to the office? What are your tips for focusing on a task, avoiding distractions or time wasters, and not letting time get away from you? Leave a comment and let me know!

I'm sharing in this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge at From This Side of the Pond.

From this Side of the Pond

Although I didn't use the prompt for the day, this post is part of the Write 28 Days Blogging Challenge hosted by Anita Ojeda because I did indeed "Write Something Somewhere". Find all my posts for the 2023 challenge here: Write Something Somewhere

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  1. Hi,
    I am visiting from the Hodgepodge.
    I too let my hair go grey. It was not easy at first,but I am so happy I did. I am into my 4th year of it and am so so very happy I did it.
    I get a lot of comments of 'how did you do it'. I am honest and share my grey hair journey.

    I also work from home. I have a seasonal floral business. I structure my day with to do tasks. I think the hardest part is to remind others.. you are working even if you are at home.

    1. I have fielded a lot of questions about "how did you do it" with my hair too, and I just share my story about how and why.

      Yes, I suppose I'll need to make myself some 'office hours' and respect them if I want others to do the same!

  2. All the best with creating home. Moving is not my favorite thing to do either. Your hair is very pretty!

  3. Hi Kym, Nice to meet you at the Hodgepodge. Thanks for your visit and comment. I love your tone of grey, beautiful. It is tough to relocate. Hope all goes well and you feel less lonesome, soon. Enjoyed being introduced to you through your answers today. All the best! Oh, have you ever tried turning on a timer at the beginning of a task to let you know when to move on?

    1. I do use a timer but I guess I need to learn more discipline and actually move on when the timer tells me to! Thanks for visiting!

  4. Welcome to the Hodgepodge! I find a list and a rough timetable work well for me in terms of getting things done. For instance I need to work on our tax organizer so I might put that on the list for 10-11 and this helps me aim for getting the next thing done. I often make my daily to do list in the form of 'hours. 9-10, 10-11, etc. and this helps me stay somewhat on track and also feel like I accomplished something by days end. I don't always get to everything but this format seems to help with my self-discipline. Or lack of lol. Have a great day!

    1. That's a good idea - blocking out an hour or so to work on a bigger task. I think I need to be more disciplined to set one task aside after working on it for the set amount of time, just for a break and so that I get other things done as well!

  5. Oh I am struggling with the whole time getting away from me kind of thing too. Each afternoon I think I'll work on the blog for a few minutes and then make a card or work on my scrapbook pages and it's usually dinner by the time I realized I spent the whole time working on the blog!

    1. Yes, that's exactly what happens - time goes by much more quickly than I realize when I get engrossed in something!

  6. Love your grey hair - I coloured mine for years but during the lockdown periods I decided to stop. I coped by having it cut very short and just some highlights and thankfully the coloured hair grew out quite quickly and I had it trimmed regularly. Now my hair is about as long as yours and is all my own colour. I find it hard to be organised now I'm retired but I do have a loose "to do" list each day but anything that doesn't get done just gets bumped to tomorrow. Obviously that wouldn't work well for you but there've been some great ideas in other comments I'm sure you'll find helpful.

  7. Hmmm...I'm not sure I read question 1 right..I'll have to go back and re-read it. I Enjoyed all your answers. I'd like to hear what everyone says about your questions on time management. I do a fairly good job, but I could definitely approve.


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