Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Welcome to My New Coffee Break Project!

This post may contain affiliate links - using affiliate links from A Fresh Cup of Coffee helps continue the coffee breaks and conversation. 

Welcome! I'm glad you're here learning your way around with me! Let me start with a brief introduction and background. 

My name is Kym, and I'm a wife, mother, and grandmother. My adult kids call me Mum, and my grandkids call me Nonny (well, the youngest isn't talking yet, but that is my grandmother title). I homeschooled my four kids all the way through graduation, and partway through that adventure, I discovered the homeschool blog community. I started my own homeschool blog, mostly as a record of how we were spending our days, expecting that only my family and a few homeschoolers I knew on the internet would be reading. That blog changed addresses a couple of times before landing next door at Homeschool Coffee Break, and I connected with a larger-than-expected virtual homeschool audience, especially as I was reviewing homeschool curriculum and products for The Homeschool Review Crew. I had also started a separate blog called Just A Second where I put my personal book reviews and other posts about books. 

As my youngest child neared graduation and I neared my retirement as a homeschool mom, I stopped reviewing and changed directions with Homeschool Coffee Break a little bit. Even after graduation, I continued teaching at a homeschool co-op, so I did write homeschool articles, but they were fewer. And I wondered what I was going to do with a blog created for a homeschool niche audience now that I was no longer homeschooling. Finally this winter, I seriously entertained the idea that maybe I should create a new personal blog and just work on keeping up the evergreen material on the homeschool blog. A move to a new state in November 2022 meant I had to stop teaching at the co-op and a whole lot of other changes, and that's what led to me finally following through on my blog changes too.

I really wish I'd launched this new space in my coffee break blog home at the first of the year, but at that point I still hadn't come up with a good plan for it. Even now I'm still figuring it out, and it will be a bit of a gradual process, not unlike my move into a new home. I'm learning my way around and making adjustments. When we moved in, it was obvious where some things would go and what we'd need to buy. As we got settled and started acquiring the new pieces of furniture, I changed my mind about where I wanted things and reorganized the kitchen cupboards a few times. I suspect something similar will happen with my blog move. Some things I know I'll be moving or changing, and I'll start with those, but as the dust settles, and I meet the practical challenges, I'll likely have to make some adjustments. 

To start with, here's my plan:

  • Homeschool Coffee Break will still be my hub for all things homeschool, and I will be updating and adding some new material there related to home education.
  • Just A Second will still be my hub for all things book related. All that I plan on changing there is the weekly Scripture and a Snapshot link-up that I host. That will be moving here, so to begin with the link-up will have an anchor post in both places. 
  • A Fresh Cup of Coffee will be where most of my articles will be from now on. I plan to migrate much of the non-homeschool content from Homeschool Coffee Break gradually, but I haven't got a firm plan for what that will look like just yet. 
  • I'm launching A Fresh Cup of Coffee before getting things like the "Subscribe By Email" feature set up, so watch for those updates and adjustments as I have the time. After all, this is all being done on my coffee breaks! 
I'll be participating in the following link-ups and features that will be here at A Fresh Cup of Coffee from now on.

Scripture and a Snapshot weekly on Saturdays (This is currently hosted at Just A Second, and will be co-hosted here for a few weeks before making its home here.)

Five Minute Friday weekly on Fridays.

The "Currently" link-up hosted at Overflowing With Thankfulness on the first Wednesday of each month.
The More Than Just A Mom link-up hosted by these bloggers on the second Monday of each month. (and the first thing I'm moving here is my first in that series, published just a couple days ago)

The Share Four Somethings link-up hosted at Overflowing With Thankfulness on the last Saturday of each month.

I often share individual articles in other link-ups such as Inspire Me Monday hosted by Anita Ojeda, Let's Have Coffee hosted by Joanne Viola: Days and Thoughts, and others.

 Don't miss a coffee break! Subscribe to A Fresh Cup of Coffee by email.

©2006-2023 HS Coffee Break/Just A Second/A Fresh Cup of Coffee. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author. 

 We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.


  1. wow! such a new, and yet vaguely familiar look. quite the change Kym. I'll have to come back!

    1. Please do! I hope I can stay ahead of all the snags I'm sure to run into as I shuffle things around!

  2. Hey Kym, this is great! I love your new site! We match (Coffee themes for us coffee lovers— LOL). I bookmarked your site in my link-up party folder. I'll be regularly joining you for Scripture and a snapshot from my other site— A Blessed mess. I'm so happy you are venturing into a new site to go along with your new chapter. I can't wait to journey along with you, sweet friend. {{Hugs}}


I love comments! Keep the conversation going over a virtual cup of coffee.