You never get a second chance to make a first impression. ~Will Rogers
Probably the best-known quote about first impressions, right? I think some version of it has been attributed to a few other people too. It is true that our opinions are greatly impacted by the first experience in a new setting, the first look at a new product, the first listen to a new song, the first interaction when we meet someone new.
First impressions matter. Experts say we size up new people in somewhere between 30 seconds and two minutes. ~Elliott Abrams
We are also making first impressions on others that may color their views of us.
If you want to make a good first impression, smile at people. What does it cost to smile? Nothing. What does it cost not to smile? Everything, if not smiling prevents you from enchanting people. ~Guy Kawasaki
But to be fair, we should also try to keep an open mind and be aware that a first impression may be skewed by many factors. Not only that, but we all have the capacity to change over time; and we all face the temptation to present ourselves as something we're not. Often we are just doing our best to actually make a good impression and to downplay anything about ourselves that we're uncomfortable with or that we think will make us look bad. And sadly, sometimes, it's actually an attempt to manipulate or deceive.
First impression is unfair, because a first impression of somebody is guarded, and you don't know the person. ~Frank Oz
Each of us is full of too many wheels, screws and valves to permit us to judge one another on a first impression or by two or three external signs. ~Anton Chekhov
I don't know if you've ever noticed this, but first impressions are often entirely wrong. ~Daniel Handler
Have you ever looked at a painting or piece of art and at first thought there wasn't much to it, or even that it was rather ugly, but after looking closer started to see details that you hadn't noticed, and realized that it was making you think and you began to appreciate the art more as you considered it? Have you ever heard a song for the first time and wondered why on earth it was so popular or why your friend likes it? But after hearing it a few more times, you realized it was kind of "growing on you" and as you got more familiar with it, you liked it more and more? Have you started reading a book and wanted to quit after a dull or confusing chapter or two; but after reading a bit further you got involved in the story and later were so glad you kept reading? I think if we're honest, we've all had an experience something like that, and perhaps it should serve as a reminder that our first impressions of people might not be accurate either.
A person can look fabulous and seem very attractive, but turn out to be unpleasant or even downright mean. A person can also seem be unremarkable at first glance, but prove to be interesting and someone that is a delight to be around. I think we've all known people that became either more beautiful or more unattractive as we got to know them, based on their character. Warmth, generosity, sincerity, and genuine caring are traits that are attractive in anyone, and aren't always what we see in that first impression.
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
~Proverbs 31:30~
A firm, hearty handshake gives a good first impression, and you'll never be forgiven if you don't live up to it. ~P.J. O'Rourke
Wednesday Quotes is a bi-weekly opportunity for bloggers to share their writing, poetry, photos, or stories inspired by our theme. We've chosen the themes as a starting point for your creativity, and the only requirement is that your post include at least one related quote. Feel free to combine or "double-dip" with other writing or photo challenges as well. Of course, we'd appreciate a link back to us, if you'd be so kind. Add your link and please visit others and leave a comment! The link is open for two weeks.
Thanks to Marsha at Always Write for introducing us to the Wednesday Quotes challenge, and for passing the hosting duties along so we can continue sharing great quotes! Wednesday Quotes is co-hosted by Kym at A Fresh Cup of Coffee and Sadje at Keep It Alive.
Quoting reminds me there are other people in the world besides only me.
And other thoughts besides mine, and other ways of thinking.
~Gregory Maguire~
Wednesday Quotes 2025 Themes
January 8 - Planning Ahead/Setting Goals
January 22 - Winter Sleep
February 5 - Love Inspires Us
February 19 - Staying Balanced
March 5 - First Impressions
March 19 - Looking After Yourself
April 2 - Competition
April 16 - Spring Colours
April 30 - Morning Routines
May 14 - Memorable Vacations
May 28 - Telling Your Stories
June 11 - Summer Fun
June 25 - Patriotism
July 9 - Hobbies
July 23 - Being Adventurous
August 6 - Spirituality
August 20 - Writing Letters
September 3 - Chocolate
September 17 - Making and Keeping Promises
October 1 - Autumn/Another Spring
October 15 - Daily Bread
October 29 - Night Skies/Stargazing
November 12 - Good Manners
November 26 - Celebrating Holidays
December 10 - Winter Wonderland
December 24 - Holiday Memories
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Wonderful take on the topic Kym. Loved your thoughts and quotes too.