Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Wednesday Hodgepodge - It's The Little Things

A hodgepodge is a jumble or assortment of things that might not appear to belong together. Joyce at From This Side of the Pond hosts a weekly link-up called Wednesday Hodgepodge that is a little collection of questions for bloggers to answer just for fun and to get to know each other. I always look forward to chatting with friends over coffee, so pour a cup of your favorite and let's visit for a few minutes!

Here are this week's questions - and my answers - for this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge.

1.  What was your after school routine like when you were a kid?
I'm not sure of my age, but I do remember my brother and I watching sitcom reruns when we got home from school until it was time for dinner. Gilligan's Island and The Brady Bunch were our favorites. We tried to keep quiet inside because my dad worked a very early morning shift so he was almost always having a nap during that time of day.
2. January 26 is National Green Juice Day (I guess it's true everything really does have its day). Do you juice, as in make your own in an attempt to get healthy? Do you do the green juices? What's your favorite kind of juice (home blended or store bought, either one)?
I do not make my own juice. A few years ago, I did make my own smoothies for awhile - and many of them were green! - but I didn't stick with it. I liked the green smoothies made with things like kale and swiss chard, just not for breakfast. Also, at one point I had some kale fresh from a friend's garden and when I was washing it I found a very fat green worm and it was the EXACT same color as the kale. That was the end of me making my own smoothies, honestly, because it horrified me that it would have been so easy for me to miss that worm and it would have gone in the blender . . . 😱 I'm gagging now just remembering that. I still ordered the green smoothies at Panera sometimes, but haven't done that in awhile. My favorite juices at the moment are the Bolthouse Farms smoothies. The Berry Boost and Blue Goodness especially, and all the breakfast and protein smoothies are so good. I haven't tried the green ones though, and I didn't care for the ginger/carrot/turmeric combo.


 3. What's something trivial about which you have a strong opinion?

Styrofoam cups for hot drinks. I hate them with a passion. I can tolerate a milkshake or other cold drink in styrofoam cup, like at a fast food place, but coffee should NEVER EVER be in a styrofoam cup. Years ago when I was in charge of procuring coffee and supplies for our church, I said a hard No to styrofoam cups and to powdered creamer as being way too cringey. Powdered creamer is something else I have a strong opinion on. Although those are coffee-related opinions, and coffee is not trivial to me. 

4. What do you need more of in your life? Less of?

 At first I was going to say more time, but what I really need more of is discipline in how I use my time. I need less . . . clutter. If I used my time better, I could probably do something about it. 

5.  Give us three adjectives to describe your January.
 Cold. Incomplete. Quiet.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

I volunteered to provide short articles for our 55+ group's monthly newsletter, so I'm going through some of my blog archives for suitable material. I guess this is one way to keep making use of all the writing I did over at Homeschool Coffee Break! The Lunar New Year is this week, and Groundhog Day/Candlemas is on Sunday, so I'll pass over these articles in favor of something related to Valentine's Day to submit for the February newsletter. But since I reviewed them, I figured I'd share them here if anyone is interested in these random thoughts.

Chinese New Year (this was written for the Year of the Dragon, but it's now the Year of the Snake)

Chinese New Year on Homeschool Coffee Break @ 

A Groundhog Day Look at Light and Shadow

What are the little things going on in your world these days? Leave a comment and let me know!

From this Side of the Pond

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 ©2006-2025 HS Coffee Break/Just A Second/A Fresh Cup of Coffee. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author. This post was written by a human. 

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Simple Meal Planning - Plan to Eat


  1. I can totally understand how finding that worm turned you off of green juices; that would have done me in too (and now I'm going to be thinking of that each time we get a batch of kale from the farm!). I try really hard to wash all our fresh produce well because I have found lots of bugs and dirt and things in them that I too often think would be just awful if I missed!

    1. I'm sorry - I hope I didn't ruin all enjoyment of kale for you! I'm squeamish as it is so that was definitely my breaking point. LOL Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  2. I agree on needing to use my time better! That is funny about styrofoam cups.

    1. I know it's so unimportant in the grand scheme of things, but the question WAS to name something trivial! LOL Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  3. Ahh! I used to love The Brady Bunch. I've not seen it for years.
    I think seeing a worm would put me off making my own smoothies too. Yuck.
    I am not a fan of Styrofoam cups either, nothing tastes good from them.

    1. It's been ages since I watched BradyBunch reruns, but I bet I still know most of the lines.
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting, and for validating my opinion on styrofoam cups! :-D

  4. You would get along with Washington State because styrofoam is completely outlawed here. Restaurants had to find an alternative to the take out boxes. I was happy to find that the alternatives for church coffee cups were not a lot more than styrofoam. We missed going to the one and only Chinese restaurant for miles to wish them a Happy New Year. I do prefer year of the dragon over year of the snake. My mornings are disciplined but my afternoons into early evening are nothing but!! Happy end of January to you.

    1. Maryland outlawed styrofoam as well and I was actually mad about it despite my distaste for styrofoam; because I didn't think it was the govt's place to force that on restaurants. We didn't go out for Chinese last week either, and I was hoping to at least get takeout from our favorite Asian place. Maybe this week. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  5. That worm would have been the end of juicing for me too. And kale lol! Hope you're having a nice week!


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