Monday, September 9, 2024

A Moment's Peace

 Share Our Lives 2024 is a monthly link-up to share aspects of our daily lives with each other. It hasn't worked out for me to share in this link-up for the past several months, but I'm going to take a few minutes to participate this time, as we discuss how we find peace in our day.

When my children were very young, I remember many days wishing I could just have a bit more of a break from being "on the clock" at all times. I think that's a common thread for moms of little ones - wanting and needing just a moment of peace. I also remember telling myself that when the kids were older I would have a little more time to myself, and while I may have been able to trust them unsupervised, life didn't get less busy! And it stayed busy even when they were all able to drive, and were finished school and could look after themselves. Turns out there were just other things to keep me busy, and yes, often still craving just a moment's peace.

The first months of living in our empty nest apartment were quiet and might have been considered peaceful, except that I was lonely and bored and lacked purpose, and it didn't feel peaceful at all. So peace isn't just having time alone with no one bugging you. Isolation isn't peaceful! Not always, anyway.

These days I don't have a houseful of people, but I'm working full time and it still feels like there is more on the to-do list than I have time or energy to manage. My strategies for finding a bit of peace and respite haven't changed a lot though.

I've found that when I start the day right, it goes a long way towards setting the tone for the rest of the day, no matter how busy it is. So I do my best to allow enough time to get ready for the day without feeling rushed and I take a couple of minutes to have a cup of coffee, and to listen to a devotional (I use and really like the app First 15).

Listening to some favorite music is a good de-stresser and if I really need to slow down and breathe, I choose worship music or classical music.

I've structured my workday so that I have only a half hour for lunch, which is not enough time to go for a walk or to a park, since there isn't a place right next door. That's fine because I'm seldom tempted to go out for lunch. I take a lunch and unplug everything and read while I eat. Even if I stay in my office during that time. If the weather is nice, I prefer to go to the break room and have lunch on the adjacent patio.

How often we do it varies from week to week, but my husband and I try to go for walks regularly. Getting a little exercise and fresh air and sunshine is obviously a very good thing in so many ways! We talk instead of staring at a screen, which is also good for us. We're lucky to have a couple of good walking trails right here where we live, and plenty of other trails that are just a short drive away.

I usually end the day sort of how I begin. With a cup of coffee and a bit of time at the computer or with a book. 

This post will be linked up with the Share Our Lives 2024 Link-up hosted by AdrienneDaraJenJoanne, and Sarah.

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  1. That is very true that peace doesn't just mean being alone in the quiet; it can of course mean that but other times that doesn't feel peaceful at all. You have lots of great strategies for finding bits of rest and peace in your busy days.

    1. Little bits here and there - sometimes that's all I can manage! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  2. I need to join these gals for this series. I love Joanne and Dara and Jen. Need to put it on my calendar.
    Peace for me comes in bits and pieces, too. This morning we sat on our patio for breakfast. Lovely, peaceful time. Getting up early for my devotional is peaceful. Reading before bed is peaceful. Sometimes just riding in the car and looking at the beautiful world from my window is all the peace I need.

    Your photos in this post are especially nice. Nice isn't a good enough word. Very pretty, very artistic. Great captures. My favorite is the walking path/bridge and the way it curves and leads your eye to the building/barn and beautiful sky in the background. Frameable!!

    1. Sounds like you enjoy some of the same types of peaceful moments as I do. I love that walking path and we're so lucky to have that park right next to our neighborhood so that we can walk there often. Seems like we always go late in the day though. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  3. I like how you mentioned that "peace" is different than "loneliness" or "isolation." Thank you for noting that, because yes, "peace" is NOT just being alone.

  4. Getting some fresh air...even for a few minutes is so nice. Thanks for linking up with us.


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