Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Wednesday Hodgepodge - A Collection of Thoughts

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A hodgepodge is a jumble or assortment of things that might not appear to belong together. Joyce at From This Side of the Pond hosts a weekly link-up called Wednesday Hodgepodge that is a little collection of questions for bloggers to answer just for fun and to get to know each other. I always look forward to chatting with friends over coffee, so pour a cup of your favorite and let's visit for a few minutes!

Here are this week's questions - and my answers - for this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge.

1. Has March come in like a lion where you live? If not a lion then what animal would you use to describe the weather in your area this first week of March? Does the weather affect your emotions? When did you last feel 'under the weather'? 

 Not like a lion, but I'm not sure it's been like a lamb either. The easy answer would be that the weather is like a duck, but it really hasn't rained that much. I'm going with a turtle. We've had some rain but not overmuch, and the sun has been making some appearances and warming things up. So I picture it kind of like a turtle poking his head out of the shell while sunning on a rock, but ready to duck back inside when the rain comes. 

The weather does affect my mood and emotions to a certain extent. I tend to feel sleepy and listless when the weather is gloomy. The last time I felt 'under the weather' was a bit over a month ago. I had an oral surgery procedure done and within a couple days after that I got bronchitis. Not a good week. 
2. Do you know what your name means? Does the meaning of your name fit with your personality? Do you like your name? If you have children did you consider the meaning of their names before choosing them?
The basic meaning is Royalty. The English origin meaning of Kimberley is "from the meadow of the royal fortress". I've said before that my only claim to royalty is that I'm the Coffee Queen. But when I picked out this custom name meaning mug from CrossTimber for a review several years ago, I realized that I am, in fact, the daughter of the King of Kings! (See that review at Homeschool Coffee Break: Name Meaning Gifts from CrossTimber) I like my name, but I haven't always. I didn't like being one of about half a dozen Kims in my classes at school, so I decided when I was a teenager that I'd spell it with a Y instead. Funny that it doesn't change how it sounds, but it changed how I felt about it. Sort of like Anne with an E, I suppose. I did consider the meaning of the names I chose for my kids but that wasn't the primary reason. I just wanted to make sure I didn't name them something with an offensive or embarassing meaning! My daughter, Kennady, might argue that a bit, since one of the meanings of her name is "ugly head" and that is the nickname she uses in one of our family message groups! (We actually named her Kennady Anne because it sounds like the French pronunciation of Canadien, her dad's favorite hockey team and it's a nod to our home country too.)

Name Meaning Gifts from CrossTimber - a Homeschool Coffee Break review for the Homeschool Review Crew on #CrossTimber #namemeaning #hsreviews 

Name Meaning Gifts from CrossTimber - a Homeschool Coffee Break review for the Homeschool Review Crew on #CrossTimber #namemeaning #hsreviews

3. It's National Sauce Month . . . what's your favorite sauce? Last thing you ate that used a sauce?

 I love all the barbecue sauces! And Chick-Fil-A sauce too. Last thing I ate with sauce . . . we had pulled pork in barbecue sauce recently. I did put Chick-Fil-A sauce in my breakfast burrito on Sunday too.

4. Something you've seen, tasted, done lately that you'd describe as 'awesome sauce'?

 Nothing is coming to mind, but that's because what does come to mind when I hear 'awesome sauce' is a family favorite dish that we call Waffles and Awesome Sauce (find the recipe at Homeschool Coffee Break). The Awesome Sauce is almost like a thin vanilla pudding that we use instead of syrup. So good!

waffles recipe


5. What kinds of things do you love to collect?
Books by my favorite authors, and of course - coffee mugs! Especially Tim Horton's mugs.


6. Insert your own random thought here.

I've got nothing. I'm really tired and still need to put the laundry away, make coffee for the morning (I'm writing this on Tuesday night), and I have papers to finish grading. I wish I could do some of the things during my lunch break at work, but at this point I'm just using my break time to read. I've got a list of phone calls I need to start making during lunches though, maybe starting on Friday.

Weird coincidence related to the 'under the weather' question . . . My Twenty-Six Lists this week is "A Feel Better List". What we do to get ourselves feeling better when we're sick or just down. Add your thoughts to the linky if you'd like!  


How did March come in where you live? What do you collect? Leave a comment and let me know!

I'm sharing in this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge at From This Side of the Pond.

From this Side of the Pond

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  1. I like your mug rack. I change out my mugs according to the season. I have Disney, Gingerbread,, Winter, Faith and fall. I have had to let go a lot of my book, but kept my favorite.

    1. I do have some mugs I switch out based on seasons, even in the small portion of my collection that moved here with me. :-) Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  2. The waffle looks so good. The sauce looks like something I'd like. I hope there's a nap in your day! Have a nice rest of the week.

    1. waffles and awesome sauce is a favorite of mine, and always takes me back to childhood when my Grandma would make it. No nap yet, but maybe I'll get to bed early? Wishful thinking! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  3. I used to have a lot of mugs too but when we moved last time I really pared down.

    1. It was so hard to choose which ones to bring along when we moved! (I bring a few more every time we visit! It's a tough collection to pare down.)
      Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  4. I don't really collect them, but every now and then I'll buy a coffee cup when I travel somewhere. At least, I started to but then I switched over to Christmas ornaments!

    1. I've purchased both coffee mugs and Christmas ornaments when we travel. I especially liked to get Christmas ornaments to remember family vacations. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  5. I do love a good mug. I'm starting to want to get rid of some of ours and get something new.

    1. I don't know which of mine I'd be willing to get rid of in order to make room for new ones! I guess I have a problem. ;-) Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  6. Our month is starting out like a duck complete with tons of rain and flash flood warnings.

    1. oh no, I don't like flash flood warnings - hope it's only warnings and not actual flooding! Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Our month came in like a...hmmm...a really boring critter of some kind. I'm not complaining because I don't like when it comes in like a lion!

    My name is from the Roman god of war, Mars. And, my siblings and parents (if they were still alive) would all agree that my temper was and still can be quite war-like.

    I used to collect lots of things...Boyds Bears, those little clay angel like figurines, coffee mugs (always 3 or 4 each Christmas at school) and Winnie the Pooh characters. But, when we moved the first time in 2015, I got rid of all my Winnie the Poohs and several coffee mugs. When we moved in 2022, more mugs were gotten rid of as well as the bears and angel figurines. It saddens me that I no longer have these things (and I know they're only things) from students and my kiddos.

    I had to skip 26 lists this week as I've just got too much going on. I hope to be there the next time, though.

    1. I used to get coffee mugs as gifts from students often as well, and I always felt bad when I decided I couldn't keep all of them. Some of those have become favorites though.

      I seem to struggle every week to find time for 26 Lists and I'm the hostess! LOL No worries - looking forward to seeing you next time around! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  8. I would have thought of the President Kennedy when I read the name of your daughter. I think I should also be a turtle that would fit wonderful to me ! I always look out of the window to feel if it's cold and windy or not ! Wow you have a nice collection of mugs ! You can drink a lot of coffee !

    1. Most people do think of the president, but nope, that had nothing to do with our choice of our daughter's name. :-) I can drink a lot of coffee without needing to do dishes, or I could have a lot of guests over for coffee! I'd love to have you join me sometime! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  9. It's been fun learning everyones meanings of the name. I'd collect more mugs, but my hubby is like "how many mugs can you a mug, get rid of a mug". I keep forgetting about the twenty-six lists.. :/

    1. My hubby has been saying that for years, but I don't think he understands how attached I am to my mugs! LOL Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  10. Happy Saturday! Don't forget to spring forward tonight. OYE! That's a nice way to display all your mugs. Yum to all your sauces!


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