Monday, January 29, 2024

Share Four Somethings - January 2024

This post may contain affiliate links - using affiliate links from A Fresh Cup of Coffee helps continue the coffee breaks and conversation. 

 The 2024 layout for Share Four Somethings is a little bit different so let's see how well I can adjust! We're now sharing Something Loved, Something Accomplished, Something Improved Upon, and Something Noticed. As with most new things, it will probably take a bit of getting used to, but I think these are great categories! I'm going to continue adding my Something Read and What's Coming Up Soon

Something Loved (and/or Disliked)

I loved that we kicked off this month and this year with a family sleepover! Our son and his family came over for New Years Eve and we had our Christmas together, since they didn't come to Maryland with the rest of us. They stayed the night and we enjoyed a nice brunch together on New Years Day. It was a good start to the year.

I also loved being able to spend last Saturday in Louisville at a regional Sweet Adelines event. It was a lot of fun to get together with all these women that share a love of singing, and be able to perform for each other. I didn't love having to get up early and do that drive by myself in less that fantastic weather, but it was worth it.

I disliked the discomfort of getting a dental implant post put in my mouth, and disliked having a bout of bronchitis immediately after that. But yay - I'm almost done with all that dental work, and I'm on the mend now too!

Something Accomplished

I am working full time now! And have survived the first month of working those long days every day! 

Something That Needs Improvement

My Word of the Year is Rhythm, and a big part of my choice was my realization that I need to establish healthy balanced rhythms of work and rest and all of that in order to manage my time and my home now that I have longer workdays and less "me time". Well, I did okay this first month. I don't want to minimize my achievement because I did improve on my rcord, but I didn't do as well as I'd wanted to, and there's much that needs improvment in this area. I want to be a bit better organized in the mornings so I'm not rushed in leaving for work, and still get there on time. I want to improve my organization of things like the phone calls I need to make so I can knock a few things off that to-do list during my lunch breaks. Seriously, when do people that work all day make phone calls? And I can still do better with my meal plans and making good use of my Saturdays. It's all a work in progress!

Something Noticed (In our Lives or Around Town)

Right in front of the spot where I usually park at church is this huge, huge tree. Today I tried to take a photo of it in the rain. It's not a great photo, but I was just curious about how old the tree is and all the changes its seen over the years.

Merida is doing well here and is very calm and happy, for the most part. She's still not willing to come out of be sociable when Veronica is here, sadly.

We thought she was contented to stay out of our drawers that are under the bed, but a couple days ago I noticed that I had been wrong about that. She was still sleeping in my drawer far more often than I'd like, and it's annoying to find her fur all over the pajamas and socks and whatever that I put in there freshly laundered, y'know? So I made use of an old flannel sheet that I'd cut up for scraps anyway, and put it over top of my pajamas. Now Merida can sleep on top of that and it will hopefully keep my pajamas fur-free. Fingers crossed!

And here on the blogs, I've noticed that all my Amazon ad links are broken. I can't get images from my Amazon Site Stripe to share any more. I haven't had the time to figure it out. If you have a quick tip leave it in the comments, because clearly something changed to the affiliate program that I missed!

Something Read

I'm currently reading:

The Juliet Code by Pepper Basham
Ticker by Lisa Mantchev

I recently finished and reviewed:

All of my reading news is at Just A Second if you're interested.

What's Coming Up Soon?

What is coming up soon? Hmmm. Doing our taxes. Meeting with a financial advisor about our retirement plans and all of that. Nothing big though. We don't have plans for vacations or anything else big in the next couple of weeks, although we're hoping the weather is nice enough that we can go on some walks on the weekends. It's been wet and cold every weekend in January!

Share something in the comments, or share four somethings with the rest of us in the link party!

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 ©2006-2024 HS Coffee Break/Just A Second/A Fresh Cup of Coffee. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author. 

 We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

Simple Meal Planning - Plan to Eat


  1. We've only made it out for walks/hikes twice this month because it's been so wet and cold! That is pretty unusual for us but I feel like it's either been raining or snowing or threatening one of the two. Your NYE sleepover sounds like such a fun way to start the year.

    1. It seems odd that every weekend in January has been wet! Hopefully February will be different! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  2. I can relate to the rhythm idea. I have yet to establish a rhythm in our new house. It's weird that moving would totally disrupt my day and life, but it has. It will work itself out soon, I hope.

    I think your photos are beautiful.

    1. I know first-hand that moving can disrupt absolutely everything! And for much longer than I thought possible. Thanks for stopping by with such kind comments!

  3. What an interesting looking tree. Sounds like you had a good time at your Sweet Adelines Event. Have a blessed day.

    1. The Sweet Adelines event was so much fun! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  4. Sounds like a pretty good start to your new year - minus that implant and bout of sickness:) Here's to a healthy Feb. and to getting those rhythms in sync. Cute kitty!!:)

    1. I guess it was a pretty good start to the year - I can't complain! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  5. A sleep over fantastic! What a treasure. I hope All is well working full time again. Your cat is precious!
    Visiting today from Jennifer's

    1. I'm already looking forward to the next sleepover! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!


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