Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Abbreviated Xmas Edition

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A hodgepodge is a jumble or assortment of things that might not appear to belong together. Joyce at From This Side of the Pond hosts a weekly link-up called Wednesday Hodgepodge that is a little collection of questions for bloggers to answer just for fun and to get to know each other. I always look forward to chatting with friends over coffee, so pour a cup of your favorite and let's visit for a few minutes!

Here are this week's questions - and my answers - for this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge.

1. Oxford's Word of the Year for 2023 is'rizz'. Hmmm . . . before today had you ever heard the word? Do you know what it means? (Apparently, it's short for charisma) Have you ever used the word? If you were in charge of the world, what word would you declare word of the year for 2023?

I have not heard of this word before . . . or at least not in this usage. I sometimes talk about checking if the bread dough is 'riz' enough! That is definitely not the same. I asked my adult kids if they use 'rizz' and what it means, so hopefully I'll get an answer from someone in time to add it here. (Kid poll results: one has heard the word but doesn't know meaning; one has never heard it; two knew the meaning and one of those specified that it meant 'romantic charisma') I have no idea what I'd choose for a word of the year. 
2. What's one word you tend to abbreviate in your writing or speech? (as in rizz for charisma)
Hmmm. I abbreviate a lot of things in texts and messages ― appt for appointment, mgr for manager, and lots of initials and acronmyms  but I can't think of any that I regularly use in other writing. In one of our family chat groups, we once gave everyone a nickname that's just the last three letters of their first name. In speech, I probably use some abbreviated forms of words but I can't think of any right now.

3. Are you a Hallmark movie watcher this time of year? What's your favorite character from a holiday-themed movie, book, or TV special?

 I'm not much of a movie watcher any time of the year, even Hallmark movies. I don't mind them, but I don't make a point of watching. Every now and again we'll watch something in the Hallmark movie sub-genre, and even though I think the storylines are pretty much the same, I do enjoy them! My favorite characters are Mary Bailly from It's A Wonderful Life and Ebenezer Scrooge from A Christmas Carol (as played by Alistair Sim). I love those classic movies (White Christmas is another favorite!) and Christmas specials, and even the more recent ones like Elf and The Santa Clause and prefer them to Hallmark movies.

Some of you will get this one! 😆

4. Something you look forward to eating this month? 

 All the shortbread cookies! Actually, just all the cookies and chocolates! And I always look forward to egg nog too.

5. What's the most stressful part of the holiday season for you?
Hmmm . . . shopping is stressful because I don't like being in crowded stores. I know I could avoid it by doing all my shopping online, but that feels like cheating to me. The other stressful part is obligatory parties where you have to bring something for a gift exchange. That's something that's become a blessing in disguise since we moved - we don't have nearly as many obligatories! My husband's company party is this week and I'm looking forward to it - no stress! - and I went to the chorus Christmas party on Monday night and had a marvellous time! So at least that hasn't been something that has stressed me out this year!

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Just a couple pictures from the weekend. Second year in a row that I don't have a tree topper but my husband came up with a substitute! 

Standard light tunnel selfie!

And a humorous holiday wish!

What movies are you watching, and what are you looking forward to during the holidays? Leave a comment and let me know!

From this Side of the Pond

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  1. Love your tree topper! And the Ryan Reynolds meme lol. I am a big fan of shortbread too and I typically only make it at the holidays.I sometimes buy an English shortbread cookie to have with my tea but that's rare. I try not to buy cookies because they are too tempting. I indulge at Christmas though! Enjoy your day!

    1. Yes, isn't it funny that we tend to have shortbread only around the holidays? I suppose that makes it a more special treat! Thanks for stopping by and laughing at the Ryan Reynolds meme with me!

  2. I tend to prefer movies like Elf or The Santa Clause to the Hallmark movies too. I don't hate the Hallmark movies or anything but I do feel like they are all so similar that they are pretty much forgettable.

    1. That's what I think - the plots are so similar! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  3. Shortbread cookies sound real good. Why do I want to sing, "O Canada'. Enjoy the season!!

    1. My tree decorations do have a bit of Canadian flair to them, don't they? LOL Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  4. Hi Kym, I love shortbread cookies! I like the traditional movies too. Alistair Sim is great in A Christmas Carol. I watch it every year. I am watching White Christmas today while I work on my Christmas cards. I also like A Charlie Brown Christmas. I love your tree skirt!

    1. My mom quilted that tree skirt for me and it's one of my favorite things about the tree. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  5. I have never heard of the word, rizz! I'll have to check with my kids to see if they have. I'm going to start my Christmas baking this weekend, I think. I've gained so much weight and am only just beginning to lose it so I'm worried about baking cookies! I have a few more Christmas gifts to buy so I guess I'd better get busy.

    Have a marvelous weekend, Kym!

    1. I've mostly given up on baking - my heart really isn't in it, I'm afraid. I have a couple more gifts to buy and I hope to finish that tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by and commenting, and I hope you have a great Christmas!


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