Tuesday, November 7, 2023

WQ - Layered Meanings

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I'm participating in the Wednesday Quotes link-up hosted by Marsha at Always Write. I'm late―even later than usual!―because I was at the Sweet Adelines Convention last week and every day was so full of activity! So to keep it simple, here's a collection of quotes and photos, without my usual layers of commentary, on the theme of layers.

It's our challenges and obstacles that give us layers of depth and make us interesting. ~Ellen DeGeneres

People, I have discovered, are layers and layers of secrets. You believe you know them, that you understand them, but their motives are always hidden from you, buried in their own hearts. You will never know them, but sometimes you decide to trust them. ~Veronica Roth

For we are all bound in stories, and as the years pile up they turn to stone, layer upon layer, building our lives. ~Steven Erikson

Layer by layer art strips life bare. ~Robert Musil

Life is like an onion. You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep. ~Carl Sandburg

Sandwich every bit of criticism between two heavy layers of praise. ~Mary kay Ash

A grownup is a child with layers on. ~Woody Harrelson

Wednesday Quotes is hosted by Marsha at Always Write. This post will be linked at #WQ #44: Layered

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  1. I hope you had lots of fun at the Sweet Adelines event. I like this format, too. I'm sure it's a lot easier. So many of these quotes really hit home for me. Thanks for sharing them!


    1. I had a blast at Sweet Adelines! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  2. Talk about late to the table. That would be me! Sorry to be so tardy. I'd like a bite of everything you have to offer on this blog. Yum! I'd have to climb all the stairs here if I did, though. You had some great quotes as well. I love being an child with layers on, although as we get older our skin gets too big for us. :) As a teacher, we learn to sandwich criticism between praise layers. Sometimes it's easy, sometimes not so much! Thanks for participating in WQ, Kym. I'll be back on Wednesday. Hope to see you then! :)


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