Saturday, October 7, 2023

Five Minute Friday - Attempt

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One word. Five minutes to write about it. This is the idea behind Five Minute Friday and this is today's free-writing post.

first attempt
make an attempt

I attempted to finish this earlier, but since I'm on vacation, I did something else instead. But I thought about it. I remembered hearing in a podcast (Dr Jordan Peterson perhaps?) recently some thoughts on setting goals and living efficiently and well. The idea was that in order to achieve we do need to challenge ourselves with goals that are at least a little beyond what we think we can do. There were examples given of a study in which participants were told to do 100 jumping jacks, and others were told to do 200 jumping jacks, and so on. In each, the participants were supposed to indicate when they were tired, or maybe even stop when they were tired. The interesting thing was that they were "too tired" and stopped at about the halfway point, no matter what the goal was. Several theories and conclusions came out of the podcast discussion, but one was that our goals should be more than what we think we can do, otherwise they won't challenge us or stretch us. We need to attempt more in order to achieve more.

I'd rather attempt to do something great and fail than to attempt to do nothing and succeed. ~Robert H. Schuller

Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt. ~William Shakespeare

 How blessed is the one who does not follow the advice of the wicked,
or stand in the pathway with sinners,
or sit in the assembly of scoffers!
Instead he finds pleasure in obeying the LORD's commands;
he meditates on his commands day and night.
He is like a tree planted by flowing streams;
it yields its fruit at the proper time,
and its leaves never fall off.
He succeeds in everything he attempts.
~Psalm 1:1-3~

When we attempt the things that God calls and equips us for, and trust him, we can succeed well beyond our own strength!


Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible. I think it's in my basement . . . let me go upstairs and check. ~M.C. Escher

This post is linked at Five Minute Friday for the word prompt "Attempt".

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Simple Meal Planning - Plan to Eat


  1. well, that was interesting to read about... funny how if we attempt to do something with a bigger view of what we think we can accomplish, how far we can actually go. FMF17

  2. Hmmm...I am terrible about setting goals and meeting them. So, I just don't even do it which is not a good thing, either. Interesting that both groups stopped at about the halfway point.

  3. Interesting post, and some good quotes too. I especially like the Robert Schuller one.

  4. "attempt more to reach more". thank you for sharing with us.


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