Sunday, September 10, 2023

10 on the 10th - Hello September!

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On the 10th of each month, Marsha In the Middle asks ten questions for us to answer in as much or little detail as we wish. This month's questions are all about September, and because it's late in the day, I think I'll try to keep my answers short this time!

Tell us about your favorite nine-letter word.
I don't think I have a favorite, so I just did some google searches and picked one that caught my eye. BOOKSTORE. I love it because it's got so many possibilities. I do have a favorite bookstore, by the way. It's the The Book Loft in the German Village area of Columbus.

Tell us about a song with September in the title.
I had to think about this for awhile as well. I am a bit of a Frank Sinatra fan, so I remembered his September Song, and found this rendition from another favorite singer, Nat King Cole.

Tell us about a famous celebration that takes place in September.
Rosh Hashanah is the one that comes to mind, and it begins later this week. I'm not Jewish, but I'm fascinated by the Jewish feast days in the Bible and how meaningful they can be for Christians. A few years ago, I did write up an article for my homeschool blog about this particular celebration: From the High School Lesson Book - Rosh Hashanah

From the High School Lesson Book - Rosh Hashanah on Homeschool Coffee Break @ - including a recipe for challah

Tell us about your favorite pirate for International Talk Like a Pirate Day on September 19th.
I have a soft spot for pirates―at least the literary and movie pirates! Captain Jack Sparrow is my favorite! And the Dread Pirate Roberts, whether as Westley or as Inigo Montoya. I enjoy historical novels with pirates enough that I gave them their own tag on my book blog, so you can see some of the books about pirates I've read over at Just A Second.

Tell us about a pet peeve having to do with September, Fall, or Spring (for our friends in the Southern Hemisphere)
I feel like this happens more in August, but it depends on when kids go back to school. One of my pet peeves is the type of back to school posts I sometimes see on social media that are parents who can "hardly wait" until kids are back in school. Usually it's because they claim the kids need the structure and have been driving mom and dad nuts all summer. It seems maybe those posts don't happen nearly as much any more, or maybe I'm just not noticing them as much.

Come up with a stupid question for Stupid Question Day on September 28th.
Why isn't the word phonetically spelled phonetically?
Why do we only talk about being disgruntled and why doesn't being gruntled (which is the opposite of disgruntled, supposedly) sound like a good thing?

Edited to add this photo which seemed appropriate!

Tell us about a favorite September memory.
We've actually done family vacations in the fall often enough that I have some September memories of travel and vacation. In 2018, we went on a Labor Day trip to Ontario where we spent some time with my sister and her daughter. A highlight of that trip was riding the Maid of the Mist at Niagara Falls. Then later in September 2018, my husband and daughter and I went to Florida. It was an interesting vacation, doing Disney with just the three of us, and she was a high school senior! We also went to a Tampa Bay Lightning hockey game and explored St Augustine on that trip. 

Tell us about your favorite celebrity whose birthday is in September.
Hmm. Bob Newhart - so funny! Colin Firth, the best Mr Darcy. Maybe Scott Baio, since I had a bit of a crush on Chachi back in the day.

Tell us about your favorite memory with your grandparent(s) for National Grandparents Day.
So many wonderful memories with my grandparents! When I was a kid we used to go on vacations, usually camping trips, with my grandparents. They were such good sports! One year we went on a big road trip that ended in Kansas where we met up with my grandparents and my aunts and stayed with my grandpa's sister and her family. We camped in the yard on their farm. We saw some of the places where my grandparents had lived and where my mom grew up. That visit to Kansas was also the very first time I ever saw fireflies.

Tell us about your favorite thing involving nine pieces/parts/items.
I almost just gave up on this question, but I've something. Beethoven's symphonies. There are nine of them and I love each one. When I was studying piano, Beethoven was probably my favorite composer to play.

What are some of your answers to these September questions? Leave a comment and let me know!

This post will be linked at Marsha In the Middle for the September Edition of 10 on the 10th.

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  1. What great answers! I love bookstores. We used to vacation most Septembers too and loved how empty the Disney parks were at that time of year.

    1. September and October seemed to be our favorite vacationing months, especially for family places like Disney! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  2. "I'm not Jewish, but I'm fascinated by the Jewish feast days in the Bible and how meaningful they can be for Christians."

    πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™me too! I am going to go read your article.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting - I hope you enjoy the little article at HCB!

  3. Kym, yes please to a wonderful book store that's cozy, quiet, quaint, and comfy!

    1. That sounds like a perfect bookstore! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  4. Oh, bookstore is a wonderful word! When we lived up north, there was a fabulous used bookstore called Hyde Brothers Used Books. You could get lost in there for days, and no one would find you!

    Gosh, it's been years since I've ridden the Maid of the Mist, but I remember getting completely soaked...or would have without the rain gear.

    Thanks for linking up!

    1. bookstores are so fun, especially used booksellers and locally owned shops. Years earlier we walked the trail/stairs beside the American falls, and didn't get the rain ponchos - we were drenched and my friend and I still crack up about it to this day! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  5. Your answers were really fun to read! I had completely forgotten about the Dread Pirate Roberts! He is definitely one of my favorite pirates of all time from one of my favorite books and movies of all time! And yes, why isn't the word phonetically spelled phonetically? Colin Firth was definitely the best Mr. Darcy and I totally had a crush on Chachi, too! I really love your answer to the question about a thing with 9 parts. Brilliant answer!


    1. I was so glad I had that flash of temporary brilliance for that last answer! LOL Thanks for stopping by and commenting!


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