Saturday, September 30, 2023
Five Minute Friday - Copy
Thursday, September 28, 2023
Monthly Musings - A Little Bit of Fall Fun
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
What's Up Wednesday - September 2023
What's up in your world this week? Leave a comment and let me know!
Wednesday Hodgepodge - Thoughts As We Welcome Fall
Yes, we're starting to see the leaves turn here, and the weather is cooling. Even when the days are warm and sunny, it's considerably cooler at night. And if you missed those signals outdoors, every store you walk into is full of fall and Halloween themed stuff, and everything is pumpkin spice or apple cider flavored! I'm obviously a coffee lover, and stop at Starbucks on the regular, but I don't like pumpkin spice latte, just for the record.
My favorite aspect of fall is the colorful leaves. Especially against a beautiful blue sky. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like the skies are so incredibly blue on clear days in September and October.
I've visited a lot of waterfalls and love them all. Picking favorites is almost impossible! Anywhere in the mountains there are waterfalls big and small. What the smaller ones have going for them is that there are fewer people around, because as much as I love Niagara Falls, for example, you always have to compete with thousands of others to see them and especially to take photos. Same at Bow Falls in Banff, Alberta to a lesser degree. So many tourists. Other memorable falls I can remember visiting (and can remember the names!) are Great Falls of the Potomac, Cunningham Falls (near Thurmont, MD, and very close to where we lived), Blackwater Falls in WV, and Puhlapanzak Falls in Honduras.
Great Falls of the Potomac |
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Blackwater Falls, WV |
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Hocking Hills State Park, Ohio |
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Otter Lake Waterfalls on the Blue Ridge Parkway |
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Crabtree Falls on the Blue Ridge Parkway |
I've visited Niagara Falls many times (photo dump follows!), but haven't seen any of the others on the top ten list. I have long wanted to visit Iguazu Falls, but I think I'd pick the falls in Iceland from the list as my most wanted. Yes, it's kind of cheating since there's two on the list! But I really want to visit Iceland anyway, because there's so much to see there, and I think it would be the best bang for my buck!
The color green. And not ever having to worry about taking a jacket along when we went out for the day.
Nothing is coming to mind as far as a recipe, and I'm pretty much out of time for this morning. Fall is a good time to make hearty chili and soup, and we usually do deep fried turkey for Canadian Thanksgiving so those are the foods I associate with the season.
I know I've mentioned this a few times in blog posts recently―reading. I've been in a bit of a slump where I don't feel like I have time to devote to reading or I'm just not that motivated to read. I've got lots of good books and they're interesting, so it's not that the material isn't capturing my attention. I'm not really sure what to blame other than being busy and distracted.
We are just a couple of days away from our first trip to Alberta in ten years! We'll be celebrating my parents' 60th anniversary, and will get to visit family members and friends we haven't seen in many years. And I'm absolutely planning a day at Banff, which will include Bow Falls, in keeping with the theme of the Hodgepodge questions!
Which waterfalls have you visited or would you like to visit? Or what do you love most about fall?Leave a comment and let me know!
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