Thursday, July 6, 2023

Currently . . . July 6, 2023

This post may contain affiliate links - using affiliate links from A Fresh Cup of Coffee helps continue the coffee breaks and conversation.

At the beginning of each month I've been participating in the "Currently" link-up hosted at Overflowing With Thankfulness. Our hostess Jennifer posts a set of action verb prompts for the month and writers respond. So, without further ado, here are this month's prompts and what's happening currently . . .


Loving - I really appreciate that we got a membership to the Dawes Arboretum at Christmas. It is a bit of a drive from here, but being able to visit any time without paying admission is really nice! We went on Tuesday since my husband had the day off and we had no plans until evening. (We would have arrived at the Dawes a lot earlier, but my 'quick trip' to pick up brunch at Tim Horton's did not go as planned at all. I ordered in the app to pick up at the location nearest me, which wasn't our usual store. And the app-map apparently did not know where I was, because it was definitely not the store nearest to me which caused me confusion and frustration until I found the one that had my food ready!) Anyway, the Dawes. The weather was perfect and we had a leisurely stroll through the Japanese garden and some of the other trails. They were doing some improvements to one section of walkways, so we're looking forward to going back when that's finished.

 Savoring - the last few days of a lazy schedule before I start work. I'm beginning a new job on Monday, and although I've been wanting this in order to get me out of the house and help me get some structure and motivation back into my days . . . I also have to give up my tendency to take my sweet time about getting housework done and spending way too much time at the computer. The job is part-time hours, on average four hours per day, but it's every weekday, and I already know I won't be a big fan of the commute. 

Goodness, it sounds more like something I'm dreading rather than something I'm savoring, doesn't it! I plan to savor the little extra income too, so there's also that! 

This is the traffic I had to deal with going to my interview, and I expect it might be a pretty regular issue:

Celebrating - We celebrated Canada Day and Independence Day this past weekend. Canada Day was on Saturday, so we had our son and his family over as well as three of my husband's co-workers who are here as interns from other countries. Two are from Brazil and one is from Zimbabwe. A discussion had come up about foods from their countries, and they expressed curiosity about Canadian foods, so my husband invited them to come for our Canada Day dinner. We had grilled salmon, tourtiere, poutine, bacon-wrapped maple glazed carrots, and a selection of Canadian desserts. 

Canada Day 2019 on Homeschool Coffee Break @

For Independence Day, hubby and I went for a stroll around the arboretum in the afternoon, and then went to a cookout hosted by our church and watched the fireworks in the evening.

Flag Day 2018 on Homeschool Coffee Break @

Remembering - the mother of a very good friend, who passed away unexpectedly on the weekend. This lady was also one of my mother's best friends. I'm remembering and praying for my friend's family. Two other friends lost their fathers on the weekend as well, and while those deaths were perhaps more expected, they were no less painful for the families who are grieving.

Trying - to figure out how I'll manage to plan meals once I start working. I had a decent meal plan system going, but it relied on me being home most of the time. Now I'll need to have a lot more quick prep meals in the plan. If I thought my Plan To Eat membership was useful before, I think I'll find it even more so now, but I think I'll need to step up my game in using the shopping list feature. This weekend I'm going to take some time to plan out meals that are quick to prep for next week, put at least one meal in the freezer ready to go, and we'll see how it all works out.

Simple Meal Planning - Plan to Eat

Reading - currently reading these:

Composition As Conversation by Heather M. Hoover
Reykjavík: A Crime Story by Ragnar Jónasson and Katrín Jakobsdóttir


More reading news and recent reviews are at Just A Second, and I've opened the Book Review Bulletin monthly link-up where I'd invite you to share your reviews as well.

What's currently happening in your life? Leave a comment and let me know!

This post will be linked at this month's "Currently" link-up hosted by Overflowing With Thankfulness

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Simple Meal Planning - Plan to Eat


  1. I love your pictures from the Arboretum. So gorgeous and the traffic jam is adorable! I wish you well on starting back to work next week.

    1. Thank you - it will be an adjustment but I'm looking forward to it! Glad you stopped by!

  2. Congrats on the new job! That traffic jam situation made me laugh.

    1. Thanks! That traffic jam wasn't nearly as stressful as most others, but I hope it won't regularly make me late for work! LOL Glad you stopped by to comment!

  3. Kym, I wish you a lot of luck with your new job and the meal planning. Yes, how funny with the traffic jam situation!
    Thanks for the blog visit and have a nice weekend.

    1. Thanks, I'll definitely need some luck to figure out the meal planning! Glad you stopped by and commented!

  4. All the best with your new job! I've been toying with the idea of going back to work but am still praying about that....sure would enjoy that commute and traffic, though:)

    1. I toyed with it for a long time, and then was pretty picky about what hours and pay I would take. If the geese are the worst traffic issue I face on the commute, I'll be very happy! But it's a long enough drive on busy highways that I expect I'll be very stressed out until I get used to it. thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  5. Best of luck as you start your new job and adjust to a new routine. I do like the structure that working outside the home gives me but there are definite downsides -- like not having as much time at home :( Also, your post is reminding me that I want to check out the botanical gardens near us.

    1. I'm already finding the same with the positive and negative aspects! It's good to have a structured day, but I don't like not having time at home and feeling rushed. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!


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