Monday, July 10, 2023

10 on the 10th - Summer Edition of Would You Rather

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On the 10th of each month, Marsha In the Middle asks ten questions for us to answer in as much or little detail as we wish. This month we have a summery themed collection of Would You Rather questions. At first glance, some of them look like they'll be easy for me to answer, and some will be harder choices!

Would you rather get up early to see the sun rise, or stay up late to see the sun set?
I much prefer staying up late to getting up early, and most of the time I don't consider sunset to be that late, so I would definitely prefer staying up late for the sunset.

Would you rather wear sneakers or flip flops?
I like both, but prefer flip flops. Nowadays I wear sneakers more often because I need the extra support, but I'd wear flip flops all the time if it was practical.

Would you rather have to wear a tutu to the beach or a tiara to the pool?
This is an easy choice. I actually prefer the pool to the beach, and I don't think I'd mind wearing a tiara as part of my pool outfit. I'm quite sure I'd look like some sort of cartoon character in a tutu.

Would you rather have a pool full of jello or a slip and slide full of pudding?
I feel like the pool full of jello might be a bit safer? I don't know where I'd put the slip and slide anyway!

Would you rather live in a tree house or on a boat?
I can see benefits and drawbacks to both. I think I'd be anxious if I was on the water all the time, so the tree house seems preferable to me. Assuming it's roomy enough and got a staircase I can manage!

Would you rather camp in a yurt or in a camper?
Another difficult choice. I'm going with the yurt on this one, just because it's something I've long wanted to try but haven't yet.

Would you rather walk barefoot on grass or walk barefoot in the sand?
Hmm. Both are fine with me, but despite the heat, I think I'd prefer being barefoot in the sand. Somehow I always manage to get bug bites on my ankles when I walk in the grass, and I have a phobia about slugs so I think walking in the sand would be less stressful for me overall!

Would you rather go water skiing or water tubing?
Oh, definitely water tubing! Nothing about water skiing, other than watching others do it, is appealing to me at all! It's been a lot of years since I've been tubing, but I used to love it, especially as a teen.

Would you rather be covered in watermelon juice or ketchup?
Oh yuck, both sound uncomfortable and messy. I think watermelon juice would be slightly less uncomfortable. I think ketchup might sting, and it's not nearly as breathable as watermelon juice. It doesn't smell good when it's hot. And watermelon juice might even be less sticky. Certainly easier to rinse off.

Would you rather go on a hot air balloon ride or a helicopter tour?
I'm scared to go on a hot air balloon. I said it. Part of me really wants the experience, but I'm also pretty sure I'd be panicky and in tears, because I'm rather afraid of heights. I'm choosing the helicopter tour because I'm not quite ready to conquer my fear of the balloon today. 

This post will be linked at Marsha In the Middle for the July Edition of 10 on the 10th.

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  1. Would you rather is such a fun game. I'm a beach person myself. Thanks for visiting my blog today.

    1. It makes me think but it's also very light-hearted. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. My post is set to publish on the blog tomorrow and I think we have a lot of the same answers. I love seeing hot air balloons and I've always wanted to ride in one but when I actually think of getting in one and being that high off the ground I know I'd freak out; I don't think I'd do that much better in a helicopter either though.

    1. I'm terrified of Ferris wheels and a hot air balloon seems like the worst case scenario of a Ferris wheel. I don't think I could do it. At least a helicopter has seat belts and a solid wall/window! LOL Thanks for stopping by - I'll try to visit yours and see your answers too!

  3. Hot air balloons terrify me as well. All you have is that little basket!

    1. Right?! I would not feel secure, I don't think. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  4. We had a lot of the same answers but for different reasons. It's weird but I'd rather go up in a hot air balloon probably because I've been in a touring helicopter. You know the kind that take you over a town or attraction? There wasn't much between us and the ground! And, we were going way faster in that helicopter!

    Thanks for playing along!

    1. Yes I noticed quite a few of us arrived at the same choice, but for different reasons - that made it more interesting! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Kym, I enjoyed reading your answers. I also get bug bites all over my ankles in the grass...with or without shoes on! Unfortunately, my feet are so sensitive these days, I can't go barefoot anywhere except in the shower and in bed! LOL


    1. I definitely don't go barefoot nearly as much now as I did when I was a kid! Barefoot is still my preference, but just in the house. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!


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