Friday, May 19, 2023

Five Minute Friday - Chapter

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One word. Five minutes to write about it. This is the idea behind Five Minute Friday and this is today's free-writing post.

the next chapter
chapter review


I know I'm not alone in having my thoughts turn to graduations when looking at the prompt "chapter". It's a very fitting description of this exciting time in the lives of students and their families. Final exams are over, the diploma or degree has been earned, some goodbyes must be said and perhaps some boxes packed, and it's time to transition to whatever is next. For high school grads, the next thing might be college, and for college grads, the next thing is probably a career. For parents of grads, they may be seeing their student move away or move back home. They may be trying to help their child navigate those next steps, but at the same time they may be coping with very real changes in their lives.

Life is a series of chapters, and one leads to another to another to another, and God knows what it is. ~Bob Beckel

Sometimes as I'm reading I'm really eager to keep going to the next chapter, and the next one, because the storyline is exciting and I want to see what's going to happen. Other times, I feel like a chapter has wrapped up neatly and although I'm invested in seeing what's next, it's also a good place to just wait for a bit―maybe to turn out the lights and go to sleep! Sometimes I'm reluctant to keep reading after a chapter break. Maybe because I don't like where I see the story going, or maybe even because I know the next chapter is the last one and I don't want the book to end.

I've felt the same way about chapters of life. And sometimes I've had more than one of those reactions at the same time! What's different is that the story of our lives doesn't ever end. One chapter might be very different from the next, but it's the same story, and there's always another chapter after this one. 

See, life is a journey and every chapter is very interesting. ~Zeenat Aman

It's exciting to keep reading and living when we can see the good things that are coming in the next chapter! When a happy and satisfying chapter is wrapping up, we might want to just hang out on that page for awhile and enjoy it, commit it to memory, and reflect on how we've learned and grown before we move on. We might be reluctant to move on, unsure of what comes next or worried that it can't possibly be nearly as good. Even terrified that the worst might still be to come. We might be relieved to turn the page on an unhappy chapter, impatient to start something new and leave a conflict behind.

You might want to be able to close a chapter of your life, but I don't believe that you ever do completely. ~Thomas Gibson

You don't just have a story - you're a story in the making, and you never know what the next chapter's going to be. That's what makes it exciting. ~Dan Millman

Just as each chapter in a novel further develops the characters and plot of the story, each stage of life we live through is a continuation of our story. This chapter is shaping us and somehow preparing us for the next. I try to take comfort and confidence in the knowledge that God is the one in charge of my story and he knows all of the plot points and has a plan. My job is to trust him and to keep choosing to follow him. There is another page and another chapter, and until I get to the chapter that we call eternity, the story of this life will continue to unfold and I have the opportunity to continue a positive character arc.

So then, just as you have received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, being rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, and overflowing with gratitude.
~Colossians 2:6-7~

Turn the page. God will be there.

He [God] delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will deliver us again.
~II Corinthians 1:10~


The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book. ~Mickey Spillane


This post is linked at Five Minute Friday for the word prompt "Chapter".

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Simple Meal Planning - Plan to Eat


  1. Thanks for the reminder to pause and reflect at the end of the chapter. I am your neighbour on FMF this week.

  2. Kym, oh, to see clearly our chapters eh? and then to take the time to think on how our life is progressing. FMF17

    1. Often we can't see the chapter breaks that well until we look back on them, right? Thanks for stopping by!

  3. It is quite a transition,
    being done with school.
    No more demands to listen,
    but nowhere to be cool.
    No endless dusty hours
    in Mr. Boring's class,
    but no more PE showers
    snapping towel 'cross Nerdy's donkey.
    No more days spent in detention
    for that ink balloon,
    but I really gotta mention
    that it all went by too soon,
    and I could go on 'bout this all day,
    but it's my shift at Chick-fil-A.

    1. Mixed feelings about moving on from school, indeed! Thanks for another fun sonnet!

  4. So true we do have different feelings about moving on from different chapters in life. It's comforting to remember that God can see the whole story!

    1. That's what helps us through the hard chapters, right? Thanks for stopping by!

  5. I do think graduation deserves a chapter break. It's a good time to reflect before you dive in to your future. On that note, I thought it would be fun to share this scripture: "God will open doors no man can shut." Rev. 3:8
    I take that to mean His plan for your life WILL happen. So maybe, don't stress over each chapter as it unfolds. He's got you!

    1. That's a great Scripture and thought to guide us through the changing situations. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Kym, you are so right here. Your words are so encouraging.
    I appreciate you sharing this with Sweet Tea & Friends May link up.

    1. I'm glad you were encouraged! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  7. Thank you Kym. It caused me to reflect on how I struggle with endings - I get sad when a book is ending, or friends move away. My head knows that endings are also new beginnings, but my heart still struggles. I'm so glad that God is the author of my whole story - and it is all good!

    1. I've been struggling with endings and beginnings over the past several months, and it can be difficult. I have to remind myself that God is the author too. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!


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