Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Thoughts During Coffee Break

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A hodgepodge is a jumble or assortment of things that might not appear to belong together. Joyce at From This Side of the Pond hosts a weekly link-up called Wednesday Hodgepodge that is a little collection of questions for bloggers to answer just for fun and to get to know each other. I always look forward to chatting with friends over coffee, so pour a cup of your favorite and let's visit for a few minutes!

Here are this week's questions - and my answers - for this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge.

1. We're in a season students call 'spring break'. Did you/your family travel over spring breaks when you were growing up? Tell us something about a 'spring break' you remember (from childhood or adulthood, either one).

I don't remember taking a family trip during spring breaks when I was growing up. We very often when on a spring camping weekend but that was later, more like late April. As an adult, I haven't really travelled during spring breaks either, because my husband's busiest time of year at work has always been the spring. I do remember two spring break trips from my college age years though. The first was a long weekend my first year out of high school. A good friend took me and two other friends along to open their family cabin for the season. It was still pretty chilly, but other than the really cold trips to the outhouse, we stayed cozy inside and had a great time and laughed a lot. On the drive home, we hit some ice and put the car in the ditch, so that was the only negative. The other trip was my freshman year at college when my boyfriend (now my husband) and I went to visit my family during spring break. This was when my parents got to meet him for the first time, and was also when he gave me a promise ring. 


2. Last thing you broke? Was it a big deal?
A tooth! It is kind of a big deal. Not because it hurts a lot, but because I have to do something about it. A filling broke out of the tooth and after consulting with my dentist I decided that it's not worth trying to save the tooth, so I need to have it extracted and get an implant. So that is the big deal!

3. March 7th is National Cereal Day . . . are you a fan? What's your favorite? If not cereal, what's your favorite breakfast? Your typical breakfast?

 I love cereal! I could probably eat cereal three meals a day for several weeks before I'd get tired of it. And I like almost all cereals, hot and cold, but my very favorite is Shreddies. I always try to bring back a box or two whenever we visit Canada. 

 My favorite breakfast at home is a breakfast casserole, because I can make it the night before. But my typical breakfast at home is either cereal or yogurt. Going out for breakfast is such a treat because I love almost everything on a restaurant breakfast menu! Omelets, waffles, French toast, pancakes, chipped beef, sausage gravy . . . I love it all. This is why I am also a big fan of "Breakfast for Dinner".

4. Break ground, break of dawn, break down, break the bank, break one's stride, break the ice, break a law, break a habit, break bread . . . choose one of the idioms listed and tell us how it applies to your life currently.

 I was tempted to go with "break down" but that might get depressing. So I'll choose "break the bank" even though that's not particularly positive sounding either. All the expenses with moving have piled up and I feel like it's threatening to break the bank. And there are more related expenses still to come, especially if we think ahead to the possibility of getting a second vehicle and then buying another house further on in the year. Yikes! I'll need to get that tooth fixed which will be an added expense. I am hoping to go back to Maryland for a visit in April, if I can arrange flights practically and without breaking the bank. And on top of all of that, as I was working on our tax return yesterday, I found a couple of things that make it too hard for me to do on my own this year so I'll be calling the pros today. There's at least one big problem on a document that needs to be sorted so it doesn't break the bank!

5. Where do you go to connect with friends and family? What do you like to do most when you're home alone?

I guess I'd have to go back to Maryland. That's where three of our four kids are, and where almost all our friends are. We don't have friends here - yet. I connected with my friends at church and at co-op, and have a few friends that I regularly met with for coffee or dinner. Thankfully I can still connect with friends and family on social media or by phone! Being home alone is getting a bit old now, honestly. I do spend a lot of my time reading or doing something at the computer, whether it's watching videos, blogging, playing games, or just browsing.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

My favorite breaks are coffee breaks. Although I'm pretty tired of doing my coffee breaks by myself all the time! My dear husband, knowing how much I love all things coffee and how monotonous my days are, found a Columbus Coffee Trail adventure and got me interested in it. So now I have a reward to work towards―a t-shirt and eventually a coffee mug―while exploring the city's coffee shops and neighborhoods. Which is a reward in itself, I think. Especially since I'll be exploring with my husband and sometimes with my son. Let the coffee break games begin!


What are your thoughts on Spring Break and Coffee Breaks? Leave a comment and let me know!

From this Side of the Pond

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  1. Kym, what great prompts ... and a fun blogging idea!

  2. Oye, so sorry about that broken tooth. Dental work is pricey. Hope all goes well for you. Hope you can get to Maryland and see your family. Have a great rest of the week.

  3. I'm sorry about the tooth! I love coffee breaks myself.

  4. I don't think I've ever taken a spring break trip; not as a kid, not in college, and not with my kids either. So sorry to hear about the tooth! That is definitely a big deal. I have never really been a fan of breakfast foods; if I could eat whatever I wanted for breakfast and not have to worry about health or weight gain it would probably be a cinnamon bun or maybe a bagel as they are 2 of the only breakfast foods I really love. Enjoy your coffee breaks; those sound fun! I hope all goes well with the taxes.

  5. Oh goodness, sorry about your tooth. Good luck with your taxes, we just go our tax work done, check off for another year.

  6. I'm with you on breakfast out. That's my favorite meal to eat out and I love almost all breakfast foods. I'm sorry about your tooth. Ugh! I hope you get it fixed without too much difficulty. And without breaking the bank too, because dental work is not cheap!


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