Friday, March 10, 2023

Five Minute Friday - Choose

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One word. Five minutes to write about it. This is the idea behind Five Minute Friday and this is today's free-writing post.

choose wisely
choose life

There are a lot of things in our lives we don't have a choice over, but we always get to choose how we'll respond. We get to choose our attitudes and that makes a huge difference in how we manage our circumstances.

We don't get to choose what's true. We only get to choose what we do about it. ~Kami Garcia

But it's not always easy to do, even for those of us that tend to be optimistic in general. I think I tend towards optimism, believing things will work out in the end, and even towards finding humor in the mishaps and frustrations of life. But I still struggle sometimes because I don't feel like taking the high road, or doing the right thing. 

I want to tell people off when they do stupid stuff that impacts me, and I want to retaliate when people hurt me or do something that makes me angry. I have to remind myself that God tells me to choose my words and actions wisely, to obey him and not give in to the temptation to take my own revenge or vent my frustrations recklessly.

I want to avoid hard things and procrastinate. I want to hide under the covers and pretend that everything is fine even though I don't feel fine at all. I wish I could wake up and find that all the crappy circumstances I don't like were part of a bad dream. I have to remind myself to trust God and continue to choose life and hope rather than choosing bitterness and despair.

Only you can determine your choice of attitude. Choose wisely, choose carefully, choose confidently! ~Charles R. Swindoll

I want to put off hard decisions and I wish there was a neon sign telling me which way to choose when I don't see a clear advantage one way or another. I want someone or something else to choose for me, but then I would also be angry if I didn't feel like I had a choice. So I have to remind myself that God's Word does guide me to make wise decisions and he does promise to show me how to live and how to face challenges and everything else life throws at me. And that even when I feel like I didn't have a choice in the situations I find myself in, I still can choose my response and attitude.

Who are those who fear the LORD?
He will show them the path they should choose.
~Psalm 25:12~

Choose my instruction rather than silver,
and knowledge rather than pure gold.
For wisdom is far more valuable than rubies.
Nothing you desire can compare with it.
~Proverbs 8:10-11~



This post is linked at Five Minute Friday for the word prompt "Choose".

This post will also be linked at the Sweet Tea & Friends Monthly Link-up Party hosted by Simply Coffee & Jesus; and at Let's Have Coffee hosted by Joanne Viola: Days and Thoughts

Joanne Viola

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Simple Meal Planning - Plan to Eat


  1. Yes! We get to choose how we will respond and we get to choose what words we will say.

  2. Great encouragement to walk in wisdom and the fear of the Lord, Kym. FMF#2

  3. Choosing love and choosing life,
    choosing that which Christ would do
    causes quite a bit of strife
    in the worldly me and you,
    because the nature of the beast
    (by that I mean us, you know)
    is to take the very least
    resisting way that we can go.
    We try to run, we try to hide,
    we try to lock ourselves away
    in the vault of fear and pride
    until some other brighter day,
    but God insists we do our part
    even with a cloistered heart.

  4. Great post!! I like the Scripture you shared in Psalm 25:12. FMF #19

  5. Our thoughts seem to have traveled down the same path this week.
    (Visiting from #20)

  6. Kym, we must be kindred spirits for I feel all the same things you do. It's true, though, we get to choose our attitude!

  7. Choosing our response is not something to take lightly. I love your encouragement here. I did an exercise just this morning to look at things I'm hoping for--are they things external to my control or things within my control. While we can always hold hope for other people to change and grow, we can't count on that. We can only pray and work for change in our own hearts. Thanks for this lovely post!

  8. Kym, your post is rich with phrases and thoughts that I need to come back and mine deeply and write in my journal. Thank you so much for sharing. Kath, visiting from FMF #23 this week.

  9. There are many things we have no choice regarding, but we can always choose our attitude and our responses. And I am so grateful when I take the time to search Scripture, and pray, the Lord helps me to choose His ways. But the struggle is real! I love the Chuck Swindoll quote!

  10. That is so wonderfully spoken, Kym. I hear you here, And that Toby Mac song is one of my favorites.
    Thank you for sharing this with Sweet Tea & friends March Link-Up.


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