Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Going Green With the Hodgepodge

A hodgepodge is a jumble or assortment of things that might not appear to belong together. Joyce at From This Side of the Pond hosts a weekly link-up called Wednesday Hodgepodge that is a little collection of questions for bloggers to answer just for fun and to get to know each other. I always look forward to chatting with friends over coffee, so pour a cup of your favorite and let's visit for a few minutes!

Here are this week's questions - and my answers - for this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge.

1.  I write the Hodgepodge questions so they'll post on Sunday, which sometimes throws me off in terms of what day it is. St Patrick's Day will be celebrated on Monday, March 17th. Did you mark the day in some way? Wear green? Make a special meal? Watch or participate in a parade?
I didn't do anything particularly special this year, but I did wear green and my shamrock earrings. My little shamrock plant was in the place of honor on the table, along with a shamrock theme doily. We did have corned beef on rye for dinner on Sunday but we were so busy all weekend and on Monday that I didn't make a full corned beef dinner. I didn't even make myself an Irish Coffee! (Until the last couple of years, I made sure to have Lucky Charms on hand for St Patrick's Day breakfast, and baked Barm Brack.) I haven't ever participated or watched a St Patrick's Day parade.

2. Do you think luck plays a part in your life? Explain.

Luck, chance, probability . . . yes, they are all real and sometimes I get the lucky bounce and a  lot of times I don't. I don't rely on luck or believe that there are good luck charms or those kinds of things that can make a difference. Most of the time, I think good luck is largely a result of hard work, persistence, or God's intervention, or some combination. There's a saying about "gotta be good to be lucky, and lucky to be good" that is probably true, to some extent.

 3. Of the 15 green foods listed, which one is your favorite and how do you like it prepared? Any on the list that are a hard no for you? In general do you like fruits and veggies? As a kid did you eat them willingly or did you hide peas in your napkin hoping your momma wouldn't see?

Asparagus, avocado, broccoli, celery, cucumber, grape, green bean, kale, kiwi, lettuce, lime, pear, peas, pistachios, spinach

 On its own merits, I like grapes best. As a featured ingredient, lime wins because of Margaritas and Key Lime pie, not necessarily together. I also like pistachio flavored ice cream and lattes, but for whatever reason I seldom eat pistachios. I like baby spinach as a salad green, and spinach in dishes like Chicken Florentine or cannelloni. Broccoli and avocado are hard no for me. Generally speaking I like most fruits but there aren't a lot of veggies that I genuinely like. A lot are just okay - I like them but without any enthusiasm, and most veggies I just kind of tolerate and eat them because they're "good for me" and to be polite. I did not like veggies at all as a kid and avoided all but corn and carrots as much as I could. 

4. What's something that makes you 'turn green'? (with envy or with illness . . . whichever way you want to run with it) 

 It's so tempting for me to be just a little green with envy about a couple things: people that have all their family living close so they can see kids and grandkids any time; people that have the ability to travel a lot; and, in keeping with the question about luck, people that seem to always have things turn out super well.

5.  Did you spend a lot of time outdoors as a child? Doing what? Do you spend a lot of time outdoors now? Doing what?
 I wasn't constantly outdoors as a kid, but I would still say I spent a lot of time outside. We played in the backyard and roamed the neighborhood playing with our friends in their yards or at the nearby parks. I walked to and from school. We rode bikes everywhere. When my family went on vacation, it was usually a camping trip so that also meant time outdoors. Nowadays, I don't spend that much time outdoors. Working full time is a big factor, but also I'm not riding bikes or running around at playgrounds any more! We do try to go for walks and to visit parks with good walking and hiking trails. 

6. Insert your own random thought here.

I'm a little worried that I'm coming down with a cold, as my throat started feeling icky this afternoon. Most likely it's allergies, as my eyes have been itchy and weepy for a few days and I also had a couple of sneezing spells today. All the same, I opted to stay home from Dinner + Discipleship, and get some rest.

As I usually do, I invite you to check out the current  Wednesday Quotes link-up theme of "Looking After Yourself" - you'll find it here: WQ - Self-Care of Selfish?

Have you experienced good luck this week? Leave a comment and let me know!

From this Side of the Pond

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  1. I had never thought of having a corned beef dinner until I read all the posts about St Patrick's Day. I think I am going to have to make one.
    Grapes are my favourite too and I feel the same about veggies. I am getting better at eating them but I wouldn't go out of my way to.
    Oh no! I hope you are feeling better now.

    1. I remember being puzzled about why corned beef was even associated with St Patrick's Day and researching it, although of course I don't remember it all now. I like corned beef but hate cabbage, so sandwiches work just as well for me. And I do feel like such a child for not enjoying veggies, but I think many adults are not big fans if we're honest. Thanks for stopping by and commenting, and for the well-wishes!

  2. I hope your throat is better today! I enjoyed your answers.

  3. So much of this resonated with me, including, unfortunately, that I know I have a cold. It hasn't been that bad, just annoying. I hope you are getting lots of rest and feel better soon. I agree so much with your thoughts on veggies- they are exactly mine and I agree with your green with envy- about things always seemingly turning out well for some people. Also I liked your answer about "luck." There are many ways to look and think about that concept. Have a great weekend!

  4. I hope you escape the cold ! St. Patrick's day is not well known here, it came to us by the Americans who live here as there is an English speaking school where I live. Through blogging I heard about St. Patrick !


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