Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Share Four Somethings - July 2024

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Near the end of each month I try to share Something Loved, Something Accomplished, Something Improved Upon, and Something Noticed.  I was busy on the weekend and didn't get it done, and now I'm in the final hours of July so I'd better get busy! I'll add my Something Read and What's Coming Up Soon at the end, as usual, and I'll try to keep it all pretty short because it's almost August!

Something Loved

Celebrating (although it was very low-key) Canada Day to start the month. And the more boisterious celebration of Independence Day. We enjoyed time with friends and with family, and lots of fireworks.

I absolutely loved our trip back to Maryland last weekend to see family and friends. It was not a long trip, but it was good to be with my people again, especially my sweet granddaughter.

Something Accomplished

I don't know. Little things like actually making the phone calls to sort out things like our house insurance and car insurance - or at least make progress on those things. Getting to work mostly on time even though I struggle to get out of the house in a timely manner, and my favorite route to and from work is under construction. 

Something Improved Upon (or that needs improvement)

I have worked on getting all my chorus music memorized and be consistent in doing the things I learned during our coaching workshop, so I feel good about the memorization and vocals. I still feel like I'm flailing a bit with some of the choreo so that still needs work. It's hard to find time to practice that! 

Something Noticed (In our Lives or Around Town)

The boardwalks and other improvements to Taylor Farm Park are coming along, and it's the place to be locally for birdwatching. Especially water-loving birds. We've noticed ducks, geese, egrets, herons, blackbirds, goldfinches, buntings, sparrows, killdeer and plovers, blue jays, cardinals, woodpeckers, hawks, and the list goes on! 

 I don't know for sure if I've seen Green Herons before, but if I have, I didn't correctly identify them, because I didn't realize they were so small! Isn't it wild how their long necks seem to just disappear when they're not stretched out? 

Oh, and this little Downy Woodpecker was at my suet feeder. She sat there so still for so long we wondered if she'd fallen asleep. I think she was just waiting for golden hour and the setting sun to hit her just right. 

Something Read

Once Upon A Prince by Rachel Hauck

Here are the books I'm currently reading:

Harvest of Rubies by Tessa Afshar
Sisters of Fortune by Anna Lee Huber

All of my reading news is at Just A Second if you're interested.

What's Coming Up Soon?

Our anniversary is at the beginning of August and we're celebrating tomorrow with a date night to a comedy club. 

We have a vacation home booked for five days later on in August, and all the kids and grandkids will be there for at least the weekend. They can't all stay for the whole time, but I'm so excited about this! We're hoping to make a family get-together vacation like this an annual thing if all goes well.

Share something in the comments, or share four somethings with the rest of us in the link party!

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  1. What a fabulous place to watch for birds! I've only seen a green heron once before and was surprised at how much smaller they are than the great gray heron we're so used to seeing. August sounds like it's going to be lots of fun. Happy Anniversary!

    1. yes, we have lots of great blue herons and egrets around and they are HUGE compared to the green herons, which I didn't realize. Thanks for stopping by and commenting, and for the anniversary wishes!

  2. I don't believe I've ever seen a green heron. I have seen white ones, though. I do love to watch birds. We have a robin nesting in the baker's rack on the back porch. The two little eggs hatched sometime within the last couple of days. We try to stay off the porch as much as possible so the parent(s) won't leave the little hatchlings.

    1. I didn't think I'd ever seen one either, but once I realized how small they are, I wonder if I've seen them but didn't look close enough to realize they were herons?! How sweet to have robins nesting on your porch! Though it can be challenging to stay out of their way. thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  3. I like to watch birds, but I don't know their breed name ! Maybe it's because I had 4 cats at one time !

    1. I find it the hardest to tell all the different kinds of sparrows and finches apart, and my cat often spooks them away from the feeders when she looks out the window too. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  4. Sounds like a good month! Taylor Farm Park looks like an amazing place. I enjoyed all of your bird photos.

    1. Having Taylor Farm Park so close by is one of the perks of living here! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  5. Wonderful pictures!! It sounds like a great month. Happy Anniversary, I hope your family time goes well later in the month.

    1. Thanks - I'm pretty happy with how July turned out and hoping for a great August as well! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  6. Happy Anniversary!!! What a great month. Taylor Park Farm sounds wonderful. I love your photos.
    Visiting today from S4S #9.

    1. We really enjoy Taylor Farm and are glad we have a place like that so close to us. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  7. Beautiful photos! You have a good eye. Heading over to Just A Second. Happy Anniversary!

    1. Thank you! I'm so glad you stopped by and commented!


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