Tuesday, April 30, 2024

April - The Rhythms of Springtime

This post may contain affiliate links - using affiliate links from A Fresh Cup of Coffee helps continue the coffee breaks and conversation. 

I decided that Rhythm would be my WOTY and one way I'm trying to establish a rhythm is by keeping a very brief daily diary, to watch for daily and weekly patterns to develop and to be intentional about keeping the good ones going. I do like the rhythm of writing a phrase or sentence about each day and making it into a summary post. Seems like rhythms are changing again as the days get longer and warmer. I haven't been doing as well with meal planning, and it's harder for the evenings to run smoothly when we don't know for sure what's for dinner!


April 1 - Took the morning off work so I could see the kids off on their way back home. Thankfully an easy afternoon at work. Chorus was a lot of fun, but also had some big emotions that took us a bit by surprise.

April 2 - Storms started during the night and there was heavy rain and some flooding to deal with, but no other major disruptions to our daily rhythms. I bought my tickets to the Twenty One Pilots concert in the fall, but that was a whole ordeal!

April 3 - Good work day and a good evening at Dinner + Discipleship. Got to sit with friends we hadn't visited with for awhile so it was good to catch up.

April 4 - Class in the morning, work in the afternoon, and rain most of the day. 

April 5 - Was surprised that I made it home from work before hubby. Relaxed evening at home and tried making some plans for the weekend.

April 6 - Had a lazy morning at home by myself, and didn't get much done! Shame on me. Hubby got home in time for us to go to the eagle watch hike in the afternoon. Went out to our favorite Greek restaurant for dinner.

April 7 - We were both on worship team at church. Monte Cristos at home for lunch, then after a long nap we went for a walk at one of the Metro Parks, then picked up pizza for dinner. And purposely ordered extra so we'd have leftovers for our lunches!

April 8 - Eclipse Day! I was at work, but we were all given eclipse glasses and could step outside and have a look at the event. I went out for a little bit before, during, and after the totality (or as close to it as we were, about 95%). It was really cool, but I guess even that 5% made it far less dramatic than it would have been a bit further west of here. 

April 9 - Didn't feel like a Tuesday since there was no chorus rehearsal the night before. I stopped at the eye doctor after work and got an updated prescription, and ordered glasses for work.

April 10 - An ordinary Wednesday, complete with Dinner + Discipleship.

April 11 - Co-op and work like most Thursdays. Talked to my daughter in the evening, and helped her finish up her taxes, and I tried to finish up ours.

April 12 - A regular workday, but with the added stress and anxiety of needing to file taxes, because we ran into a snag and couldn't e-file. An old hassle from a previous health insurance was screwing us over yet again. I hope to be done with it after this!

April 13 - I went with a group from our church to the district missions convention. It's been twenty-some years since I went to any district events for the Nazarene church, so it was different! Had a good time with the group I was with. After I got home, we met our son and his family at what we called the "hippie farm" (actually Groovy Plants Ranch) and then went out for dinner in Sunbury.

April 14 - We were on worship team at church, but had no other plans for the day. So we had a long nap in the afternoon, went walking in the evening, and picked up some groceries. Finished state taxes - at least we're getting a refund there! But a huge downer when I realized that we have to file city taxes separately, and we owe a lot. City taxes were NOT explained well to us last year, or we neither one of us understood any of what we were told. 

April 15 - Taxes suck. There, I said what we all think. On the plus side, it was a chorus day and the first of our Sing Into Spring guest nights, so it was really fun!

April 16 - Actually filed city taxes. A day late because, at this point, one day wasn't going to make a difference.

April 17 - Work and then Dinner + Discipleship. The drive home from work was harrowing, as I was driving when a severe thunderstorm went through, and spent about 20 minutes driving through a hailstorm! Very stressful!

April 18 - Another very ordinary Thursday, with co-op class in the morning, then work, and a quiet evening at home.

April 19 - I hurried home from work, with a quick stop to pick up some hot dog buns. The kids came over and we grilled hot dogs, brats, and corn on the cob. 

April 20 - Hubby worked, and I went to meet him there after lunch so I could see the tulip fields. The Tulip Festival was pretty much over, since the rains and hail earlier in the week had done some damage, but it was still pretty. In the evening we went to serve dinner at a mission church with others from our church.

April 21 - Our church service was early this week, and afterwards, we helped collect donated groceries throughout our neighborhoods. We relaxed in the afternoon, then attended the evening service together. Hubby went off to his hockey game (his team won the city championship) and I stayed for some ice cream at church before heading home.

April 22 - work and another fun guest night at chorus rehearsal.

April 23 - stopped to pick up my new glasses on the way home from work. Had a really quick shower when I got home and then went with hubby to a work dinner at a Japanese hibachi steakhouse. One of the interns had finished his term and was heading home so it was a dinner to celebrate with him. 

April 24 - Work followed by Dinner + Discipleship. Afterwards I called my aunt for her birthday.

April 25 - An easy co-op class, and I had a little extra time at home afterwards because I had an appointment with the oral surgeon to check my post. Got there and they were running behind so it was a long wait and I didn't get to work till mid-afternoon.

April 26 - Glad to have a quiet and ordinary workday and a quiet evening at home too.

April 27 - Opted to stay home all day (except for a short grocery run) in hopes of getting some housework done. Didn't do as much as I'd wanted, but made some progress and worked on some plans for upcoming weekends.

April 28 - Worship team and church, followed by lunch with our 55+ Dinner Club. Took a short nap when we got home and then went for a hike with our son and his family. Checked on the eagle family at Hundred Acre Woods and explored the hilly section of that trail. Came back home for hot dogs and wings. And to check on Jemima Puddle-Duck. She certainly has a predictable rhythm of life as far as we can tell and is perfectly fine with our rhythms of going past her morning and evening.

low quality (zoomed) photo of adult 
and juvenile bald eagles

April 29 - Worked and stopped at Wendy's for this week's fast food dinner. Chorus rehearsal was good, and I got to sing in the quartet for a new member getting ready to audition.

April 30 - Just when I thought I had a great morning routine established, I was a few minutes behind schedule this morning. Then was considerably delayed going around an accident. Just tired all day too. And that's a wrap for April!


 Rhythm is my Word of The Year for 2024 because I realized I'd need to adjust my routines and work on my time management as I started a full time work schedule, and I couldn't be striving or fighting all the time - I need to establish a healthy, balanced rhythm to my days and weeks. And additionally, in the last part of 2023, I felt like God had really been speaking to me about the subject of Sabbath, and that he was inviting me to be more intentional about practicing and celebrating a Sabbath rhythm in my life. Here's my WOTY post to explain: WQ - Rhythm Inspires


What's Been On My Calendar? #WBOYC

When my posting schedule coincides with the link-up I share at What's Been On Your Calendar #WBOYC hosted by Deb's World.

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 ©2006-2024 HS Coffee Break/Just A Second/A Fresh Cup of Coffee. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author. https://morecoffeebreaks.blogspot.com/ 

 We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.

Simple Meal Planning - Plan to Eat

Twenty-Six Lists - A Floral List

This post may contain affiliate links - using affiliate links from A Fresh Cup of Coffee helps continue the coffee breaks and conversation. 

Welcome to Twenty-Six Lists! I hope you'll join me in this simple link-up, where I share a writing prompt for some kind of list, and invite you to share what's on your list. Your list can be very simple or include lots of explanation; short or long; a bullet point list or essay style. Interpret the list prompts however you like, depending on how much time you have to spend, and how much background you'd like to share. 

Spring has sprung where I live, and we are enjoying warmer weather, and seeing more green on the trees. Seeing and hearing more birds. And for a lot of people, it's gardening season. It's not for me, since I have no interest or talent for growing things. But I do enjoy browsing greenhouses and garden centers, and I love visiting conservatories and gardens. I may not like gardening, but I do like flowers, and I have quite a few favorites.

Favorite Flowers:

How do I even begin a list of all the flowers I love, and how do I order it? 

Daisies, and all the "daisy-shaped" flowers, always make me smile. Simple and cheerful! I love having bouquets of simple white daisies in my dining room, and I think it's fun to get the bouquets of neon-colored ones too. Over my twenty-five years in Maryland, I really grew to love the state flower, the Black-Eyed Susan. Not just because it's got that daisy shape, but also because they require almost no effort to grow as they keep reseeding themselves! I kind of felt the same way about the echinacea.

My husband told me what these are called - just last week - and I've 
forgotten. To me, they are purple daisies.

Since it's springtime, the classic spring flowers are next on my list. I adore tulips!! Tulips are another favorite for fresh flowers inside the house, and have long been one of my very favorite flowers. I toyed with having tulips in my wedding bouquet, but since I got married in August, it wasn't a practical choice. Daffodils, hyacinths, and crocuses have really moved up in my favorites lists in recent years.

Canada 150 Tulip

I did have lily-of-the-valley in my wedding bouquet - but they were artificial. Lily-of-the-valley are another longstanding favorite of mine.

In general, I like the simpler flowers, and a field of wildflowers is one of the most beautiful things to me. Maybe that's why I like the black-eyed Susans and those simpler wildflowers so much.

Other favorites that I think are so cheerful and unassuming: pansies, bleeding hearts, bluebells, and many small wildflowers. And when it comes to tree blossoms, I think I love them all. Cherry blossoms, apple blossoms, mountain laurels, flowering dogwood . . .

pansies at the greenhouse

During the Christmas season, I still like poinsettias. My husband gets tired of them, I think, since he always spends so much time and effort on them at the greenhouse for just a few weeks of peak interest from the public. But I like them. And I also have started to gravitate towards the paper-whites or narcissus as well. Since they're the flower for December birthdays, I feel like they belong on my favorites list too!

Which flowers are your favorites? Please share.

The link-up is open for two weeks, with a new prompt every other Tuesday. 

If you'd like to think further ahead, you can find the list of all prompts for the 2024 Edition of Twenty-Six Lists on A Fresh Cup of Coffee here: Twenty-Six Lists - Accomplishments and Goals

Bonus List: The next few list prompts so you can think ahead!

May 14 - Books
May 28 - Family Traditions
June 11 - Summery Menu
June 25 - To See or Do in Your Hometown

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 ©2006-2024 HS Coffee Break/Just A Second/A Fresh Cup of Coffee. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author. https://morecoffeebreaks.blogspot.com/ 

 We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.

Simple Meal Planning - Plan to Eat

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Scripture and a Snapshot - Passover

And they left and found everything just as He had told them; and they prepared the Passover.
When the hour came, He reclined at the table and the apostles with Him.
And He said to them, "I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer; for I say to you, I shall not eat it again until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God."
And when He had taken a cup and given thanks, He said, "Take this and share it among yourselves; for I say to you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine from now on until the kingdom of God comes."
And when He had taken some bread and given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying "This is My body, which is being given for you; do this in remembrance of Me."
And in the same way He took the cup after they had eaten, saying, "This cup, which is poured out for you, is the new covenant in My blood."

~Luke 22:13-20~

Thank you for joining Scripture & A Snapshot. Leave a link to your own post sharing a Scripture and a Snapshot. Take time to visit some of the other links and bless each other with comments.

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©2006-2024 HS Coffee Break/Just A Second/A Fresh Cup of Coffee. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author. https://morecoffeebreaks.blogspot.com/ 

We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Share Four Somethings - April 2024

This post may contain affiliate links - using affiliate links from A Fresh Cup of Coffee helps continue the coffee breaks and conversation. 

Just remembered that my blogging plan for today included sharing Something Loved, Something Accomplished, Something Improved Upon, and Something Noticed.  I'd better get it done! I'm going to continue adding my Something Read and What's Coming Up Soon as well.

Something Loved (and/or Disliked)

Loved doing a little more exploring at the nearby parks.

Also loved exploring the Groovy Plants Ranch one weekend, and seeing the Timbuk Farms Tulip Festival on another weekend.

I greatly disliked everything about filing and paying taxes. It's a miserable and confusing process, made worse when we didn't get things explained well to us last year and were hit with unpleasant surprises when it came to city taxes. 

Something Accomplished

Our church participated in a big service weekend, and hubby and I helped on the team that served a meal at a church center one night, and on another team that collected donated groceries for the local food bank. 

Something Improved Upon

I'm still working on my sleep habits from last month, with some successes there. Trying to improve upon my meal planning system as well. 

I'm hoping that having new glasses specifically for reading and looking at the computer screen will reduce the discomfort from strained or tired eyes.

Something Noticed (In our Lives or Around Town)

Jemima Puddle-Duck has been patiently sitting her eggs for a couple weeks now - all ten of them! We've noticed that she isn't scared of us, really, and she does have a nice spot right near our door. We're hoping to see ducklings soon!

Something Read

I finished and reviewed:

The Kamogawa Food Detectives by Hisashi Kashiwai
The Vanishing at Castle Moreau by Jaime Jo Wright

Here are the books I'm currently reading:

Wimpy Weak and Woke by John L. Cooper
Voice of the Ancient by Connilyn Cossette

All of my reading news is at Just A Second if you're interested.

What's Coming Up Soon?

We're planning to go to a baseball game with our son and his family this coming week, and I hope the weather will be good. It will be a great way to kick off May!

Just a couple more weeks of co-op class and then I guess I'll close the books on my tutoring "career". I will definitely miss teaching, but it wasn't the same doing it virtually anyway. It will make my work schedule the same every weekday, and I am planning to start a half hour later each day, once I don't have to make up that Thursday morning time every week.

We are planning a trip to Maryland for Memorial Day weekend, and hopefully a trip out to the northwest soon to spend a weekend with friends from our Calgary days. Don't have anything firmed up for that yet, but we are working on it.

Share something in the comments, or share four somethings with the rest of us in the link party!

  Don't miss a coffee break! Subscribe to A Fresh Cup of Coffee by email

 ©2006-2024 HS Coffee Break/Just A Second/A Fresh Cup of Coffee. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author. https://morecoffeebreaks.blogspot.com/ 

 We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.

Simple Meal Planning - Plan to Eat