Monday, December 4, 2023

WQ - Getting Creative

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It's Monday of the following week, but I've got a little something to add to last week's Wednesday Quotes link-up hosted by Marsha at Always Write

I wasn't sure I was going to come up with something creative to share for this week's prompt, at least not in time! But I couldn't pass up the opportunity to share some holiday themed creativity, and then one of the quotes I found took me down a slightly different memory lane.

Creativity is intelligence having fun. ~Albert Einstein

This graphic about your brain on piano will likely not show up large enough for you to read that tiny font, so I'll summarize. When you play piano, your brain is managing all the following functions: visually reading two lines of music on different clefs; listening and adjusting playing as needed; both hands playing different notes and rhythms, and often using all ten fingers; synthesizing motor activity to "keep time";  spatial awareness to be able to play without looking at where hands are on the keyboard; one or both feet using the pedals as needed; and of course, the creative artistic interpretation. As the graphic states, it's a total brain workout, using up to nine areas of the brain! Creative intelligence for sure. 

I'm always thinking about creating. My future starts when I wake up every morning . . . Every day I find something creative to do with my life. ~Miles Davis

My daughter's creative use of an old record

I often think of creativity in terms of visual art like drawing or painting, but there are many ways to express creativity. I do play piano, and I sing. I don't write stories or poetry, but I have really enjoyed teaching creative writing at a homeschool co-op. Even writing for a personal blog is an expression of creativity. I can follow directions to create visual art, and I also think there's creativity involved in decorating for the holidays! After all, there are so many color combinations and themes and styles, and we all have our own ideas of how the tree should be trimmed or how the lights should be set up. 

Singing creative barbershop arrangements of
Christmas carols this past weekend

The above is my latest "follow directions" creative work! Amazing what an artistically challenged person can do when given stencils and good instructions! 

The holiday paint projects below are all the result of "paint parties" where someone with actual artistic skill teaches an art class for a couple hours. We could choose the colors we wanted to use and we each had different interpretations, as you can see in the two Santas, which show how my daughter and I followed the same directions but created slightly different paintings.

Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties. ~Erich Fromm

To stimulate creativity one must develop childlike inclination for play and the childlike desire for recognition. ~Albert Einstein

Here's the quote that took me that different direction:

Creative without strategy is called 'art.' Creative with strategy is called 'advertising.' ~Jef I. Richards

I thought about some of the most memorable ad campaigns and commercial jingles I've seen and heard over the years, and had to agree! Those creative slogans, songs, and visuals are the ones that stick in our minds and are easy to associate with the product or idea being promoted. I decided to show a few photos from our visit to the American Sign Museum in Cincinnati a couple years ago, because there was definitely some creativity at work in the visuals used to advertise places and products!

Wednesday Quotes is hosted by Marsha at Always Write. This post will be linked at #WQ #48: Creative

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  1. Love that on the piano. And now I can understand why some days it's just harder for me to do it. Like yesterday morning at church, I felt like I was just a little bit off when playing. I think I was tired and my mind did not want to do all 9 of those things at the same time. We got through and it was okay, but I gotta say, Thank goodness for my cousin playing so I could soften my playing some and let her carry it in parts of the music.

    1. I think you're right that being really tired or not feeling well would affect our musicianship more than we might realize! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  2. Kym, you did a very creative job with this topic! I think your blog itself is one of the more creative blogs on the internet today. I love it. Some of my brain parts never worked quite right when it came to playing the piano. Reading two staffs at the same time was always terribly difficult for me. I hadn't considered all the other functions it takes to play the piano. I love the creative approach you took with art. Many ads are collectibles. I got a shirt for my birthday with a 1940s print from Sentinel Ranch Oranges in CA.

    1. We have collected a lot of Coca-Cola advertising pieces over the years - some great artistic and creative thinking went into much of that! Thanks for taking the time to comment and for your very kind compliments on my blog!


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