Thursday, August 24, 2023

WQ - All In Good Fun

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I'm participating in the Wednesday Quotes link-up hosted by Marsha at Always Write, and we have a really broad topic this week―fun. There are so many ways to have fun, and so many aspects of fun. Being silly, laughing, finding enjoyment or satisfaction in what you do . . . can fun be both serious and frivolous? Here are some interesting quotes I found about fun in many areas of life. Hope you have fun browsing through my collection of quotes and thoughts and photos!

Having Fun Learning

You should be having more fun in high school, exploring things because you want to explore them and learning because you love learning―not worrying about competition. ~Maya Lin

Classical Astronomy (Blogging Through the Alphabet) on Homeschool Coffee Break @

Science is fun. Science is curiosity. We all have natural curiosity. Science is a process of investigating. It's posting questions and coming up with a method. It's delving in. ~Sally Ride

Hmmm. This sounds like something I was trying to say in my Tell Us About . . . Imagination post.

It just makes sense that people learn more and learn it better if there's fun and enjoyment in the learning process. This is something that was important to us in homeschooling. It definitely wasn't goofing around and just being random all the time, but I tried to find ways to make the schoolwork interesting, creative, and entertaining.

Having Fun While Working

I think this encompasses a lot! Having fun with the people you work with, getting a kick out of doing your job, finding enjoyment in daily tasks . . .

People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing. ~Dale Carnegie

To find joy in work is to discover the fountain of youth. ~Pearl S. Buck

I never did a day's work in my life. It was all fun. ~Thomas A. Edison

Take your job seriously, but don't take yourself too seriously. ~Alex Trebek

Work hard, have fun, make history. ~Jeff Bezos

Fun With Family and Friends

You can only have fun helping other people have fun if you're having fun doing it. ~Bernie DeKoven

Nothing in life is fun for the whole family. There are no massage parlors with ice cream and free jewelry. ~Jerry Seinfeld

I realized my family was funny because nobody ever wanted to leave our house. ~Anthony Anderson

I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let's face it, friends make life a lot more fun. ~Charles R. Swindoll

Fun as an Ingredient of Confidence and Success

You don't have to be serious all the time to do a good job. ~Simone Biles

When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things. ~Joe Namath

Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game. ~Michael Jordan

Skiing combines outdoor fun with knocking down trees with your face. ~Dave Barry

(This sums up why I do NOT consider skiing fun!)

Fun is one of the most important - and underrated - ingredients in any successful venture. If you're not having fun, then it's probably time to call it quits and try something else. ~Richard Branson

It's kind of fun to do the impossible. ~Walt Disney

Never, ever underestimate the importance of having fun. ~Randy Pausch

I know it is wet and the sun is not sunny, but we can have lots of good fun that is funny. ~Dr. Seuss

Fun is a Blessing from God

 Sometimes we think living a moral life and following God means being all serious and that fun isn't allowed, but that's really not true! Or it shouldn't be! Certainly we take faith seriously, and it's not a constant laughing matter, but people who have a right relationship with God have the best reason to find joy and delight in life. And that's what God wants for us too! The Teacher in Ecclesiastes points out that there is an appropriate time and place for everything in balance, including joy and sorrow, and frivolity and seriousness. It may seem like the Teacher says everything is pointless, but on the whole, the book concludes that our lives are short and we may not understand why things turn out the way that they do, but we can still live our best lives by following God's ways and enjoying every moment to the full!

There is nothing better for a person than to eat, drink, and enjoy his work. I have seen that even this is from God's hand, because who can eat and who can enjoy life apart from him?
~Ecclesiastes 2:24-25~

I know that there is nothing better for them than to rejoice and enjoy the good life. It is also the gift of God whenever anyone eats, drinks, and enjoys all his efforts.
~Ecclesiastes 3:12-13~

So I commend the enjoyment of life, because there is nothing better for a person under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany them in their toil all the days of the life God has given them under the sun.
~Ecclesiastes 8:15~

So you might not find the word "fun" in the Bible, but I think it's safe to say that experiencing joy and happiness, finding satisfaction and success in our work, and taking delight in all God has given us IS the best possible way to have fun in life!

How happy is everyone who fears the LORD,
who walks in his ways!
You will surely eat
what your hands have worked for.
You will be happy,
and it will go well for you.
~Psalm 128:1-2~

Wednesday Quotes is hosted by Marsha at Always Write. This post will be linked at #WQ #34: Fun

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Simple Meal Planning - Plan to Eat


  1. I'm ready to have more fun, Kym. This was a fun post to read. Your pictures are fun - I love the red raincoats and smiles. We are off tonight to play Mexican Train, a domino game with friends from church. Having lots of friends is a blessing to me. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend. :)

    1. This was fun to put together! Have a great time playing dominoes - I love playing Mexican Train, and don't get to play as often as I'd like. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  2. I love your quotes, photos and thoughts. I just love the time and thought you put in to your posts. Lately I feel like I'm scrambling to mine put together, but I enjoy when I can take my time.

    1. I think I'm probably guilty of spending a bit too much time on my posts and neglecting some other things! I know I won't have much time this week though! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!


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