Sunday, April 30, 2023
Scripture and a Snapshot - Search Me
Friday, April 28, 2023
Five Minute Friday - Persist
Thursday, April 27, 2023
Monthly Musings - All About Spring

Wednesday, April 26, 2023
What's Up Wednesday Hodgepodge - April 2023
I do have a bird feeder! At my townhouse, I just have two―a small seed feeder and a suet feeder. But at my house in Maryland (where I'm visiting right now), I have seed feeders, a suet feeder, a woodpecker stack feeder, and a tray feeder. Also two hummingbird feeders and an oriole feeder, but I haven't tried putting that out yet. I'm hoping that when we get a house in Ohio I'll have a good location for lots of bird feeding and birdwatching.
All that said, I don't really use birds in my decor. We have a couple of things that feature birds, but not much. When I was growing up, we always had a parakeet; and for a little while when I was a newlywed we had a cockatiel. Just recently, I started wondering about getting a parakeet again. I'm not sure I could pick a favorite bird but maybe right now it's the cardinal.
Oh, this is one of those questions that make me feel like I'm tooting my own horn! Hmmm. I'd say teaching or tutoring writing classes. When I took on the task of teaching high school writing and literature for our homeschool co-op a few years ago, I hoped I'd be able to do a halfway decent job. There was a bit of a learning curve for me, of course, but for the most part it felt natural and I loved doing it. For the most part, I've received positive feedback and I feel like I made the classes fun and informative and useful for my students.
The obvious answer is empty nest. That's the stage of life we're in right now, having moved to a townhouse and having no adult children living with us any more. Proud as a peacock also applies right now. I'm so proud of my daughter who is getting set to graduate from university, my sons who are all outstanding men that work hard and take care of family and love the Lord, my daughters-in-law who are both beautiful additions to our family and are wonderful mothers. I'm so proud of my two sweet granddaughters who bring so much joy and laughter to the family.
I have tried all of these, and although I'm not a huge fan of pumpkin seeds or flax seeds, I do like all of them. My favorites are sesame seeds because I think of all the yummy breads that have sesame seeds on top. The two best, in my opinion, are challah and za'atar bread, and I bake them myself.
So many things! I'm so happy to have time to spend with my kids here and be able to participate in daily life with them for a bit. Especially to have time with Aubrey. It made me so happy to hear Kennady sing in her recital, and it was also a huge lift to be able to play with her worship team in church this past Sunday.
I have an awful lot of stuff here at the Maryland house that I will need to move or deal with. It's discouraging to realize how much there is. Even more so when I try to think about when we'll be able to do it. That's a downer to end on, isn't it? The positive spin is that we weren't forced to deal with twenty years of all the things in this house in a huge hurry so we could get the house ready to sell. That would have been really stressful! Instead, we have time to figure it out and the kids can use the things that they do need or find useful . . . and hopefully the things aren't too terribly in the way!
What's up in your world this week? Leave a comment and let me know!
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Everyday Images #7

But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in God's love a...
One word. Five minutes to write about it. This is the idea behind Five Minute Friday and this is today's free-writing post. journey t...
What does it mean to practice self-care, or to look after yourself? I think it can take a lot of different forms, depending on your personal...