Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Wednesday Hodgepodge - Thoughts on Goof Off Day

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A hodgepodge is a jumble or assortment of things that might not appear to belong together. Joyce at From This Side of the Pond hosts a weekly link-up called Wednesday Hodgepodge that is a little collection of questions for bloggers to answer just for fun and to get to know each other. I always look forward to chatting with friends over coffee, so pour a cup of your favorite and let's visit for a few minutes!

Here are this week's questions - and my answers - for this week's Wednesday Hodgepodge.

1. Did you celebrate St. Patrick's Day in some way? If so, tell us how. Are you a fan of corned beef? Cabbage? The color green?

I guess we didn't really celebrate St. Patrick's Day. It's not really the same without the kids around―even the big kids! I bought Lucky Charms as a treat for my breakfasts during the week, and we had Irish coffee. That's about it! I really like corned beef, but most of the rest of the family does not. My husband is okay with it, so I made that for our Sunday dinner. I do not like cabbage at all! I do like the color green, but not to wear―more for decorating.


Our granddaughter made a leprechaun trap and I cannot believe she didn't catch one!


2. March 22nd is National Goof Off Day . . . will you celebrate? Your favorite way to goof off? Last time you had a whole day to spend 'goofing off'?
Oh my, like I need a national day to goof off! If the definition of goofing off is just wasting time doing something silly, I do it every day. I goof off with word puzzles or games on my phone way too often, so I think those are my favorite way to goof off. I don't think I've had a whole day to goof off since a vacation. Or maybe one of the days I was home alone recovering after my knee replacement. 


3. Something on your to-do list that has been there more than a month? Will this be the month you finally cross it off?

 There are lots of things on the list that I've been putting off for one reason or another! Biggest or most important is getting our drivers licenses, vehicle tags and registration, and auto insurance updated to Ohio instead of Maryland. We should have been able to do this in January, but with one thing and another we kept putting it off. And YES. I am going on record that this will get done in March. It really has to!

4. In your opinion, what emotion is the most beneficial? Which one is the least useful?

 I bet as I read others' answers, I will second guess my own, but I think the most beneficial emotion might be enthusiasm. It's that spark of positive energy that helps motivate me to get things done and improves my attitude, helps me find joy in doing ho-hum things and adds passion to things I already enjoy. 

The least useful emotion might be guilt. Feeling guilty about something usually means there's nothing that can be done about something that's happened in the past and if you just stew in it you're not accepting forgiveness and not learning anything from the experience. Just wallowing in self-loathing or bitterness, which is no good. 


5. What was your favorite thing to do as a kid? Elaborate.

Goof off?! I guess probably playing any kind of pretend. I had an active imagination and loved to read so I had no shortage of ideas for stories I could tell myself as I played with my toys and dolls. I wanted to be a teacher, so I spent a lot of time pretending to be a teacher, and I very often played 'school' with one of my best friends. We would take turns being the teacher and student.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

I could really use some more enthusiasm these days. I'm having a hard time staying motivated to get much done and even my plan to go for a walk first thing in the morning has fallen by the wayside since it's still dark when my husband leaves for work. And it's been cold! Hopefully now that it's warming again I will get a little bit of gumption back and get out for walks. I should put a little energy into looking for a part time job as well. I have found a Sweet Adelines chorus I'm going to join so I have music to learn and at least one thing to add to my calendar every week so that should help me feel a bit less gloomy and alone. There won't be any goofing off as I get up to speed on all the music, but the performing will involve enthusiasm and a bit of the pretending skill I used to have!


Are you taking some time to goof off today? Leave a comment and let me know!

From this Side of the Pond

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  1. Back when I ate cereal, I used to love Lucky Charms!

  2. No goofing off today, but there is always tomorrow. That Sweet Adeline group sounds interesting. Singing always lifts my spirits! Hope you find that motivation soon. We are hoping to be able to walk outside again, soon, too! Happy Spring to you!

  3. I liked what you said about guilt, well said.
    I know what you mean about the dark mornings, we had light a wee bit of light in the mornings, then the time change hit and now it is dark again. Soon, very soon it will be light again. ;-)

  4. I spend too much time 'goofing off' with games on my phone too. It's too easy. I hope you enjoy your new musical group and that's a fun thing for you to do. I need to renew my passport and that's on my list. I know I'll need it next year so that's motivating me a little. Just a little though lol.

  5. I liked goofing off better as a child than now because goofing off back then usually meant I wasn't doing what I was supposed to be doing; like my homework or chores. I enjoyed your post.

  6. Enjoyed your answers and I so agree with you on guilt. It can destroy folks. Have a great rest of the week!

  7. I really am not motivated to get much exercise at all lately and keep thinking "Oh, I'll do that tomorrow" and then I talk myself out of that morning too.

    1. yeah, that's been me lately. There's always some "reason" I can't today. :sigh:

  8. That's cute that you bought Lucky Charms. That's a cute trap that she made. It is way too easy to put things off. I am so guilty of that. I could use some enthusiasm. I'm telling you that I am mot the person I was before the pandemic. I want me back! Hope your week is going well. Take care.

  9. I loved your answers. Guilt and enthusiasm are great answers.


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